How to see the lyrics of the songs on Spotify now that they are for everyone

Spotify has launched the functionality that allows all users to see the lyrics of the songs globally; you just need to have the latest version of the app.

We have been waiting for this functionality for a while. Not only do other platforms already offer something similar, but Spotify itself has been testing the feature for almost a year on a limited number of accounts in the United States; initially, the company only confirmed that it was experimenting.

Spotify is famous for its slowness in implementing news; in fact, we are still waiting for it to offer music in high definition as it promised last February. Since then, rivals like Apple Music or Amazon Music have beaten it to the punch. In addition, rivals like , to take away the market.

At least now we can say that Spotify finally has real-time lyrics. Using this functionality is very simple, and it only requires updating to the latest version of the app that is available on our device; the function is both in the desktop version and in the mobile apps for iOS and Android.

In the app for Windows, Mac and Linux, we will see a new button in the lower right corner, right next to the queue button; it is recognized by the icon of a microphone. In the mobile app we first have to open the playback view of the song (by clicking on the bottom bar in the app); We will see at the bottom of the app that it says “Lyrics”, and a button to expand the “More” section.

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Not all songs have the lyrics associated with them; and in some cases, they won’t show up in real time as the song plays; the app will notify us of this. Spotify uses the Musixmatch platform to find lyrics and therefore has the same limitations.

The good thing is that this functionality is available both for paid users and those of the free version, and in all the variety of Spotify apps, including the versions for television; something that can be ideal for a karaoke session.

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