How to create a web page: the most complete guide of 2022 – Tiendanube

Have you asked yourself How to create a web page? This is one of the main tools to implement digital marketing strategies and start selling online. But beware, a web page, a site and an online store have different objectives. Keep reading to discover more about this topic.

Entrepreneurs in Mexico still have some headaches when it comes to using technological tools. Fortunately, over time, it is becoming easier to use them and take advantage of them to boost any type of business. if you wonder how to create a website in 2022this guide will help you achieve it and take the first step to position your brand in the digital world.

I recommend you open a notepad or find a notebook. You are about to start a great journey with a lot (yes, a lot) of information that will help you create a website for your business.

3,2,1… We take off! 🚀

What is a web page?

A web page, according to , is the set of information from a website that is displayed on a screen and that can include text, audiovisual content and links to other pages.

Although this definition is very general, since it does not include characteristics of a page such as the web domain, hosting, design, etc., It perfectly explains the objective and structure that it should have.

So from this, we can say that a web page is a digital space, hosted on a website, in which information such as texts, images, infographics, GIFs, videos and links to other pages or sites are displayed.

Website and website, are they the same?

We just started and you’re probably feeling confused, right? I am sure that more than once you have heard the terms “web page” and “web site” as synonyms, But they are not the same.

A website is the set of web pages that are grouped in various ways And to make it clearer, let’s see the case of Tiendanube México. Our website is and one of the web pages is .

If there are still doubts, now we will move away from the digital world. Think of a library. The building would be the equivalent of the website and one of its sections, such as the newspaper library, would be a web page.

Leaving clear the differences and a web page, let’s continue with the reading.

What is a web page for?

A website has many functionswhich can be summarized in this small list:

  • Report
  • Sell
  • gain internet presence
  • To interact
  • Provide customer service
  • Help
  • Promote a personal brand

Benefits of having a website

As you can imagine, the benefits of having a website There are several, but everything will depend on what you are looking for. To understand more, we made the following list that will clear any doubt you have about this:

  • It helps you to have presence 24/7, reaching more people and meeting the needs of users who prefer to browse the internet to answer questions, read a blog or buy a product.
  • You can expand horizons impacting users from other cities or even reaching international markets.
  • you will catch the attention faster thanks to multimedia elements, such as videos or GIFs.
  • You will respond immediately to questionsdoubts and concerns of visitors thanks to digital tools such as chatbot.
  • You will automate your processes and you will increase the productivity of your work team.
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Static and dynamic web pages: differences

The static web pages They are the most basic you will find. As their name makes clear, they have no movement and only present information. Users will not be able to perform any type of action when browsing it.

On the other hand, one dynamic web page it helps visitors to be active within it, allows interactivity and a unique experience for each user. If you want to sell a product or offer your services, these types of pages are what you will need to achieve it.

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The importance of a website for your company

Having a website, and therefore a web page, is of vital importance to compete with other brands, reach more people and, of course, increase your sales.

Eye, Not all websites are the same and not all web pages work for the same thing. It is not enough to have an incredible platform, with a unique design and without misspellings. You should think about what you need it for, who you want to talk to and what you want to achieve with it.

A web page can have commercial, marketing, customer service purposes and even help other people make decisions thanks to the content.

💡Type: if you want to know more answers about the benefits of having a web page, that develops in detail all the advantages and disadvantages of having one. 100% recommended!

Characteristics of the web pages

Are you in the middle of creating your website? If so, you should stop for a moment to think about what features and elements you want to include so that each visitor’s experience is as friendly as possible.

We anticipate that The most important thing for a web page to be successful is that it is clear, easy to navigate and has an attractive design that captures attention. That said, let’s go with the features that must be present in your next digital space.

Key Features

Although the web pages are different, they should all have the following characteristics:

  1. Web domaineasy to remember and that contains the name of your brand.
  2. eye-catching content, from texts, descriptions, blog articles, to recommendations, guides or manuals.
  3. Images or any other graphic element, (videos, GIFs, illustrations, infographics, etc.) that capture the user’s attention.
See also  Sell ​​photos online: how to achieve it? -E-commerce blog

Do you want to go further? Learn about them by clicking on the link.

