How to leave a WhatsApp group without anyone finding out |

Exactly 10 minutes have passed since you left your phone on the table and when you return you have 1200 WhatsApps. Whaaat?

Yes, it usually happens. You are so popular that you have to deal with many messages from many groups. Well, since you like a little but a lot is tiring, today is the day for you to learn a very valuable trick: how to leave a WhatsApp group without anyone finding out.

Come on, let’s go!

How to leave a WhatsApp group

Like everything we like at , in a VERY SIMPLE way:

  1. Get into the WhatsApp group you want to delete > Press the right button > ‘Group information’ > Select the option “Silence the conversation for a year”
  2. Go back to ‘Group Info’ > ‘Custom Notifications’ > ‘Disable notifications and warnings’
  3. Then, from the screen where you see all your conversations, press and hold on the group you want to delete and select ‘Archive’
  4. ¡Ready!

Once you complete those steps, you will stop receiving notifications from that group and you will not even see it among your conversations: a simple way to archive a group that will end your 24/7 headache from those endless WhatsApps from that lost group.

But wait, we haven’t told you the best!

Can you return to those groups without anyone finding out?

That’s right: as soon as you have something to contribute to that WhatsApp group or the moment you regret leaving, all you have to do is undo your steps:

1- Unarchive the group: Above your conversations you will see Archived Chats’

2 – Enter the WhatsApp group you want to delete > Press the right button > ‘Group information’ > Select the option “Unmute”

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3 – Go back to ‘Group Information’ > ‘Custom Notifications’ > ‘Activate notifications and warnings’

4- Now yes:ready!

And is there an app to leave multiple WhatsApp groups?

Yes, but only for Android. If you are an iOS team, you cannot play in this league 🙁

The app we are talking about is called GroupXit and it makes things (a lot) easier for you. In this app you can not only leave a group directly without anyone knowing, but you can do it from several at the same time.

All you have to do is download it, and Click ‘Ok’ on each of the groups on the list that you want to stop being a part of.

Get rid of as many as you want in less than three minutes! Oh, and when you’re done, remember to uninstall the app so it doesn’t take up space on your phone 😉

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