How much and what foods should I eat to get enough vitamin K (a great ally against Covid)

virus that was totally unknown to the medical-scientific community and is currently under continuous investigation. One of the latest evidence is that the lack of vitamin K in our body may be involved in the most serious symptoms of the disease.

This is confirmed by a Dutch medical study, from patients admitted to the Canisius Wilhelmina Hospital, in the Dutch city of Nijmegen, which reported the benefits of vitamin K after discovering a link between its deficiency and the worse clinical outcomes of those infected by Covid-19.

The research was conducted in association with the Maastricht Cardiovascular Research Institute, one of the largest cardiac and vascular research institutes in Europe. The study analyzed the cases of 134 patients hospitalized for coronavirus between March 12 and April 11, along with a control group of 184 age-matched patients who did not have the disease. In this study, it was certified that patients who have died or who have had a more serious diagnosis had severe deficiencies in vitamin K levels, which allows us to affirm that, especially at a preventive level, incorporating foods rich in this vitamin into the diet can be part of the solution.

Benefits of vitamin K

As more is known about SARS-CoV-2, it has been seen how the disease it causes is capable of generating in some patients coagulation disorders in organs such as lungs, hearts, kidneys, which can make the disease more complicated. and evolve into more serious cases.

In this sense, vitamin K stands out as a great ally, since, better known as the blood coagulation vitamin, it is part of the group of fat-soluble vitamins essential for cardiovascular and bone health. Among its benefits, vitamin K prevents vascular calcification, that is, it prevents calcium from accumulating in excess in other parts of the body such as blood vessels. In addition, it helps fix calcium in bone tissue, regulating bone metabolism and reducing the risk of osteoporosis. Another of the contributions of this vitamin is that it improves the creation of tissues and is also a great ally for treating redness and irritation, revitalizing the skin and providing luminosity.

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how much should i take

The first thing to know about this vitamin is that it is divided into two subgroups: K1 (or phylloquinone) and K2 (or menaquinones). The first is found mainly in some vegetable oils, such as olive or soybean oil, and in green leafy vegetables, although its concentration always depends on the level of chlorophyll in the plant. For its part, vitamin K2 is present especially in foods of animal origin such as fermented cheeses, liver or curd.

The intake of this food varies depending on gender and age. According to a study carried out by the University of Oregon, the estimated amount for men is 90 micrograms, while for women it amounts to 120 micrograms.

Foods with vitamin K

-Green leafy vegetables (turnip greens, collard greens, broccoli, edamame, spinach, parsley, romaine lettuce, asparagus, endive or cabbage)

-Carrot juice

-Pomegranate juice

-Vegetable oils (soy, olive and rapeseed)

-Fruits (kiwi, blueberry, fig or grapes)

-Dairy (especially butter, milk and cheese)

-Nuts (pine nuts, cashews, dried plums and pistachios)

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