How to make a successful post sale? Example and elementary tips

What do you do after a customer makes a purchase? Do you just let it go, or do you reinforce the relationship with post-sale actions?

If you let the customer just walk away, know that this can be a big mistake. The relationship with the client must be present at all stages of a business, including the moment after the sale.

Giving attention to the consumer is essential for him to want to buy from you again. In addition, it is very likely that a customer who feels satisfied and valued will promote your brand, increasing the visibility of your business.

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For this reason, delighting old customers with an infallible after-sales service is as important as conquering new consumers.

Did you know that there are simple, yet efficient ways to keep in touch with customers without appearing intrusive?

In this post, we list the main ways to do it and explain in detail how you can retain your audience without spending a lot.

What is after sale?

Before talking about loyalty advice, it is important that you fully understand the concept of post-sale.

Post-sale is the set of processes after the act of selling, such as contact by email, sending a shopping coupon on the birthday and discounts for the second purchase, among others.

But despite being essential for loyalty, post-sale is a stage neglected by most entrepreneurs, since many only care about selling a product and thus lose an excellent opportunity to transform the customer into a recurring buyer.

We are going to give an example so that you understand how post-sale works in practice.

Suppose a specific customer makes a purchase and, a few days later, receives an email from the company with advice on how to best use the product.

This contact is part of the post-sale, that is, the company seeks to strengthen ties with the consumer, providing relevant information.

When they receive the email, the user realizes that it is important to the company. Then, the chances of buying again or praising their experience with the brand increase, which is good for the entrepreneur and, above all, for the business.

Why is post-sale so important?

The importance of winning over new customers cannot be disputed, as it is what keeps a business, be it physical or digital, running and profitable.

The problem is that conquering new customers can cost between five and seven times more than retaining consumers who have already bought products from a brand before.

This is what the American consultant says considered one of the greatest specialists in .

This is so because the acquisition of a new client implies a series of actions that take time to take effect and require a higher investment than that needed to retain those who already know the brand.

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These actions include investments to educate the market about your niche, produce content for the sales funnel, draw up strategies for capturing and converting leads, among others.

All this investment of time and money is reduced by investing in post-sale, since the customer knows your brand and your products and, therefore, you do not need to guide them through all the stages of the journey until they make the purchase.

Another great advantage of investing in post-sale customer relations is that it helps you create brand advocates.

This means that when a consumer receives a good deal, even after completing the purchase, they feel special and are very likely to recommend the company to their circle of family and friends.

Always remember that loyal and satisfied customers help attract new consumers.

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7 post-sale tips that you should put into practice

There are some that an entrepreneur needs to manage, and one of them is Returning Customers, that is, the number of people who have already bought one of your products and returned to make a new purchase.

According to the North American marketing consultant Philip Kotler, getting a new .

For this reason, it is worth investing in post-sale for customer loyalty who have already shown interest in you and your product, because that way you will not need to invest more in customer acquisition, because that consumer is already in your base.

Discover now 7 ideas that you can apply in the post-sale of your business:

1. Ask buyers for their opinion

The concept of feedback is simple: reaction to a stimulus. When asked about the experience with the purchased product, the customer offers an opinion, which must be considered by the seller.

The feedback offered by the client serves as a reference to evaluate the usefulness of the product, the degree of satisfaction, the cost-benefit and much more.

A good idea is to contact customers a week after purchasing the product and ask them what they thought of the experience, if they had any questions or problems during use.

It is important to highlight the importance of taking into account these opinions and the responses given by customers when thinking about new products or improvements to existing ones.

2. Offer discounts

Who doesn’t like discounts?

One of the most efficient ways to involve customers in post-sale is by offering discounts and exclusive promotions.

To get more results, you can carry out campaigns designed for customers who have already shown interest or have consumed products of the brand, such as offering coupons for those who are visiting your page for the first time, stimulating them to buy.

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3. Get in touch on special dates

Clients are ordinary people, full of feelings. Brands that come into contact on special dates, such as birthdays, reveal their concern not only with the sale, but also with the well-being of the person.

Take advantage of to grant “gifts” to your buyers. Discounts and exclusive promotions for these occasions are super nice.

If you don’t have many resources to promote marketing actions, a simple happy birthday message already provides excellent results, as it helps to humanize your brand and bring it closer to the buyer.

4. Send relevant content to the consumer

Send relevant content often and show that your business can solve the problems that users face.

This is important, because when the consumer is ready to buy again, he will mainly remember the company that had contact with him without asking for anything in return.

And how to do it?

The answer is in the !

We have several posts here on the blog that teach how entrepreneurs can generate traffic on their pages, just by producing quality educational material. But to produce content, you have to be careful.

The ideal is that 80% of the posts, texts or videos produced by the company are intended to answer the questions of the client or potential client, and only 20% is material focused on the product and sales.

This means that the brand must always be feeding its customers with articles, videos and other information materials.

In content marketing, these materials are considered valuable, as they do the work of attraction, captivating customers and promoting loyalty.

The entrepreneur who wants to really sell should strive to captivate customers instead of tormenting them with dozens of sales ads.

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5. Nurture your leads by email

The It is one of the most cost-effective content marketing techniques, since it delivers content directly to the recipient’s inbox, without algorithms limiting the reach of your message, as is the case with some social networks.

The in turn, is the potential customer, who has already shown interest in the brand, either by purchasing a product or by filling out a form on the site, for example.

For this reason, email marketing is a fundamental tool in the post-sale phase, to promote customer loyalty and enchantment.

A good email marketing strategy is built in two stages:

  1. To start with, you need to , made up of users who authorized you to contact them. Insert capture forms into the can help you build your email list, but you can also create another list, importing the contacts of your Facebook followers, for example.
  2. Next, you need to check at what stage of the they meet, to send them content that is relevant to them at that moment (after all, that is the concept of content marketing!).
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It is necessary to be careful with the content, the frequency and the language that you are going to use.

More than just bombarding subscribers with information-packed emails, you need to produce relevant content that actually brings something informative to the recipient and encourages them to continue engaging with your brand.

6. Promote your releases to those who have already bought from you

The with priority for existing customers is excellent for loyalty, as it shows that the brand cares and values ​​old buyers, giving them, first-hand, the news that involves new products and services.

Exclusivity is one of the basic elements for loyalty.

When the client feels different from other members of the community, he feels special. More than a product, he will acquire an experience that goes beyond the business relationship.

Cases like the launch of Apple products are perfect examples of this strategy, only on a global scale.

7. Have an efficient customer service

In the same way that the company comes into contact with the client, the client also comes into contact with the company.

In post-sale, the contact can be related to the use of the purchased product, support and much more. Therefore, it is important for the brand to maintain an open and functional communication channel that can meet the existing demand.

Truly, abandoning customers after the sale is one of those mistakes that cannot be made. They need support and support to get the most out of the purchased product. Not to mention that they may be after information about new products, to re-purchase with the brand.

Remember that a bad experience on the Internet can be enough to destroy the reputation of a brand.

(Take the opportunity to read our post about ¿?).

It’s time to put the tips into practice!

By applying these 7 post-sale tips, we believe that you will be able to delight your customers.

As you may have already realized, a well-nourished and captivated customer can return to consuming products, as well as promoting the brand with family and friends.

Therefore, never stop cultivating good customer service in the post-sale stage, because that is essential…

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