How to delete a blog from Blogger or WordPress forever |

It is possible that at some point in your life you have been a blogger. However, as they say, life is stages and maybe the time has come shelve those pages for which you no longer have time, you lack inspiration or they no longer represent you. What happens if you have a blog and want to close it?

You have decided to go somewhere else with your lyrics and you do not want to leave a trace of who you were on the Internet. So, no matter how homesick you are, you want to delete your blog and move on to other things.

Lets start by the beginning. The first thing we need to know is if your blog is created in Blogger or WordPress. There are other content management servers or CMS, but we are going to focus on how to delete a blog from these two because they are the ones that have the most users and the ones that raise the most doubts.

How to delete a blog from Blogger

We are entering the decisive moment and a point of no return. That is to say, Before deleting your blog permanently, sit in the lotus position a few minutes and meditate with yourself.

Keep in mind that Blogger is nice and will give you a few days of margin in case you were induced by a higher force or you have thought better of it and want to restore your blog again. If what you are trying is change CMS, migrate content from Blogger to WordPress or resume your blog at another time, you have the option of either doing this migration or download a backup with all your entries before clicking “delete”.

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Now, once you have a clear decision, let’s see how to delete a Blogger blog forever. The first condition is that you are blog administrator. Once you have completed the first step, access your control panel and Select the blog you want to deletein case you have several.

Navigate through the sidebar to the configuration part, where you will have the option to make the backup that we indicated a few lines above and to delete the blog. When you click on this option A window will appear informing you of what you are about to do.. If you still have the idea of ​​deleting the blog, accept and say a few farewell words to your pages.

The blog may not have been completely deleted. Just as it happens with the photographs that we delete from our phones, these pages are stored in deleted Blogs. Go to that folder, select the blog you just deleted and click to delete permanently.

Now, the dirty work is done. If it took you a long time because your internet was slow, take a look at our cheapest fiber-only rates.

How to delete a WordPress

If you have been pouring your thoughts, dreams and youthful hopes into a WordPress blog and you have realized that all of that makes no sense, we are here to tell you. how to delete WordPress account and, ultimately, how to erase all known traces of your blog.

First of all, make sure this is what you want to do. When you delete a blog there is no going back and, in addition to losing your posts, your blog name is available again. If it is a temporary break, you want to reuse those posts at another time or, as they say, the blog does not ask for bread, Think twice before deleting your WordPress permanently..

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If, on the other hand, you have it crystal clear, let’s get to trouble! The first step to delete a WordPress is to be an administrator. Access the main panel with your passwords and select, if you have several, the blog you want to delete.

Once the candidate is chosen, go to the tools in the left sidebar and select «delete site». Next you will have to indicate the reason why you want to delete your WordPress, the option to migrate the site will also be found here. We are going to imagine that we continue with the plan to delete your blog, so select from the drop-down menu permanently delete my address and all content. Yes, we know, it sounds very scary… but it is.

Next you will have to indicate the email associated with your WordPress account. Now go to your email and confirmfrom the email you received, that you want to delete your blog and done!

And now, what are you going to occupy your free time with? Don’t worry, if you were able to start a blog once in your life, you will be able to do it a second time if you finally have the need. Until then, you’ve done well to delete a blog you weren’t using.

If you need ideas to entertain yourself, we leave you the best and funniest ones. Test your gigs and continue filling your time with new adventures.

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