How to update Themeforest templates on your website

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If you are reading this article it is because you need to update your Themeforest template and you are panicking about doing it since your theme does not include the option to do it automatically from WordPress.

This can happen when you buy themeforest templates, some can be updated automatically and others you will need to do manually.

Also, if you do not have certain knowledge, you may even think that the template is being updated by the mere fact of receiving messages in your email, the surprise comes when you realize that some time has passed and these updates have not occurred.

Not updating themeforest themes or themes from any Marketplace can be a serious security problem, as well as being able to generate incompatibilities with new WordPress updates or the Visual Composer layout designer (normally integrated).

If this is your case, don’t worry because in this tutorial (with video included) you will be able to see how these templates are easily updated.

Remember that the support service does not support queries on external templates. For queries related to themforest issues, you should consult the templates’ own support.

Dangers when updating themeforest WordPress templates

There’s no danger in installing themeforest templates, and you don’t have to lose your data by doing so, but it is true that the longer a theme takes to update, the more difficult the process can be and the more risk there is of something going wrong.

Unfortunately, themeforest is a kind of “popular market” where there is everything, good templates and bad, some with good support, others that are not updated and have this problem that we are talking about.

This does not usually happen with others from other platforms such as , Ocean Wp or Astra Pro (3 good themes that would save you the whole process that we are going to talk about),

Buying a themeforest template for your website or blog, as a general rule, has the following negative characteristics:

  • There are themes that are not updated in one click from WordPress as we are seeing.
  • They are templates that require you to use a layout designer almost by obligation, as is the case with Visual Composer.
  • They include another series of elements integrated into the template that do not allow you to use another layout designer as they can generate errors in the design by deforming the CSS.
  • There are themeforest themes that include too many add-ons such as sliders, social network buttons, etc… which are a problem if you want to change the design in the future.

What to consider before updating themeforest templates

Before explaining the whole process, it is important that you take into account the following when updating a themeforest theme:

  • 1. Update all that you have pending to pass to the new version.
  • 2. If the template has Visual Composer integrated, it is recommended to first update this layout plugin so that it does not generate problems after integration with other updates such as templates or a new version of WordPress.
  • 3. If you haven’t installed the new WordPress version in a while, install it in this third step.
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Then you can update the theme in the way you are going to see.

“These steps are not 100% effective but it is the process that will generate the least problems for you”
“ Before making any changes remember to make a ”

Are you getting scared? Don’t worry, everything usually works fine normally.

Although it is scaring you, it is not as difficult as it may seem, that is why I have created this guide with a video included so that update your themeforest template safely and very simply.

Let’s see it.

How to update themeforest templates in 5 minutes

If you have followed the steps of the previous point and you have all the WordPress updates up to date, it is time to update the themeforest template, in 10 minutes you should have the new version of your theme in your WordPress, let’s start.

  • 1. Access Envato:
  • To update the themeforest templates, the first thing you have to do is access the envato platform with your name and password.

  • 2. Download files:
  • Once inside, access your profile and in the download option, the templates or plugins that you have purchased in themeforest will be displayed.

    Choose the option you want to update (in this case the template you are using) and download it to your computer. In the themeforest files there are usually 4 files, two text documents and two compressed files.

    One includes template and theme and another only the theme (normally). Download everything. The version you download is the latest update of the template and you will have to upload it to your website to update it.

  • 3. Unzip the updated template file:
  • The next step is to unzip just the template zip file. Once unzipped, zip it back up and give it a .zip extension. This .zip extension is necessary since it will be compatible when uploading it to the server.

    You already have the file ready to upload it to the server.

How to upload the new WordPress template to the server

To upload the themeforest template to the server where you have your WordPress installed, you can do it with the FTP tool “filezilla” but we will use the Cpanel for the example since it is a very easy way to use it too.

