How to use OBS Studio to make a live broadcast

EITHERpen B.roadcaster yessoftware is one of the most popular recording and live streaming software at the moment. However, since it offers so many options, figuring out how to use OBS Studio can take some time.

For this reason, we have created this post with everything you need to configure and use OBS in your broadcasts in a simple way.

Shall we start?

But, first of all, have you heard of Open Broadcaster Software? You know how it works?

OBS Studio is an open source program that encodes and streams videos. This tool captures images from a source, such as a camera or your computer screen.

It then encodes them and transmits them in real time to streaming platforms. such as YouTube and Facebook. All through a very complete interface full of options.

That’s why OBS Studio is an indispensable tool for producing live videos, such as .

If this is your first time using this software, it can be a bit tricky to understand how it works. So how about learning how to use OBS Studio for your live streams?

How to download OBS Studio

Before learning how to use this program, you must install it on your computer.

As it is open source software, you can download it for free on the Open Broadcaster Software website.

You just have to access the link select the operating system you use (Windows, macOS or Linux) and click “Download Installer”.

How to install OpenBroadcaster Software

Now we are going to show you how to install the tool. The process is simple, but we have prepared an illustrated guide to help you.

Open the file you have downloaded. On some computers, the system may request administrator permission to run the installer. In these cases, you just have to select the “Yes” option.

The installer will then run and a new window will open. Click “Next”.

Then, click on the “I Agree” option to accept the Terms of Use and continue installing OBS Studio.

On the next screen, you can change the installation location of the program. We recommend that you click “Next” to install OBS Studio to a default folder and continue the process.

If you want to change the directory where the software will be installed, just click on “Browse” and select the destination folder.

The next stage is to choose the components that will be installed together with OBS Studio, such as plugins and codecs.

We suggest that you do not change the default settings, as they are the most suitable for most users.

You just have to click “Install” to start the installation of the program on your computer.

And ready. OBS is already installed!

At the end of the process, if you want to launch the tool, just leave the “Launch OBS Studio” option selected. Thus, clicking on “Finish” will open the program.

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Now that you have finished the installation, let’s go to the next step.

Getting to know the OBS Studio interface

When OBS opens, it asks you to choose the purpose you intend to use it for: broadcasts, recordings, or virtual camera. Afterwards, it configures itself automatically based on what you have selected.

Now, let’s get to know the program’s interface, which has 6 fields with different tools. Each configures and changes some function.

1. Scenes

The first field is used to create “scenes”. It works like a partition that divides the scenarios that you are going to create for your video.

Let’s say, for example, that you want to record a video with a slide of and another with two cameras.

So instead of setting up these changes all the time, you just have to get the scenes ready to work with. Easy, right?

2. Fonts

The second part is where the collection sources are organized. In this panel you will work most of the time when using OBS Studio.

Here you can select the capture source to use, such as windows, images, among others.

3. Audio Mixer

Next to the source field, you find the volume mixer. Here you can increase or decrease the audio of your stream.

The more items with audio you add to the source field, the more volume icons will appear in the mixer.

Remember that it is also possible to mute the sounds so as not to transmit any audio during your video.

4. Transitions of scene and controls

The fourth field of the OBS Studio interface presents more technical options.

In it, you can select and set a scene transition to use during your video such as swipe, cut, or fade.

Already at the controlsyou have access to the Settings, Studio Mode, Start Streaming, Start Recording and Start Virtual Camera.

Don’t forget that OBS Studio allows you to stream live and record at the same time.

5. Toolbar

The program also has a classic menu bar. In it, you can access the directory where the videos were recorded, change settings, apply filters or access the section from software help.

6. Preview screen

Last but not least, we have the preview screen. This is where you can see the scenes and what is being broadcast.

This field also allows you to organize where on the screen the elements inserted in the sources will be located.

Types of OBS Filters

As we told you recently, OBS offers you the possibility to use filters in your creations. And now we are going to explain what are the types that you have at your disposal and what they are for.

