How to choose the best dropshipping provider –

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do you have in mind open a dropshipping store? Does your ecommerce need to expand its catalogue?

Then surely the great dilemma that involves choose the best dropshipping provider. As it may be obvious, the product is the cornerstone of any business, so selecting the dropshipping wholesaler will be a great first step to create a successful ecommerce.

Every business is different, so the dropshipping provider that is going to work with you must meet certain requirements, in addition to offering you a quality product at a good price.

However, as you will discover throughout this post, you must demand much more from a dropshipping wholesaler than from a simple supplier, and that is that their work does not end when they sell you items!

This requirement towards your future partner requires stricter standards when choosing the ideal dropshipping provider for your e-commerce, so be prepared to a decision you shouldn’t take lightly.

But do not panic, your choice will be the right one if you follow the steps and advice that we will tell you later. Choose well, the future of your business is at stake!

Dropshipping as a successful online business

The rise of the is a fact that cannot be denied, both for the model it proposes and for the benefits it brings.

Dropshipping is a distribution model for ecommerce in which the wholesaler or supplier is in charge of carrying out all the logistical tasks, freeing the dropshipping store owner from making the shipmentsso you do not need to have stock or invest a single euro in products.

In short, this online retailer, you, just has to generate sales.

As a mental map, dropshipping consists of the following, neither more nor less: the final consumer, from the sofa at home or while traveling by subway, buys a product in an ecommerce -a dropshipping store in this case- and the distributor receives the order.

At that time, the order goes to the dropshipping wholesaler to later send it directly to the consumer. Interesting, right?

Delving into the concept and explaining how it works is not the objective of this article: if you are here it is because you already know it well enough to want to find the best dropshipping provider.

However, if you want to refresh terms or you are relatively new to this exciting world, you can delve into .

Advantages of dropshipping

For a business model to be successful in dropshipping, it is obvious that it has multiple advantages.

Here we list some of the most important ones, but if you want to know everything involved in opening a dropshipping business, do it, you will be surprised how much easier it will make your day to day!

  • As we have already mentioned, your worry about stock management will be 0. This advantage, the main one of dropshipping, ends up assuming that you will save the gigantic investment involved in opening a business, not to mention minimizing the risk of losses.

    By forgetting about managing stock, you will not have to invest in storage or maintenance, so you will only have to dedicate yourself to selling, say goodbye to cumbersome logistical aspects!

  • Starting your online business will be much easier and faster than you could imagine. In fact, it will only cost you -whether economically or structurally- what it costs you to set up your online store, no more and no less.

    And if you outsource this single step and trust a dropshipping provider to develop a fully synchronized store for you, your work is reduced to a minimum.

  • Without a doubt, you will enhance the commercial part. With dropshipping you will stop worrying about everything that involves the storage and shipping of products, so you can spend 100% of your time selling, what is really important in an online business.

    Your dropshipping provider will free you from most of the tasks, so you have complete freedom to dedicate each of your resources to attract traffic to your ecommerce.

  • You will be able to offer an enviable catalogue. If you decide to open your online business on your own, you should keep up with the trends and update your catalog yourself.

    In the case of dropshipping, you have the peace of mind of knowing that your dropshipping provider has a very extensive and constantly updated catalogue, one less worry for you!

  • Last but not least, your online business will be 100% scalable. Once again, if we start from a traditional business, this point would be considerably complicated, since a large investment would be necessary if you want, for example, to increase the size of the premises.

    It is true that an ecommerce is easier to scale than a physical store, but the turning point will be marked by your dropshipping wholesaler. You can grow as much as you want, your dropshipping provider will take care of your online business.

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Where to find the best dropshipping provider

Once you have decided to embark on a dropshipping business, you should have a more or less clear idea of ​​the dropshipping products that you want to sell in your dropshipping store. Clever?

There is a chance that you will end up finding the ideal dropshipping provider by chance, but it is best that you do not leave your future in the hands of chance.

