21 keys to mastering the power of persuasion

How important is persuasion for a leader? Can success be achieved without the power of persuasion? A study of the world’s most influential leaders in various fields shows that knowing how to persuade is a basic skill for them.

Persuasion is a characteristic that allows us to influence others. For this, it is necessary to know how to listen, have charisma and credibility. Jason Nazar, who has given hundreds of talks on persuasion, explains in a Forbes article how to use it to your advantage.

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Specifically, the CEO and co-founder of Docstoc (a company that offers documents and resources for SMEs) shows 21 points to understand persuasion.

1. To persuade is not to manipulate. Manipulation is the forcible coercion of someone to do something that is not in their interest. Instead, persuasion is about getting people to do things that are also in their interest.

2. Persuade persuadable people. Everyone can be persuaded at some point, but that doesn’t mean it’s short-term. To persuade it is necessary to identify the people who are at the right time to be persuaded, and focus our energy on them.

3. Opportunity. Persuasion depends on context and timing.

4. Interest in being persuaded. It is impossible to convince someone who is not interested in what you are saying. People spend most of their time thinking about money, love and health, so to be persuasive it is important to know how to speak correctly about these topics, in order to attract people’s attention.

5. Reciprocity obliges. When someone does something for you, you feel obligated to pay it back. Helping each other to survive is part of human DNA. If we have small gestures with others, then it is easier to ask them for things.

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6. Persistence. The person who is willing to insist on a goal becomes more persuasive. The great leaders of history had the ability to keep their efforts and their messages before the masses for a long time. This is the example of Abraham Lincoln, who lost eight elections before becoming president of the United States, but who maintained his efforts throughout the entire time.

7. Praise. Compliments positively affect everyone, and people who give good vibes are more likely to be trusted. Sincerely congratulating people, even for simple things, is a good way to convince others.

8. Set expectations. Much of persuasion goes through the ability to manage the expectations of the other.

9. Take nothing for granted. Always defend your value, do not assume that your interlocutor does not need what you offer.

10. Create scarcity. Everything that has value is usually scarce. We must make the persuaded believe that the product we offer is scarce, even if it is a service.

11. Create urgency. You have to be motivated to make the other person believe that they must act immediately. If he is now willing to be persuaded, we must not let him think about it, because in the future he may not be so receptive.

12. Lean on images. What we see is more powerful than what we hear. You have to perfect the first impression you give.

13. Tell the truth. Sometimes the most effective way to persuade someone is by telling them things that no one else is willing to say. Hard truths are penetrating.

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14. Build a good relationship. You have to be open, and take the relationships to a terrain in which the interlocutor feels comfortable.

15. Flexibility. The most flexible person is the one in control. Children are convincing because they are willing to go through many states to get what they want (cry, pout, beg, be charming…).

16. Transfer energy. There are people who drain energy from others. On the other hand, the persuasive ones know how to transfer their energy to others, to motivate them. There are many ways: eye contact, physical contact, laughter… or simply knowing how to listen.

17. Communicate clearly. If a preteen is not able to understand what we want to explain, it is too complicated. You have to simplify things, to highlight only what is really important.

18. Be prepared. You have to know more about the other person than the other person knows about you. It is the best way to gain an advantage and be able to carry out a more effective persuasion.

19. Keep calm. No one is effective when ‘on’. In the most tense situations, it is best to remain calm, and not show emotions. In conflict situations, people turn to the person who controls their emotions.

20. Be moderate. People don’t feel comfortable in conflict. Try to lower the level of tension, be moderate and avoid an emotional place based on self-control.

21. Trust. If he really believes in what he does, he will always be able to persuade others.

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