Health seeks 152 INSS medical inspectors: how to apply for one of the positions

The Ministry of Health, (BOE) has opened this Thursday, March 18, the call for up to 152 places for the National Institute of Social Security (INSS). Specifically for medical inspectors, the offer is distributed throughout Spain in a system of opposition.

Until next April 14 (20 business days from March 18), all those applicants who want to enter the Health Inspection Corps of the Social Security Administration must submit the applications (model 790) at the (IPS).

In two processes, one corresponding to 2019 and the other to the employment stabilization program approved in 2018, the 152 candidates must undergo an opposition consisting of 65 topics. Choosing one or the other, it is not possible to aspire to both, the candidates will opt for the 13 places of the first or the remaining 139 of the second.

????Call for 152 positions on the scale of medical inspectors in the Health Inspection Corps of the Social Security Administration. ????????
???? Check the BOE:
????All the info:

— Attention to the citizens of @inclusiongob (@incluinfo)

Likewise, the BOE () stipulates all the conditions as well as the details that govern the bases of the selection processes, the program, the composition of the panel and the requirements that applicants must meet.

How to apply?

From the aforementioned IPS, applicants must select the body and the form that corresponds to their process and then click on ‘Register’. Once inside, in the option ‘Make your registration online’, they must press the ‘Citizen’ button and then select the chosen means of identification by pressing the ‘Access’ button. To do this, it is essential to have an electronic certificate or be registered in the cl@ve system to identify yourself and register.

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Once the form 790 has been completed online, attached, where appropriate, scanned documents to your application, made the electronic payment of fees and delivered the electronic record of the application, you must click on ‘Sign and send registration’. If all the supporting documents are shown correctly, always before April 14, the opposition will have already been accessed, where the days and times of the exams will be communicated.


In order to be an applicant for one of the 152 INSS places, the BOE establishes a series of requirements, among which is being in possession or in a position to obtain the title of Bachelor or Degree in Medicine. Likewise, you must have Spanish nationality and in case of having the degree abroad, be in possession of the homologation credential. Candidates must possess the required requirements on the day of the end of the application submission period and maintain until the moment of taking office as a career civil servant.

In the case of applicants with disabilities, there are eleven places reserved for them, they must prove that they have a degree of disability equal to or greater than 33% and they must express it in the application form to participate in the selection processes.

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