How to put the TITLE in the CENTER of the IMAGE on the PAGE …

Hi Bruno.

To put the title in the center add the code that I told you before.
.- Access your cPanel account -> File Manager.
.- Edit the file style.css that you will find in the route wp-content -> themes -> pandora_wp -> style.css and at the end of the file add the following:

.layout-slideshow .sprocket-features-content { bottom: 40%; }

If the image does not appear at first, it is because you have three more images, I will explain, that block is a slider/carousel that shows several sliding images, one goes by, then another, etc… and so on, up to all the images you want Add.

The extension that handles this slider is ” RokSprocket “, you will see that you have several created that are displayed in different parts of your website, the one that shows the slider is ” Home Gallery

.- If you access, you will see that you have three Items that are the three sliders that are shown on the home page:

Title: To add the title of the slide
Description: The text that appears below the title
Picture: to indicate which image you want to be displayed

If you want to add more images for the slider with other content, you have item2 and item3, if you don’t want to add more images, you delete them.

To increase the size of the text you can add the following to the same file as before:

.layout-slideshow .sprocket-features-title { font-size:5em; }

You can increase the value of 5 if you want the text to be bigger or decrease it if you want it to be smaller.

See also  Modify black background color. Wordpress Enceladus

For the description text:

.layout-slideshow .sprocket-features-desc { font-size: 2em; }

In your customer area you have a section with the name training, in that section you have a Wordpess course

My advice is that before you start working, you should review the two courses to know how to move easily when working on the template.

All the best

This publication has been modified 3 years ago by


Answered : 06/14/2018 11:05 am

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