How important is organizational psychology in your company?

In an increasingly competitive marketplace, finding ways to develop practical business strategies is one of the biggest . Among the best ways to do this is the use of organizational psychology.

With each passing day, more and more entrepreneurs understand that it is essential to reconcile the search for profits with the needs of employees for a more suitable work environment and healthier relationships.

In this sense, organizational psychology helps to promote the quality of life of professionals and to explore business opportunities more easily. Do you want to know more about this process and how this can help your business? Then keep reading this post.

What is organizational psychology?

Organizational psychology is an area of ​​psychology that deals with work. Its main focus is to align the interests of the company with the needs of the collaborators. Therefore, it seeks to promote quality of life and better conditions for professionals to be more productive and efficient.

The logic is quite simple. When employees feel good in the work environment, they produce more and with better quality.

Several factors influence this, such as respect for break times and rest times, safety in the work environment, good relations between employees and managers, professional ethics, among others.

All these elements, when properly respected, increase the well-being of the worker and create the perfect conditions for him to have greater productivity.

And that is where organizational psychology comes in, represented in companies by the human resources sector. Its function is to create the necessary conditions to improve the organizational environment and stimulate productivity. It also acts as a mediator between the interests of the organization and the collaborators.

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In what areas does organizational psychology operate?

The work of organizational psychology goes far beyond the simple resolution of internal conflicts in the company. In fact, it refers to several different areas.

Recruitment and selection

When we think of the role of a psychologist within an organizational context, then we think of the .

At the end of the day, this professional has the necessary knowledge to identify the characteristics and potential of a candidate and assess whether he fits the available vacancies.

During the recruitment and selection processes, the psychologist puts into practice all the knowledge acquired during his training in psychology through interviews, group dynamics, psychological tests and quizzes.

These methods allow you to gather enough information to select the candidate who best fits the job requirements and the culture of the organization.

Organizational climate survey

One of the most important strategic tools to improve the management of a company is to identify the organizational climate. This process allows revealing points of difficulty or dissatisfaction of the team, in addition to the alignment between the culture defined by the company and the actions carried out daily.

Understanding how employees feel about company situations is essential to improve negative points and reinforce positive ones. And the greater the satisfaction, the and the of the collaborators, the more productive the work environment will be.

behavior tests

Another field in which organizational psychology can act is in the application of .

They serve to identify the main skills and personality of each collaborator. In this way, it is possible to guarantee the placement of professionals in positions more aligned with their characteristics.

Performance evaluation

In order for the employees and the company to achieve the expected results, it is very important to identify their strengths and those that need improvement. And that’s what performance reviews are for.

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Carried out individually or in a team, the evaluation can be used both for the selection of new professionals and for internal promotion.

Training and staff development

Another area of ​​activity of organizational psychology is the training and development of personnel, something that directly impacts the success and performance of the company and projects it in the market.

With the increasingly competitive market, it is essential that organizations invest in training their employees through face-to-face courses and conferences, meetings, among other tools.

Job and task analysis

The definition of the procedures, instruments, functions and requirements of each position or task carried out within the company is another field of action in organizational psychology.

The psychologist also creates instruments that facilitate the monitoring and analysis of the objective results in each function.

Do you know why organizational psychology is important for your company?

Investing in organizational psychology offers many benefits.

Immediately, it helps to solve problems and obstacles in the work environment more efficiently. And these solutions are created collectively, with the help of the collaborators themselves.

In addition, organizational psychology also promotes various measures to improve the quality of life of professionals, such as ergonomics, conflict resolution, and improvement of working conditions.

Another important factor is that organizational psychology helps to map the culture of the organization and outline strategies to reinforce it. This helps maintain a healthy environment.

All of these factors help reduce company turnover (also called ), increasing employee productivity and reducing costs with new admissions and licenses.

How to implement organizational psychology in your company.

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To make organizational psychology a habit within the organization, it is necessary to form a team with organizational psychologists and Human Resources professionals.

Another option is to hire an external consultant and carry out the processes suggested by this group. But it is important to remember that the consultancy only suggests changes, and it is up to the organization to promote the continuity of these measures.

And it doesn’t matter if the company chooses to build an internal team or rely on an external consultancy. Some costs are unavoidable when implementing the measures suggested by organizational psychologists. Details such as labor, research, and testing must be considered.

However, the improvement in and increased productivity are worth the initial investment.

As you have seen, organizational psychology is not a luxury, but a strategic process that can help you improve internal processes and the well-being of the team.

With so many advantages and benefits for the organization and employees, it is more than evident that organizational psychology is essential for each entrepreneur to achieve their goals and objectives.

And by the way… Do you know how to set goals and define viable objectives for your business? So do not stop reading our content and learn .

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