Structure of a website

The structures of the websites can vary depending on the objective to be achieved. But the elements that must have yes or yes, are:

  1. header or header.
  2. Main menu or navigation bar.
  3. Content area (contains images and text).
  4. Footer or footer.

What are the characteristics of a secure website

For a website to be safe and reliable It must have security and programming elements that provide security to each of the visitors. This is achieved with the work of a programming expert and with platforms that offer virtual spaces to keep your data and that of your clients safe.

To identify if a website is safe, you can check the following:

  1. It has a legal notice and shows the conditions of purchase.
  2. It has an SSL certificate for a secure connection (the “padlock” next to the URL in the navigation bar).
  3. It has a contact form, history and a section with brand information, often called ‘who we are’.
  4. It has established payment methods (in the case of online stores).
  5. The domain is recognizable.

💡Tip: If you are looking to create a reliable online store or want to know which are the most used secure sites in Mexico, you can read our .

Types of web pages

I already told you about the structure of a web page, the elements it must have to be secure and even the differences between a static and dynamic format. The time has come to get more practical and start giving you ideas to succeed in the digital field.

Let the drums sound! 🥁 The types of web pages most used today are:

  1. Websites
  2. Websites
  3. corporate sites
  4. Social networks
  5. Online stores or ecommerce
  6. Landing pages or landing pages
  7. Government pages
  8. search engines
  9. Portals or news sites
  10. Gaming and entertainment sites
  11. blogging
  12. video sites
  13. music sites
  14. wiki
  15. service sites
  16. educational sites
  17. Forums and communities
  18. Application and program sites
  19. Portfolios and professional connection
  20. Fundraising Pages

📌Fact: each of the elements on the list have particular characteristics and, as you can imagine, they do not serve the same purpose. Know in detail the .

Web page with shopping cart

Can you sell with a website? Yes. Do you have the option to accept payments by credit card, debit card and even transfers? Of course. Will you always be available to make sales 24/7? Of course yes.

all the above questions These are common questions among entrepreneurs and business owners looking to start selling online. To do this, they must create a that eye, it does not work the same as the rest of websites.

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What is a shopping cart for on the web?

As its name says, a shopping cart is the main function to have an online store. With it, visitors can choose the products they want to buy, while you get the following benefits:

  1. Give a professional and reliable touch to your website.
  2. Collect information on each of the orders made by your customers.
  3. Offer a summary of the purchase order, an option that will help visitors verify that everything is correct.
  4. In the event that a user has left the purchase for another time, you can send them a reminder and even a discount coupon to motivate them to return.
  5. Analyze the behavior of your customers.

Can all web pages have a shopping cart?

Of course! All web pages have the possibility to add a shopping cart as part of the configuration, although the ideal is to have a website designed to sell online. It will be easier for you to manage, while visitors will be able to find what they are looking for without many clicks.

If you have a blog dedicated to entertainment, news or educational purposes, no shopping cart necessary. The tool you need is a content manager to display images, texts and videos.

Now, if what you are looking for is to show a catalog of products, descriptions, offer promotions, receive payments, manage your inventory and shipments, the best thing is to have an online store to help you with all this.

💡 Tip: If you want to know, watch the following video.

How to add a shopping cart to my website?

To achieve this mission you can follow three paths depending on the time, budget and technological knowledge you have:

  1. Create your website on an ecommerce platform. This is the easiest way to start selling online, with no prior technical knowledge required. You will have all the tools you need within reach of a few clicks. Tiendanube is one of the most complete options that exist in the market.
  2. Install a plugin. You can do this if you have a CMS (Content Management System) such as WordPress or Joomla. Simply add WooCommerce or BeaCart –respectively– to start selling. Be careful, you will have to spend time on the configurations and approach a programmer to get everything ready.
  3. Program a shopping cart for your website. The most complicated path on the list; here you must have advanced programming knowledge since you will have to write dynamic codes to achieve it.
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