How to use Canva? Complete guide to master the tool

In a world where the visual gains more ground every day, knowing how to use Canva, an online tool to create professional graphic designs, will help you stand out in the market. Stay until the end to find out more!

Have you already thought about producing incredible graphic pieces, but without complex tools, such as Photoshop or Illustrator? With Canva, you can create and use them in your .

Design what you want. This is Canva’s motto, a simple and intuitive tool that helps anyone create visual content.

With Canva, you can design from a complete ebook to a wedding invitation; use ready templates or start from scratch. All the resources of this tool came to make your work and life easier.

And to help you make the most of them and create amazing layouts, we put together this complete guide. All ready to go into action?

What is Canva?

To understand how to use Canva, we are going to start by explaining what exactly is this tool. as we told you at the beginning of this postbasically serves to create professional graphic designs with the resource of drag and drop (drag and drop).

In addition to the web version, it is available for smartphones with Android or iOS systems.

Among its main resources we can mention:

  • Thousands of free and paid images: Canva has its own image bank with which it offers users more than 1 million of free photos.
  • Filters for images: In addition to making various images available, the tool also offers custom filters for editing;
  • Free shapes and icons: Among Canva’s resources are the availability of shapes, graphics, illustrations, icons and much more, which give you more possibilities when making infographics or ebooks, for example;
  • Fonts and text formats: The tool also makes various fonts available to customize the pieces, as well as predefined text formats, which allows everything to be aesthetically aligned.

But the great resources of Canva are really the pre-built templates, totaling more than 250 thousand and They are divided into several categories grouped into: Social networks, Personal use, Companies, Marketing, Education and News.

And these categories at the same time, are divided into subcategories. For example, in Social Networks there is a Post subcategory for Facebook, divided by themes, such as birthday cards.

Each design already comes in the correct size for each channel, and when they are ready you can download them in PNG, JPG and PDF formats.

Other Canva differentials are the possibility of creating a project and sharing it with other people, print your designs and receive them in the comfort of your home or store them in the cloud (5 GB available for free).

Is Canvas free?

The great advantage of Canva is that its main resources are free and those that are paid have a fairly affordable value.

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So the answer is yes, creating an account and starting to make your designs in Canva is free.

For those who want to have more resources available, there is the Canva Pro plan (approx. US$56/year) for individuals and entrepreneurs and Canva for Teams (approx. US$87/year), more focused on collaboration but with all the features of the Pro.

In both cases, you are entitled to a free trial period for 30 days, which you can cancel at any time.

Differences between free and paid account

Who migrates to the Pro plan, will have as main differentials:

  • Plus photos, videos and audio (+ than 100 million);
  • Organize photos and other items in specific folders;
  • Designs with custom dimensions
  • Remove background from images with Background Remover;
  • Schedule the publication of creations on 8 platforms.
  • 1 TB to store designs in the cloud

What can you do with this tool?

Canva represents a great opportunity to create pieces of different content so that those who are starting to undertake in the stand out from the competition.

That’s how it shows which analyzed more than 100 million articles and found that those with visual content, such as infographics, were more likely to be shared.

In addition, companies that create visual content have a conversion rate 7 times higher.

Are you starting to undertake now and do not have a visual identity? Are you already in the market, but do not have the time or resources to create different content? Canva has resources for all these cases:

  • logos
  • Posts for social networks
  • Thumbnails for videos
  • flyers and posters
  • Documents and presentations
  • business cards
  • Infographics and banners for blog
  • Bills
  • Certificates
  • And much more!

1. Logos

The first step for those who are just starting out is to define their . In Canva, there are several models ready, you just have to give them a name of your choice! Or if you prefer, create your logo from scratch.

2. Post for social networks

Canva has many resources for social networks. With this tool, you can create images and stories for Facebook and Instagram, ads in all formats, posts for Twitter, pinterest pin, banner for LinkedIn and youtube memes and much more!

3. Thumbnails for videos

You can also create or thumbnails personalized for your YouTube channel, which will help you attract much more attention and attract more views.