“A server does not offer this type of support for external templates but it makes it very simple with its control panel and I am going to explain it to you and you will see that everything is easier than it seemed when I started talking to you in this post”.

Access your hosting provider and follow the steps, for the example I am going to do it with .

  • 1. Access the WePanel of your hosting:
  • Click on the “File Manager” icon.

  • 2. Open the public_html folder.
  • 3. Click on the right side of the folder where your website (your domain) is installed.
  • 4. Go to wp-content> themes
  • On this screen you will see the themes that you have included in your website and among them will be the template that you currently use on your site.

    The next step is to create a new folder to include the new version of the theme (folder that we are going to upload).

  • 5. Create a new folder.
  • Give it a name, for example “new theme”.

  • 6. Open the newly created folder
  • Logically it is empty, the previously downloaded file with the new updated template will go there.

  • 7. Click the upload button (top)
  • Select file through the button and upload the .zip file that you have previously compressed. Once the process is complete, update the page and when you access the “new theme” folder, this zip file will already be uploaded.

  • 8. Unzip the .zip file
  • You have to unzip it, to do this, click the right mouse button and click extract file.

    After completing the process, reload the page and the files will be uncompressed. You can now delete the .zip folder since everything is uncompressed.

  • 9. Access your website to appearance> themes and select the new version of the theme and activate it.
  • Browse the web and check that everything works correctly. Normally, the theme is updated perfectly and if there are errors, they are usually an icon, logo, etc. that does not appear, although, as I say, it does not usually happen.

  • 10. Delete the old theme folder in Cpanel.

    If everything is correct, you can now delete the theme folder you had before and then assign the name of the old one to the new one, this is your choice so you don’t get confused.

That’s it, it wasn’t that hard, right?

From now on if you access themeforest On their official page you can see when they have updated the template or wait for them to notify you by email every time they release an update.

If you don’t want to be watching if the Envato platform has released a new update, there is another option to not be aware, it can even allow you to sometimes update the template directly from WordPress. Let’s see how it’s done.

How to receive themeforest update notifications in WordPress

To receive notifications and, as I say, test if it is possible to automatically update the following times, you have to upload a plugin to your WordPress that you will find .

  • 1. Once you access, click on download zip.
  • You will have to upload this file as usual from WordPress Plugins> add new.

    Once installed and activated, go to the side of the WordPress administration panel and click on EnvatoMarket. You will access a panel like this:

    click on “generate a personal token”.

  • 2. You will automatically access a page where you will have access once you enter your themeforest username and password. Assign a name for that token.
  • Leave the options checked by default, select the accept the conditions tab and click on create token. the next window will assign you a token numbercopy it, accept and click the button.

  • 3. Access the WordPress window from before and you will see two fields to fill in (previous image).
  • You can include the token in the open field and press select (it will open all the themes you have in themeforest) or add item (open only the theme that we want to update).

    If we use this last option, a window like this will open:

    Enter the token in the upper field and in the lower one you have to put the template ID.

  • 4.Identify the themeforest template ID.
  • To find out the ID code is very easy, go to the official page of the themeforest template you are using and at the end of the url in the navigation bar there is a number, this will be the id:

  • 5. Image of the current template.
  • When you perform step 4, the current template with the latest version will appear in the current window.

    This plugin will notify you when there is a new update pending and as I said above you can (depending on the theme) update it from there.

    If it allows you to do it from there, perfect, otherwise you will have to do the process that I have explained in the post, which is easy in the end, right?

    We’re done.


As you have seen, updating themeforest templates is not as difficult as it seemed.

From now on you know the process you have to follow, this is valid for any WordPress template you use.

Have you had any problems with themeforest? Haven’t updated your theme yet? Don’t wait any longer and get to it 😉

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Web designer, SEO and Digital Marketing consultant | I work as a freelancer making websites for clients who want to grow their business through the internet | In addition, I teach in my Blog how to create a web project absolutely from scratch | You can find me on social media.

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