How to make a resume: complete step by step

Looking for a job? We know, starting in search of a new and better job can be an adventure full of fear and uncertainty. By nature, human beings are not prepared for failure, much less to be rejected.

Therefore, before going out in search of a new job, it is important that you prepare yourself very well. This can mean that instead of receiving an answer “you are not the right person to fill our vacancy”, employers are shocked by your profile and want you to start working immediately.

But, how to achieve the above without dying trying? It is important that you start with the basics: creating a resume that is not only attractive, but also has the exact information and words that the recruiter needs to make a decision.

In this post we teach you how to make a resume yourself. Cheer up! It is very easy and, in addition, it is your best weapon to stand out in the labor market and get the job of your dreams.

What is a resume?

A curriculum vitae, or also known as a “career of life”, is a document in which a professional describes their work experience, academic preparation, knowledge, personal data, etc.

We could say that a resume is one of the most important resources when looking for a job, since it is what allows employers to meet the candidate who has the ideal profile to fill a certain vacancy.

For this reason, it is important that you keep a well-written and updated curriculum vitae at all times, since it is undoubtedly a tool that could mark your professional life.

Why is it important to have a good resume?

As we mentioned before, a curriculum vitae is an essential document for any professional who is looking for a job. The main reason for this is because it is probably the only thing that you will deliver when applying for a vacancy and it will be the first reference that employers or companies will have about you.

Here are other reasons why it’s important to have a good resume:

  • It is your first contact with the employer.
  • The details included in a good resume can greatly influence the decision made by the employer.
  • A resume allows you to show professionalism.
  • It allows you to demonstrate your personality, as well as your job expectations, so that if the company is not able to meet them, you will not waste time on unnecessary selection processes.

How to make a resume

A resume doesn’t have to be long to be good. This is a document that should briefly and dynamically summarize your profile; otherwise, the chances are high that the recruiter will get tired when they start reading it and this is something that can harm you at the time of selection.

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For this reason, it is important that you know what are the characteristics that you must include in your resume or what information is most interesting for the recruiter, as well as the way in which you must present and structure the content.

Here are some features you should include on your resume:

Personal information

Your personal information is the first piece of information that you should place on your resume. It’s important that you post them prominently and conspicuously, and add information like your name, phone number, email, and an address to your LinkedIn profile, personal website, or somewhere your resume can be viewed online.


Your academic information is what will allow you to qualify to cover certain vacancies, so you must give the name of the degree you have and in which University or Institution you received it, in addition to the year in which you obtained the diploma.

If you have attended a lot of seminars, courses and complementary training, try to include only those that are most important to avoid saturating your resume with so much text.

If you don’t have any training, don’t worry! You can highlight your skills and talents. In addition, there are many ways to generate income or for those without higher education.

In this post we give you .


Mastering several languages ​​is something that becomes more important every day at the work level, so if you master any other language this could be a great advantage when looking for a job. Remember to put if your level of knowledge is basic, intermediate or advanced.

Work experience

Recruiters appreciate CVs that specify work experience, especially what roles and responsibilities you’ve taken on. Write in which company you have worked, what was your position, the activities you carried out and the period of time that your experience lasted.


You can add the computer programs that you master, as long as they are related to the position for which you apply. That is important information that can help you distinguish yourself from your competitors.

Some other tips regarding your resume information:

  • Include keywords that are associated with your skills, especially if you are going to post it on the Internet and social networks. This is something that employers use to screen candidates, such as: “SEO”; “CM”, “Programming”, “CRM” or those words that are frequently mentioned in job offers in your sector. This allows you to be easily found and, at first glance, your profile matches what they are looking for.
  • Organize the information chronologically, be brief and concise.
  • Includes action verbs to describe roles and responsibilities.
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What to avoid when writing your resume

When it comes to creating your resume, less is more. So here are some pieces of information you should avoid including:

  • Little extra jobs that have nothing to do with your academic background.
  • Academic notes. Good students do not always become good professionals and this is something that recruiters know very well. They do not need to be included in your resume.
  • Very personal information.
  • Hobbies (depending on your area of ​​activity, you can do it).
  • Salary expectations.

Online tools to create a resume

On the Internet you can find free and easy-to-use online tools with which you can create your resume online and download it, print it, put it on your blog, etc. With these tools, you can create an attractive and visual CV with which, without a doubt, you will be able to stand out when looking for a job.

Some of them are:


To use You just need to connect your Facebook or LinkedIn account and the platform automatically creates a timeline with graphs, your skills and competencies.

You can also choose from a basic template to an interactive one and share it automatically or send it by email.


With You can easily and completely free create a top-notch resume in a couple of minutes. This platform has basic and predetermined templates in which you can include your information and automatically upload the CV to a platform like LinkedIn or download it in PDF format to print or send it by email.

It is one of the best tools you can find on the web to create attractive CVs quickly and without paying a penny. allows you to export the information from your LinkedIn and present it through graphics, infographics, elements, etc.


Do you only have 10 minutes to create your CV? Then is the tool you need. You just have to choose a template, fill in your information and voila!

resume examples

Do you need inspiration? Looking at another professional’s resume is helpful when you don’t know where to start or how to present the information.

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Pay attention to these resume examples and you will surely find the ideal resume format for you. Let’s see:

Source: Shutterstock

Creating a resume doesn’t have to be boring or too formal, you can show your personality through colors, different fonts, icons, etc.

Source: Shutterstock

Photography is very important. Make sure you choose one that flatters you and shows off your more professional side. Forget posting that selfie you took on vacation or a photo in your favorite swimsuit.

Source: Shutterstock

It is also valid to bet on the classic. The possibilities are endless when submitting a CV. The important thing is that it has the necessary information, that is, that there is no lack of data, but that it is not saturated with so much information either.

resume template

There are many resume formats or templates that you can rely on when creating your own. Generally, you can find three basic models:

Chronological resume

It is a curriculum vitae model that organizes the information in chronological order, starting from the oldest to the most recent.

functional resume

It is that curriculum that focuses mainly on highlighting the information by topic and divides it into a kind of section, such as: personal data, work experience, academic training, etc.

This CV template is ideal for the interviewer or recruiter to quickly spot key information in the document.

combined resume

It is a resume format that combines the resume in chronological and functional order. It is the most complete of the three models and is ideal for presenting an attractive and easy-to-read CV.

If you do not have a job or if you are thinking of looking for a new one, creating a complete and attractive resume is one of the first things you should prepare since, without a doubt, it is what will help you establish contact between you and the companies.

Now that you know how to make a resume, you will surely notice a big difference when applying, so we hope that these tips will be of great help.

If you are interested in this topic, see and other ideas to generate income.

Good luck and success in your search!

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