Gutenberg WordPress editor one step further! –

What is Gutenberg WordPress

The WordPress Gutenberg editor is the big bet for having a builder visual for all the content you generate on this platform.

As in many other things in this “polarized” 21st century, there are users who have applauded this change or new functionality (considering it very necessary), and many other users reject it (getting out of the comfort zone has never been easy).

The Gutenberg WordPress content editor is mainly characterized by the use of blocks.

Although this editor seeks to make content creation more systematic as well as easy, a certain learning curve to get used to it (but… this happens with almost any new tool right?).

WordPress has its own , so you can try it instantly, without the need to have any type of WordPress installation or web active (Try it as soon as you finish reading the article. It’s very cool!).

When installing WordPress, Gutenberg by default often comes natively.

But if you don’t find it by default in your WordPress installation, you need install it from the official plugin repository (follow ).

When you do, you will see a new menu added to the left sidebar in the WordPress admin panel.

In this menu you have the link to the official demo (commented above), to the support (on the official WordPress plugin repository page itself), to the documentation (with very useful animated gifs to know how to use the editor) and to experimentswhich, as the name suggests, offer tools (for now only one) that improve the use of Gutenberg (if I were you, I would not use these experiments in production environments).

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