Housewives’ and housewives’ pensions: amounts and requirements to collect in 2021

The revaluation of non-contributory pensions has favored some sectors such as housewives. This group, which is dedicated to housework or childcare, does not contribute to Social Security as they do not receive income from employment or self-employment, so they have a cushion in this pension when they reach retirement age .

What is the amount of the housewives’ pension?

For 2021, the minimum amount of the non-contributory retirement pension will be 402.80 euros per month and 5,639.20 euros per year in a total of 14 payments.

The agency informs that, “depending on the number of beneficiaries who live at the same address, their personal income and/or that of their economic unit of coexistence”, this amount may vary, although it will never be less than 100, 70 euros per month and 1,409.80 euros per year.

However, the minimum individual amount of the non-contributory pension in those households in which two people with the right to a pension live together will be 342.38 euros per month and 4,793.32 euros per year. The minimum amount of these pensions when three persons entitled to a pension live together in the household will be 322.24 euros per month and 4,511.36 euros per year.

Which are the requirements?

these are the fundamental requirements to qualify for a non-contributory retirement pension:

-Not be receiving any contributory retirement or widowhood pension.

-Be at least 65 years old.

-Reside in Spanish territory and have done so for at least ten years in a period between the age of 16 and the date on which the pension is requested. In addition, you must reside in Spain for the two years prior to this application.

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In addition, there are a series of economic requirements that we detail below:

-If the annual income is less than 5,639.20 euros per year.

-If you live with your spouse and relatives up to the second degree of consanguinity (parents, children, siblings, grandparents and grandchildren), the maximum income to qualify for this pension is 9,586.64 euros per year for two people, 13,534.08 if three live together people and 17,481.52 if four people live together.

-If any of the second degree relatives of consanguinity is a father/mother or son/daughter, the maximum income to be able to receive the pension is 23,966.60 euros per year for two people, 33,835.20 if living with three people and 42,703 .80 euros per year if you live with four people.

Other options for housewives and husbands

Those people who are currently at home but who have managed to accumulate 15 years of contributions could access the minimum retirement pension.

There are two other alternatives to go to. One of them request the (IMV). It is necessary “not to be a beneficiary of a contributory pension for retirement or permanent disability, or a non-contributory pension for disability or retirement”, and to be between 23 and 65 years old or older than 18 with dependent children, and the minimum amount is 5,639 .20 euros per year, although it may increase depending on the personal situation of the applicant.

The other is to request the (RAI), which is available to people aged 45 or over in situations of long-term unemployment. The amount is 80% of the IPREM (Public Indicator of Income for Multiple Effects), so for 2021 this amount is 451.92 euros per month.

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