How to optimize your website for voice searches?

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Since voice searches managed to gain a foothold on the Internet a few years ago, many of the most everyday tasks have transformed and evolved, making our lives much easier.

Now, for example, just by using your voice you can do things like: play your favorite music, find the fastest route to your house, watch the movies that are premiering in your city or order your dinner at home.

It is undoubtedly a way of conducting Internet searches that is becoming more widespread among users in general. However, before I explain why voice search is gaining ground over conventional search, I’d like to start by defining exactly this term, in case you’re not already familiar with it:

What are voice searches?

A voice search is an alternative way of making queries on the Internet, through web browsers.

Instead of writing your question, you only have to use your voice and you will have an answer to what you are looking for.

Voice searches are currently used through virtual assistants such as:

  • Google VoiceSearch
  • Siri(Apple)
  • Cortana (Microsoft)
  • Alexa (Amazon)

The beginnings of voice search were not easy

When the first voice assistants appeared, they were nothing more than the “ugly duckling” of the digital environment and many users made fun of them for their difficulty in understanding and answering questions.

Many consumers did not see it as a reliable tool and ended up using it for personal entertainment, with questions like:

“Siri, do you love me?” or “Siri, where were you born?”

At the end of the day, people gave up and didn’t quite put it to optimal use, so voice search ended up under a gray cloud.

However, today there is a very different picture.

Voice searches have made a 180 degree turn and, although they still have a long way to go to achieve a definitive position in the hearts of people, several experts assure that they are on the right track.

These types of searches have improved and will continue to revolutionize the way we search on the Internet.

Although they have not had an easy journey and were not well received by consumers in their early days, it is important to remember that technological changes should not be ignored.

On the contrary, they should be studied and, if possible, try to apply them to our business strategies.

What Google algorithms affect voice searches?

The Hummingbird Algorithm

In 2013, Google released the Hummingbird algorithm, one of its most important algorithms to date, and one that forever changed the way search engine queries are performed.

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In it, the term “semantic context” was introduced, whose objective was to change the way in which Google responded within its search engine to the queries that people wrote or asked.

In other words, it is no longer about “words” as such, but about using natural language and the intention or meaning behind each search.

This update has been an important factor for the field of advertising and Internet, since now it is essential to know how to structure said content correctly.

Google Voice Search and virtual assistants

Another of the protagonists behind the digital transformations that we have witnessed in the last two decades is Google, the most used web search engine in the world.

This company is, in one way or another, defining the world we live in and our daily habits.

In 2011 he launched Google Voice Search and in 2012, his virtual personal assistant.

The combination of Google’s new search algorithms with its natural language processing (NLP) technology has resulted in greater precision when making queries, compared to other previously mentioned virtual assistants, such as Siri, Cortana or Alexa. .

Precisely in recent years there has been a wave of new assistants, which is undoubtedly a sign that the future of voice searches is on the right track.

It should be noted that currently, voice searches take into account what you asked before, that is, you can ask additional questions to the query already made previously.

For example: the following images show the results that the Google voice search engine returns when asked about “plans to do in Colombia”, then only “in Medellín” and finally “in Cartagena”.

Evolution of the use of virtual assistants

According to Mary Meeker’s, the use of virtual assistants has increased.

In 2015, 65% of smartphone owners in the United States used a virtual assistant, up from 56% in 2014. The main reason for this behavior is improvements and advances in technology.

The results also suggest that Google voice searches have increased 35 times since 2008 and up to 7 times since 2010.

Additionally, as of May 2016, one in five queries on Android devices were voice searches.

This same report indicates that since May 2016, one in five searches on Android devices is done with voice searches.

In addition, it is estimated that by 2020, around 50% of all searches will be done through voice recognition.

Why the search trend of Internet users is by voice?

Meeker’s report also shows the main reasons why people prefer to use voice search when making queries.

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As you can see, 60% of voice search users use it when their hands or eyes are full, like when they are driving.

Similarly, 43% of people use voice search when they are in the comfort of their home, compared to 3% when they are at work.

This last piece of information may refer to the fact that many people still do not feel comfortable with this search method and do not see it as something “natural” to talk to their mobile device when they are in public.

4 Tips to optimize your website for voice searches

Given Google’s new search algorithms and the statistics we’ve just seen showing that people are using voice search more and more, it’s important that your website is prepared for this change.

Next, I am going to give you some tips or advice on how to optimize your website for voice searches.

1. Focus on long-tail keywords

Considering the natural language of people, it is very important to include long-tail keywords on your website.

But what are long-tail keywords?

Long-tail can be translated as “long tail”. They are very specific searches that, although they generate little traffic, generate a greater number of conversions.

For example: “eco-friendly hotels in Medellín”. These searches are more specific and the level of competition is lower.

Voice search queries often cover the “who” and “what” among other questions and having the answers to these queries is gold when it comes to your website.

It is worth mentioning that people are increasingly using terms such as “better”, “closest” or “cheaper” to find more accurate results.

There is a big difference between how people write and how they speak when asking questions in search engines.

Spoken questions have many more words than written questions, hence the importance of including long-tail keywords in your website content.

If you want another example: when people type in search engines, it can look something like “restaurants in Bogotá”.

However, when they talk it looks like this: “What is the best restaurant to eat in Bogotá?”

But what can I do to appear among the long-tail search results?

A good way to answer questions your consumers may have is by adding a FAQ (frequently asked questions) section to your website.

Make a robust list of possible questions your prospects would ask and write short, to the point answers.

Search engines can use these responses when people make voice search queries.

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Another tip to index more long-tail keywords on your website is to create a blog or update the one you already have.

Many people don’t understand the power of a blog and content marketing, but it’s important to see your blog as the door to all the answers your potential customers are looking for.

If you want more information about how to create content for your blog, I recommend this .

2. Make sure your website is responsive

Since there are more and more types of smartphones and tablets to be able to browse the Internet, it has become more and more necessary to create a website that adapts to multiple platforms.

The so-called “responsive web design” implies that your website can be adapted depending on the device on which it is displayed, ensuring that the content is viewed on a phone, tablet or desktop computer.

Most voice searches are done through mobile devices, hence the importance of your site having this type of design.

In addition, it should not only adapt to other devices, but also be attractive and fast when loading.

Users generally like fast pages, so you want to make sure the speed is 2 seconds or less.

With the tool you can measure the loading time of your website in an easy and fast way.

3. Implement on your website

Another good idea to make your website more voice search friendly is by implementing , a semantic vocabulary code that you put on your website to help search engines deliver more relevant results.

This code tells search engines not just what your information says, but what it means.

For example: the following image shows the result of the query: “eco-friendly hotel in Medellín”.

As you can see, it contains key information such as the rating score and average prices.

When a website has Schema, people can see on the search results pages everything about the website like its location, hours, contact information, price of products, etc.

This type of information is very important when it comes to obtaining more concrete and specific results in voice search queries.

Remember that the more information you provide to search engines about your website, the better it will always be.

4. Update your Google My Business listing

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