4. Brochures and posters

For those who want to publicize local events or businesses, it is a great idea to take advantage of ready templates. Canva has options for a variety of themes, like flyers for restaurants, gyms, events, and even birthdays.

5. Documents and presentations

The resources for making documents and presentations can also be used to create ebooks, offering something unique, the appearance of which your leads will love.

6. Business card

Business cards are very important for the because it allows you to showcase your business and give people the opportunity to know how and where to contact you. In Canva, you can take advantage of various templates, you just have to put your contact information on them.

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7. Infographics and blog banners

The they always succeed in a content strategy. In the end, they provide a lot of information in an easy-to-consume space. With the elements available in Canva, you can create several.

The same goes for the banners of your that you can customize to deliver an offer, like an ebook, for example.

8. Bills

Invoices are a fundamental point in any business and Canva knows it. For this reason, it offers you more than 3,000 ready-made templates so that you can choose the one that best suits your needs and visual identity.

9. Certificates

Whoever creates content on the Internet and shares it in the form of frequently receives requests to issue a completion certificate. It is a differential element that meets a basic need of students.

At Canva, you don’t have to rack your brain over how to design your certificates because you have over 1,500 templates ready to go.

How to use Canva? Step by Step

Yes, it is possible to do many projects with Canva. To help you create your first design, we have prepared a complete tutorial:

1. Create your account

The first step is to create an account on free. Go to the home page and sign in with your Facebook, Google or email account.

Once the account is created, you will go to the home page, which will help the tool to select the best templates according to your need. Here, we choose the Small Business option.

If you want to try Canva Pro at this stage, choose to take the test. Otherwise, click “Later”.

As you move forward, you’ll also be able to invite other people to collaborate on your projects.

2. Browse the library for templates

As we explained earlier, Canva has a wide collection of professional templates, which meet the demands of various content. The template library is organized by category, and the templates are divided by theme.

Whatever content you’ll create in Canva, it will already have the correct dimensions and elements that will be like a springboard to start the work.

For our tutorial, we chose to show how to create an Instagram post, which will be very important for having an attractive and organized feed.

3. Choose the template that will accompany your publications

When it comes to social networks, especially Instagram, it is very important to define the appearance, that is, the face of the publications from now on. Choosing a different model for each post will leave the messy and visually loaded.

For our example, we will start with this model to disclose a homemade bread recipe. As we can see, the template has nothing to do with bread and that is where the power of transforming designs in Canva comes in.

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4. The image and the text

To begin with, it is necessary to choose a good image so that the post has good engagement.

In pictures, we are looking for one of homemade bread that draws people’s attention. We remind you that if you already have your own, it will be even better!

Select the photo and drag it onto the template, exactly where the image will be. To make it look more vivid, we put the Solar filter.

Now that we have the perfect image, we need to choose a matching font. You can use the one already in the model or choose one in the Text tab.

We know that choosing fonts can be a difficult and time-consuming process. To help you, Canva itself provides a to show you matching fonts and tips for using them.

5. Share or download the image

Canva allows you to call more people to collaborate on the design. You just have to click on Share and enter the user’s email, so they can view the design or edit it.

When it’s ready, you can download it or share it to other places, like Facebook, Mailchimp, Pinterest, and other social networks. You can also save it to other services, like Google Drive and Dropbox.

Create your own templates from scratch

All Canva models are fully customizable. But, if you want, you can create your model from scratch, uploading your own photos, background images, fonts and colors.

To make a template from scratch, just select the dimension you want and insert icons and shapes into the Sidebar Elements session.

Once the icon or shape is in place, start putting in the images and elements. It’s time to let creativity flow!

Tips for creating amazing visual content

In addition to creating projects, Canva has extra resources that are really very useful when creating designs, especially for those who are not yet familiar with the concepts in this area.

1. Color Palette Creation

Having a color palette is very important. But how do you find out which colors go with your template? Canva has a free resource for from photos, which can be from the tool itself or yours.

You just have to upload the image and in a few seconds you will have all the tones that combine and the codes.

Is of Canva to generate color palettes too…

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