How to teach online: Become an online teacher with this guide

According to him , education has changed forever and will never go back to what it was before the COVID-19 pandemic. This means that online classes will continue to occupy a central place in the training of people around the world.

This trend confirms that teaching online is profitable and that there is an ever-growing market for you to explore.

If you are already a teacher, you have the advantage of the practice of teaching, in addition to knowledge. But, if you don’t have experience yet, don’t worry. Surely, you also have a lot to deliver and by following good advice, you will be able to structure your content strategically and dynamically.

VIDEO | Online teacher: learn to teach online | Tips

And we are here to help you! We have prepared a step-by-step guide for you to discover how to start teaching online.

In this post we are going to tell you what the seven main steps are to teach online.

Don’t worry, we are going to cover each of these points and explain everything you need to know. And at the end we will leave you with some very important tips so that you can enter the EA market on the right foot (and with quality content!).

But, first, we will tell you why it is worth investing in online classes. Let’s go?

Why bet on online classes?

If you are still in doubt, just think about your own information consumption habits. When you have a question of any kind, what is the first place you look for information?

If your answer was “Internet”, you will have realized that, without a doubt, the way in which people seek knowledge has changed significantly in recent decades.

Just look at the which have been presented as one of the best options to learn about any subject.

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And this leads us to another conclusion: this is an excellent time to consider virtual classes, or , as a source of income. And if possible unite the love of teaching and financial stability!

One of the big reasons for choosing to work with online classes is the fact that distance learning expands access to education. This means that many more people can study, because of some points:

  • You can choose a course no matter where you are. Technology allows, for example, someone in Mexico to take a course in Spain.
  • Many online courses have more accessible values ​​than if they were face-to-face, which broadens the audience that will consume them.
  • There are many more options of course types. They can be found from the most traditional, to the most modern, passing through some of technical or very specific knowledge.
  • Depending on the course, students can be scheduled to watch classes according to their routine, allowing those who work, have family in their care or other commitments, to continue studying.
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From the perspective of teachers there are also advantages:

  • For those who work independently, they do not have to invest too much money in a suitable space to receive many students.
  • It is possible to create excellent educational material with a low cost of production.
  • If the classes are recorded or produced in written material, they will save time and energy that they can invest in creating more content or in better monitoring of their students.
  • They can sell their content all over the world.

In other words, for both sides, online classes mean flexibility, autonomy and economy.

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How to teach online

Teaching online is definitely a good business, especially if you have already given face-to-face classes. And while the process of teaching online is a little different, it’s not hard to get started.

1. Define the content you are going to teach

Mathematics, language, history, geography, biology and all traditional subjects are ideal for teaching online. But, you don’t have to limit yourself to classic school content.

Teaching online means living from your passions! And this means that you can explore various areas of knowledge and open up possibilities that will make your work much more attractive and enjoyable.

Analyze the issues with which you have the most affinity and the ones you know that you have a facility for conversation when you are with other people.

If you have studied Law, for example, but you know how to take care of plants like no one else and you spend your time studying the subject, why not teach online classes about it?

If you teach Geography, but have a great knowledge of watercolor painting and love to paint and help other people explore their artistic side, your online course may have to do with this matter.

Another option is choose topics more specific to your area. Think of someone who studies math and loves economics. A good option would be to create a course on how to save money and invest better.

By choosing different content, you can make better use of your knowledge. But, if you choose to continue teaching what you usually do, surely your content will be very complete and specialized.

And if you have never taught, but you know how to do something very well or know a lot about a subject, you can also teach. We all have a passion and a subject that we master the most. Therefore, use your imagination and get ready to teach online what you really like.

Once you’ve analyzed the best topics for your online course, it’s important to understand whether or not people are searching for that type of content online.

To do so, there are two tools that can help you:

Google Trends

With Google Trends, you will be able to understand the main trends and your evolution over a certain period.

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Just type terms related to the topic of your future course to find out if people are searching for it or talking about it. It is also possible to compare terms and see which one has the most searches.

If you want to know more about this free tool, read our post .

Google Keyword Planner

The It is very interesting because it shows the volume of searches for a term in Google.

It is also important to analyze if there is a lot of competition in your market niche talking about the same topic.

If you have not yet defined the topic of your classes, we leave you material that can help you understand it better: .

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2. Identify the profile of the students

Just like in the classroom, you have to get to know your students to understand their needs and wants. In the digital marketplace, this target audience is defined as an avatar or .

And how to identify it?

Doing research! Your intention is to recognize the habits and common problems that the public has, as well as to discover their pains and desires.

If you already have students, your search can be more specific. Talk to them and understand how your online course can positively impact their lives.

Another way is to use research methods either such as a survey, and spread it in the channels where your potential students would be, such as social networks, WhatsApp or email.

The result will help you identify the main needs of people and what is the best approach for your classes. This will allow you to create specific material using the most appropriate language.

3. Structure your classes

Studying online cannot be an exhausting task. Internet is an agile communication channel. Therefore, prepare your content in a format that people feel pleasure when reading or seeing it.

For this, you have to Divide your course strategically. An excellent option is to separate the topics into topics, so that you can present a complete and easy-to-consume material. The It also depends on the duration of the course.

Reserve a space in your material so that students can leave their doubts. Depending on the EAD platform you choose (more on this later), it may have a dedicated feedback area. And don’t forget to answer all the questions.

Another interesting option is to do online tests so that the user can see what they have learned in your classes. You can provide supplemental materials for those who do well on tests. This will increase your desire to do the activities.

And for your course to have something that differentiates it from the rest, present practical examples. This will help students better absorb the content.

4. Choose the format of the classes

It is important to remember that the interaction in the online course is different from the classroom. Students are not physically present and in real time.

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EAD modifies the way you interact in an online class due to the way communication is established. Therefore, you have the option to choose and try different teaching techniques and languages.

Do you already know the different formats you can use for your content? Here we present some of them:

  • Video classes: it is an excellent option for students to feel more involved, since the format of the videos is very educational and the content is easily consumed.
  • : they are digital books that can be read on various devices (computers, tablets, mobiles). Therefore, your material will be easily accessible.
  • : They look like video classes, but they are live. Apart from all the advantages of the videos, the online teacher can communicate in real time with his students and clarify their doubts. This increases audience engagement.
  • : they are contents in audio format that can be played on various devices with great ease.

But you don’t have to choose just one format for your online course. In addition to being able to combine the strategies, you should try and find out what your audience likes best and in what format you feel more comfortable producing.

5. Prepare to give your best

At school there are always classes that we like more and others less. And many times it depends, not only on the content, but on the person who is transmitting it.

To be attractive to give online classes it is necessary to have a and posture.

If you are inexperienced, you can train in front of the mirror the same way you would speak in front of cameras. You can also rehearse recording yourself and analyzing what you need to improve.

Remember to go straight to the point and not beat around the bush to convey simple content. If it’s a more complex issue, ask someone else to review the material and give you feedback on how much they understood.

6. Record the classes

This point is specific for those who are thinking about for your online classes or podcasts.

First of all, you don’t need to enlist the help of a or audio technician to record the classes. You can execute that task having in hands a microphone and a cameraif required.

The camera can be the one on your mobile, as long as it has a good resolution image. And to the most recommended is a flap, so that the audio does not have noise that interferes with student learning.

Everything or the rest can be quietly…

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