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OBS filters fall into two categories: audio and video.

In the audio ones, you can find the “noise gate”, “video delay” and “gain” ones.

The “gate”, as its name suggests, is used to eliminate noise that can affect your live broadcast. “Video Delay” is for synchronizing the audio with the picture, and “Gain” is for increasing the volume of the audio input.

For its part, in the video filters you find a great variety. Its main functions include mixing images (“Mix Image”), cropping them (“Crop”), improving sharpness (“Sharpen”) or solving color-related problems (“Color Correction”).

As you can see, filters help you deliver a quality product to your audience, which has a positive influence on strengthening the credibility and authority of your business.

Ceitherhow to use OBS Studio (complete step by step)

Now that you know what each of the buttons and fields on the program’s interface are for, the moment you’ve been waiting for has arrived: to discover how to use OBS Studio to broadcast live.

Next, we show you an illustrated and complete step by step that we have prepared for you. Do not go!

Setting up your stream

On the main screen of the program, click the “Settings” button.

In the window that will open, find the “Stream” option on the left and click on it.

The “Stream” tab has a number of options that you can customize. Let’s go by parts:

  1. The first thing is to select the type of stream you intend to do. It is possible to use a streaming platform or a custom server.
  2. If your live uses a streaming platform, you will need to choose the streaming service from the available options, such as YouTube, Facebook, Twitch, among others.
  3. Afterwards, you will be able to change the server settings. Options include “Default”, “Automatic (recommended)”, and “Select the server”. In the latter case, it is necessary to choose the server closest to the location of the transmission.
  4. In the “Stream Key” field, you just have to paste the key value given to you by the server where you are doing your live broadcast. We will return to this point later.
  5. After setting up your broadcast, just click “Finish”.

How to use OBS Studio to stream on Facebook

When setting up your live through OBS you may have noticed that it is possible to choose Facebook as a streaming service.

Although Facebook offers live streaming tools, with OBS you can access more advanced features like screen sharing.

If you want to use OBS Studio to broadcast live on Facebook, you need to use the access key provided by the platform.

You just have to access the and click on “Create live stream”.

After, select “Transmit”copy the code that appears in “Stream Key” and paste it into the corresponding area in the OBS settings menu.

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Remember that this code is enough to do the integration between your computer and the streaming platform.

How to use OBS Studio to stream on YouTube

If you intend to broadcast live on YouTube, you can also take advantage of the advanced features of Open Broadcast Software.

As in the case of Facebook, you only have to have the transmission key responsible for integrating the two tools.

The first step is to open OBS, access the settings and, in the Streaming tab, select “Service: Youtube” as the type of transmission.

Then click on the camera icon in the upper right corner of YouTube and go to “Live Broadcast”.

Give your live stream a name and description and click “Create”.

A new screen will open and you will notice the “Stream Settings” field. Select and copy the URL and Stream Key and paste it into the corresponding fields in OBS.

How to add scenes and sources in OBS Studio

As we have explained to you at the beginning of the text, Open Broadcast Software allows you to create scenes and insert sources during the transmission.

To learn how to use OBS Studio correctly, it is essential to know these procedures.

How to create a scene in OBS?

OBS works through a structure of scenes, broadcasting only one at a time. With this functionality, it is possible to customize the streaming environment.

To create your first scene, click on the “+” symbol at the bottom of the screen.

Then choose a name for your scene and click “OK”.

How to add sources to OBS?

One of the most important aspects of a live broadcast on OBS is the capture sources, which tell the program what the source of the images that will be transmitted during the live, such as the webcam or the computer screen.

To insert a font, just click on the “+” icon located below the list of fonts.

Doing so displays a list with different fonts. Each of them serves to add a new feature to the scene.

You can, for example, insert images from the webcam, from an external camera connected to the computer, from the window of a specific program or from the full screen of the computer.

If you want to exclude a source, you just have to select the element and click on the “-“ sign.

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To much perhaps the majority, like to make their broadcasts live showing the…

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