»How to use emojis and special characters to stand out in Google results

They arrived many years ago to stay as a way to express feelings and emotions on the Internet, a medium that was mainly composed of text. Now emojis have become one of the most popular means of digital expression, breaking down language barriers and universally communicating the emotion they represent… plus they can also increase your on Google.

has shared with us a study in which they show how websites try to stand out in Google through emojis and special characters, a trick that is based on attracting the attention of users but it should be used with caution, as Google is well aware of these tactics and seeks to show less and less of these elements on the results page.

Google prefers special characters

In order to understand how Google’s SERPs work when adding emojis, Sistrix analyzed the title and snippet of more than 3.365 million search results, and has determined that these visual elements manage to attract the attention of users to your result.

However, Google has stopped showing all special characters and emojis, regardless of whether they are added to the title or the snippet, generally applying the following points:

  • Fewer special characters are displayed in the title and fewer emojis than in the snippet
  • The more attention the item attracts, the less likely Google is to display it.
  • The probability that Google will show a special character of a color in the title or snippet is greater than an emoji.
  • The appearance of the emoji depends a lot on the context and the search intention. Of course, if you search for the specific emoji, Google will show it, but for all other keywords, it will most likely not appear.
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In fact, the study found that, among the more than 3,000 million results, 11,767 different non-ASCII symbols within the title, while in the snippets they amounted to 30,631, including emojis and exotic characters.

But how can you include emojis in your search results?

The quick answer is: include any emojis or special characters you want in the meta title or meta description on your website. Thus, when Googlebot scans the URL, the title and the snippet, they will be available to be displayed in the SERPs.

But beware, there is no certainty that Google will show them in its results, but it is possible to increase the chances that they are included and with this increase the CTR.

The emojis and special characters that get the best results in the SERPs

Although Google does not show all the emojis that appear in the title and the meta description, the study shows us a list with the most used emojis and special characters that work best for this purpose. The main emojis and special characters with the highest average presence in SERPs are:

Also, another recommendation is optimize title and snippet independently one from anothersince Google shows different characters and emojis in each of these elements, and of course, the golden rule for any strategy is not to overdo it.


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