How to use Android Auto |

Google has a very useful application for our car trips, simplifying the content displayed by our devices to avoid distractions while driving.

Is about Android Auto, an app that some vehicles include and that can be installed on any Android mobile. We teach you how to use it and take advantage of its functions.

What is Android Auto?

Android Auto is an application that you can use both on your car screen and on your smartphone when driving.

Its great advantage is that simplifies the use of our devices when it detects that we are driving (when we start a route on Google Maps with this means of transport, for example).

The app adapts the screen by making a selection of applications useful in driving (navigation, maps, music or hands-free calling) to avoid distractions with others, such as messaging apps (WhatsApp, Telegram…), in addition to allowing us interact with voice commands.

How to use Android Auto

To use Android Auto directly in a vehicle:

  1. Make sure the with the application.
  1. If it is, you can use it both with a USB cable and with a wireless connection via .

If your car does not support Android Auto:

  1. Download theon your Android device (for Android 6.0 or higher)
  1. Open the application and accept the necessary permissions so that it can manage your mobile (location, access to contacts, calendar, microphone) and can perform all its functions.
  1. Once Android Auto is open, you will be able to use all the when you invoke him saying “Hey Google”.

With your voice, both in the app and in the car, you can tell the assistant where you want to go, what playlist you want to listen to while driving, and even have it read aloud the messages you receive, so you don’t have to look at the screen and get distracted. .

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The most useful features of Android Auto

Automate Android Auto

You can automate Android Auto and that opens every time you get in the car and connect to your .

To do this, open the menu and go to “Settings” > “Car settings”. There you can choose to activate it automatically when you connect to Bluetooth or when the car starts moving.

Control your music

With Android Auto you can open and control your music app favorite, like Spotify. A headphones symbol appears in the interface, you just have to press it and the music apps you have installed will appear. Open your favorite and it will start working in the background.

With voice commands you can control playback, such as skipping songs, pausing them, or raising and lowering the volume.

Read and reply to messages without looking at the screen

The application can also read messages aloud that reach your mobile from different apps such as WhatsApp, Telegram, Messenger, etc… and you you can answer them by dictating whatever you want to say.

Hands-free calls

When you receive a call with Android Auto activated, Incoming calls you answer will be put into hands-free mode automatically.

You can answer them from the screen (with a large button) or with the controls on your steering wheel if you have them.

Screen Always On

By default, the screen of your mobile when you have Android Auto activated it will remain on all the time. This way you will avoid distractions by unlocking and locking your phone when you have to perform an action, such as changing the route on the .

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