How to know if your company has registered you: this is the Social Security method

Being registered with Social Security is essential for all citizens who are doing a job and registering them is an obligation of employers, since they must pay (along with their own employees) the necessary contributions to maintain the right benefits, pensions and other coverage.

But, what happens in those cases in which the worker harbors doubts that the employer or company for which he works has carried out this procedure? In some situations, the procedure is avoided to avoid paying Social Security contributions, which is illegal and violates the rights of workers, who have a way of finding out.

As the organization itself has explained in its , workers who want to check if their company has registered them have a way to do so: downloading the worker’s working life report.

The work life report, as explained by the Social Security, is the document with which the worker can consult all their situations of registration and deregistration in the organization, so that with it any citizen can know if, at the time of consultation , is discharged. The reason is that, at the time of its download, the information it contains is completely up-to-date.

How to download the work life report

The easiest way to download your work life is through Import@ss, the Social Security online procedures platform. Entering into its service ‘Report on working life’, the citizen will be able to obtain all their employment information or break it down by periods of time, companies for which they have worked, schemes in which they have been registered…

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The only thing that the citizen must have is one of these access methods: digital certificate (), Cl@ve (), electronic DNI or via SMS as long as it is in the body’s database.

Citizens can also opt for a more classic route: request that the report on their working life be sent to their home address. To do this you also need to access Import@ss, but in this case you do not need access methods such as digital certificate or Cl@ve.

The worker only has to enter , in which he must indicate the address to which the report will be sent (it must coincide with the one that appears in the Social Security database), his name and surnames, DNI or NIE, date of birth and an email address.

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