A dropshipping wholesaler can Make a Difference when it comes to whether your online business is a success or a resounding failure, but don’t worry, in this article we explain everything you need to know so as not to err in the search:

  • 1. First of all, open your browser and search the almighty Google. It’s obvious, but you should still follow some guidelines and, from our own experience, forget about some preconceived schemes.

Many self-described dropshipping experts will tell you to do a broad search, not stay on the first pages because according to them a dropshipping provider does not take care of marketing.

They will also try to defend you that a wholesaler does not usually have a careful and well-designed website. Not everything is true!

We won’t tell you that you will find your dropshipping wholesaler right away, you may have to visit a few Google pages because what you are looking for is very specific, but a good provider for your online business should know the world of digital marketingSo it shouldn’t be too hard to find.

Regarding the design of your website, more of the same. We are talking about a dropshipping provider that has to synchronize with your dropshipping store, even create it, so by no means should you have an abandoned and/or unsightly and intuitive website.

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What we will tell you is that you should broaden your horizons at the SEO level and, in addition to being patient and going through several Google pages, it is highly recommended that you use as many options as you can think of, such as “dropshipping provider”, “dropshipping wholesaler”, “wholesaler of (product)”, “wholesale (product)”…

  • 2. Directories, due to their simplicity and order, are a very convenient place to find the ideal dropshipping provider for your online business. By directory we refer to a database of providers, normally organized by niche, product or market.

    Directories that research providers are usually the most recommended, although you may also find others that charge a fee to access their database.

    Our advice is that, although the latter can be useful, they are not usually necessary if you have more or less clear ideas.

    If you are already clear about the market niche you want to enter, or at least the product you want to sell, the best option is to search on your own footalthough the directories can be interesting to extract ideas.

  • 3. You have many tricks and methods, choose the one that suits you best. In addition to the two main ones that we have already mentioned, you can choose to place an order with the competition -it is essential that you believe that they are using dropshipping- and when you receive the package, return it, so you will know the supplier.

    Another option is to search directly for the manufacturer, although it is a long, complicated and practically impossible process if you want to have a multi-brand or multi-product online business.

    Of course, you can also take a look at the net in search of opinions, forums, blogs… although it is a job that is usually demotivating: normally only people who, for whatever reason, have had a bad experience, spend time giving their opinion, which implies that there are no happy customers even if they are the majority.

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    Keep in mind that a positive opinion in this field would generate competition, so it is not interesting.

    Finally, although it is not highly recommended or especially useful, you can also attend trade shows. For it to take effect, you should have selected the product and/or niche and have enough time and money to dedicate to the search.

  • What the ideal dropshipping provider should have

    The dropshipping provider you choose to start your online business will be the one that fills it with products, manages the stock, makes the shipments and the after-sales service, so think carefully who you want to give all this responsibility to.

    So you don’t go through something none of the essential requirements that your ideal dropshipping provider should meetWe advise you several things:

    • Establish a relationship with a dropshipping provider that has a Good reputation and, of course, that it gives you confidence. It is obvious that no company is perfect and there will always be unhappy customers, as we have already mentioned, but it is best to try to avoid possible scams, there are many fake dropshipping wholesalers out there!
    • Forget about dropshipping providers that are actually middlemen: looking for a wholesaler who distributes his own stock. If you work with an intermediary, in the end, it will be he himself who ends up dying in a wholesaler. And how does this benefit you? Your experience and that of your customers will be much more satisfactory, not to mention the improvement in prices.
    • Pay special interest to customer service. Whether you like it or not, you will end up being a client of your dropshipping provider, so you want to have true professionals on the other side of the phone or computer to try to solve all your doubts and/or problems.
    • The dropshipping provider you are targeting should not only offer you items, but also the dropshipping store. The comfort of this service allows you to stop worrying about the most cumbersome part: the technique. Also, the most interesting thing is that they are usually completely synchronized, a service that only the best dropshipping wholesalers offer!
    • It is highly recommended to work with a dropshipping provider who is a specialist in the range of products you want to add to your online business, although ideally they have as wide a catalog as possible. Why? For the simple fact of…
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