How to plan an effective email marketing campaign

Did you know that is one of the practices that work the most for companies today? In addition, email is the most used access tool on the entire web. Have you ever imagined opening an account on a social network or making purchases online without having an active email? It’s almost impossible.

In this article we are going to share a series of tips for you to organize your email marketing campaigns successfully. you are going to learn to create and segment a list of users, generate good content for your emailsY strategically define the objectives of the campaign.

Shall we start?

1. Segment the database

Before creating the content and defining the objectives of your campaign, you will need to know your readers. Knowing what to say to whom is a very important aspect for it to be successful. You will find out about this by seeing where each user subscribed from and therefore what their interests are and their stage in the relationship with you.

One of the main tips is to never treat all your followers as a single list. That is, you should avoid sending the same emails to all the people subscribed to your newsletter. It sounds so simple, but doing something like that can really affect your open rates. Therefore, the idea is that you treat, as much as possible, each reader as unique.

How to segment followers?

One of the simplest ways to segment a database is to separate the list of subscribers based on the ways they reached it:

  • Signing up on your site to receive news and offers
  • Having bought something in your online store
  • Signing up via social networks
  • Signing up offline (for example, when you bought something in a physical store and left the email)

You can also segment them by stage in their relationship with you, such as ‘Clients’ and ‘Non-clients’; or by their activity: ‘Active users’ (who open their emails daily) and ‘Inactive users’.

Segmenting by the origin of the follower will allow you to offer the right content for each specific type of audience. If you create a segment made up of people who abandoned the process of check out without buying, you can think of an email with a special offer so that they finally end up buying in your store. It is full of possibilities and strategies!

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And how do I create an email list?

If you are just starting out in the world of ecommerce, you hardly have a database created. Creating an email list requires patience as you have to wait for the customer to contact you, giving you their email address voluntarily.

This is precisely where the differential of email marketing lies, which must be exploited correctly to obtain the best results. How is this? The fact that the user has voluntarily provided his email address means that he has some interest, however minimal, in establishing a link with your brand. And you have to make the most of that.

Here are some ways to start building your own list of followers:

  • Paid ads: one strategy you could do is create an offer with and ask for the user’s email in return.
  • Announcement on your own site: this possibility is more useful when you already have a certain volume of traffic to your store. announce your newsletter on the main page and, if possible, offer a bonus for those who register (for example, on a relevant topic).
  • Content creation: you can create a blog to make publications related to your business industry and ask the user to register to receive the content in their email.
  • Create alliances: one way to get traffic to your site is to associate with another actor in your same industry (not a competitor, but complementary) and offer a joint promotion. In this way, you are making yourself known and getting clients for your business.

2. Create the content for your emails

Before you start sending emails, you should think carefully about the type of content you will be sending. Try to understand what motivated users to sign up for your newsletter; what do they expect to receive? Once this is identified, you can dedicate yourself to producing totally exclusive, personalized and original content.

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A content agenda must go beyond offers and discounts. Remember that this can overwhelm recipients and cause them to unsubscribe. Although your main objective is to generate sales, you must invest time and dedication to generate other types of content.

To start, create a list of the types of content you can offer your readers. Industry news? advice and tips? last trends? new collections? Success stories of your business? Gift lists for special dates? Summary of events where the brand participated?

There are many possibilities to do email marketing with your business. All you have to do is be aware of the type of follower you have and respect their interests; mixing a bit of offers and news, with other types of content that generate value.

Tips for creating successful content for email marketing

  • Keep readers first (always!): To optimize the relationship between consumers and the brand, always put the interests of your follower before your own. Note this when launching offers and discounts. Make him really see the benefit of receiving your newsletter in your box. A good strategy to show your followers that you are interested in them is to offer promotions to those who open your emails the most, thanking them for their loyalty. You can also send personalized emails based on the user’s history in relation to your online store. Mailchimp, for example, offers some that allow you to create a custom routine for each user.
  • Create titles that encourage users to open the email: emails that have titles of 70 or more characters tend to encourage the user to enter the content offered within the email (CTR- Click Through Rate); and titles with up to 49 characters tend to encourage the user to open the emails (Open rate). With this in mind, think about what you want to achieve with your campaigns, greater reach or greater user interaction?

3. Determine the objectives of your campaigns

Before launching your email marketing, you have to think about the objectives of your campaigns. There are two crucial goals you should keep in mind:

  • The first of them is related to the frequency with which you will send your emails. The ideal frequency will depend on each particular business and its ability to generate relevant content in each email to be sent. What really matters is that your emails have something important to tell. Put yourself in the place of the recipient and ask yourself if it would be valuable for you to receive that email. A good tip for this point is to create a content schedule taking into account the special dates to be forewarned and to be able to think of ideas in advance.
  • The second has to do with the goals you intend to achieve with your campaigns. Would you like to generate more fan engagement or increase traffic to your website? Do you want to increase sales of a particular product or promote a new collection? Do you want to publicize the brand? Defining your goals will help you think of the right content.
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4. Tips for sending your emails

When sending your campaigns we advise you to follow some practices:

  • Verify that your emails comply with the .
  • Send a test email to yourself and another person to confirm that everything is in order.
  • I opened the test email in several browsers to check that it looks good in all of them.
  • Check that your email is perfectly visible from smartphones Y tablets.
  • Pay attention to the , so you increase the chances that recipients open your emails.


In summary, to plan your email marketing campaigns you must take into account 3 crucial steps:

  • Segment your database
  • Think about the type of content you are going to send to your lists
  • Define the objectives of each campaign well

Remember that if you still do not have an online store, you can take advantage of the 15 days completely free offered by Tiendanube and start today to .

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