So you can call with a hidden number on Android and iOS

Shadow calling is a tool that has been around for many years and was designed to prevent someone else from seeing and saving your phone number. There are several reasons why you would not want someone you are calling to not be able to see who is calling, whatever yours, we are going to show you how to activate it for iOS and Android as well as show you the code to activate it only once from any phone .

You may not want the person you are calling to know that it is you, or you may not want them to save your number or call you back or you just want to play a prank on an acquaintance, hidden calls have many uses and this is how it is activated in each operating system.

Hidden calls on an Android mobile

By steps, starting from the right to activate the function in Android

It is true that within Android we can find a huge variety of devices that, despite sharing an operating system, have some settings and functions that are activated differently. Even so, and although each user has different personalization settings on their device, this tool is in the same place.

The first thing we have to do is open the Phone app, from which we make calls, and go to Settings, usually it’s the three dots icon.

Once here we have to look for an option that is something like “More Settings”, “Additional Settings” or similar. In my case I had to search a little deeper and I had to go to Call Accounts and then go to Operator Call Settings to get to the additional settings option.

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The next thing is that something like “Show my caller ID” or something similar will appear, although on my Realme phone the “My number” option appears in any case, here we have to select the “Hide my phone” option.

If we have activated this, from that moment any call we make to anyone will be hidden, meaning that no one can see our number or call us back.

This is how it’s done on an iPhone

By steps from left to right of how to activate it on iPhone

In iOS, this process is much more direct and is the same for all iPhone users, regardless of the model they have.

Here you have to go to the Settings of your phone and locate the Phone app. The next thing, once we are inside the settings, is to look for the option called “Show caller ID” so that once inside you deactivate this function, in case you want to change it you just have to repeat the steps again and activate it again.

As in Android, while stealth mode is active this affects all your calls.

What if I just want to make a hidden call?

This would be the number with the prefix to make the hidden call

Making hidden calls is usually something more punctual than a daily practice, so apart from the ways that we have just taught you, there is a code that you can add to the call to make it hidden.

In this way, only the call you are going to make next will be hidden, what you have to do is go to the phone app and dial the number you want to call with the specific prefix. This code varies according to the country, in the case of Spain we have to dial #31# followed by the phone number, so it would be something like #31#611223343 for example.

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These are the ways in which you can hide your phone number when you call someone, in case you activate it through the iOS or Android settings, remember that they will be active in all your calls, in case you use the prefix #31# will only activate this function in the call that you are going to make immediately.

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