How to network? 14 tips to implement this strategy

Expanding your network of contacts in a qualitative and planned way is essential to grow in the global market. Networking will help you in this task, and will give you the opportunity to focus your skills to improve your brand or finally get the job you always wanted.

We bring you 14 tips so you can learn to implement this essential strategy for the development of your career.

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What is networking?

Networking is a network of contacts that aims to strengthen professional relationships and grow collaboratively in the job market.

Many people know the term, but have a very simplistic view of the process, reducing it to adding followers on social networks, participating in events or exchanging business cards.

But, in fact, networking goes much further: it is about building a community where new lines of communication are opened with other entrepreneurs and where dialogue and the exchange of knowledge are constant and productive for all those who participate.

Networking is, therefore, a way of developing professional relationships in different environments and knowing how to use them for a purpose.

When we become aware of its importance, we realize that with well-planned networking, not only new horizons will open up, but also many opportunities to exchange relevant information, experiences and knowledge.

Because there is no doubt that the it is directly linked to relationships that develop over time.

You want to know more? Read on and don’t miss these 14 practical tips to qualitatively increase your professional network.

VIDEO | How to Network Effectively?: Networking Strategies | joanna ferrero

What is networking for?

It is clear that if a business is isolated from the market, it will have serious problems to prosper. With networking, entrepreneurs not only help each other.

But they also build a solid foundation that generates short-term results. By applying networking, your vision of the market will be more current, and by knowing other realities, you will have more tools to diagnose where your business is, where you can improve and what you can contribute.

A network of quality contacts will open the way for your brand to generate more and more value. In addition, with the increase in face-to-face and online events,now it is much easier to meet authorities of thousands of brands.

Don’t miss out on the opportunity and create new connections that will contribute to your professional growth and your business: by developing a good networking strategy, you will generate authority and really make a difference.

14 tips on how to network

You must have already noticed that meeting people in your market is a great strategy for those looking to grow professionally.

But how to build a network of contacts that fulfills this purpose?

We have selected 14 tips to help you do quality networking.

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Here they go:

1. Quality is more important than quantity

Quality is the most important factor when networking. Therefore, establish true relationships that generate engagement, that is, where people know how to identify who you are and interact with the content you share.

It’s not about quantity: a good network of contacts goes far beyond adding followers. You should focus on meeting people who are important to your business and building relationships with them.

2. Generates a relationship of exchange and utility

Send relevant content to your contacts. By doing so, you can take advantage and ask them for disclosure, positive feedback, or other specific actions in return.

It is also very effective not to ask for anything in return: that person will surely remember you, especially if at some point you helped him solve a problem.

Another action that works is to propose projects or invite your contacts to relevant events related to the area of ​​action of both. In this way you will be being useful and you will also maintain a good relationship.

3. Keep in constant contact

This tip is very important to keep relationships as organic as possible.

Even if your relationship is just professional, it’s essential to show people how much you care about them and that you’ll be there when they need you. A network of professional relationships only generates value if it is two-way, and respects the famous win-win idea.

Remember to be helpful and maintain a constant and selfless relationship, and when you need something in return, they will surely help you.

4. Define your strengths and your professional experiences

To stand out professionally, it is necessary to disclose your strengths and experiences that are relevant to your contacts. In this way, you will select the correct contacts, those interested in your main professional characteristics.

This advice is even more important for those who are . After all, recruiters need to know how you stack up against the other candidates.

5. Learn to promote yourself

Self-promotion is essential for any professional interested in growing. And no one better than yourself to develop your .

Differentiate yourself from others by being authentic and sincere.

But be careful not to come across as arrogant and share information that isn’t relevant to your network! This only prevents you from networking and drives away potential contacts.

6. Be active on networks like LinkedIn

It is the largest professional network in the world.

If you know how to use it well and show your qualities, you will be able to set up a business networking strategy, connecting with people with values ​​similar to yours.

In addition, in this type of network, you maintain direct contact with your audience and generate more commitment, mainly by creating quality content.

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Therefore, keep constant activity on LinkedIn and other social networks in which your circle of contacts is present, taking care to share useful information, because after all, who is not seen is not remembered.

7. Develop your authority by creating content

either for example, is a great way to build authority and strengthen your online brand.

With texts, you gain the trust of your audience, and with videos, you generate empathy.

There is also the possibility of providing relevant and free content in exchange for your lead’s contact information.

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8. Get a networking partner

Having a partner with whom you can promote both your work and theirs is a very advantageous practice, capable of increasing your network of contacts and the reach of your content.

If both of you are embarrassed to promote yourself, you will do it for your partner and vice versa.

But be careful not to suggest products or services that you are not going to use only to build relationships, as that can harm the relationship with your followers.

9. Never speak ill of your competitors

In reality, you should not speak ill of anyone, as this can harm your networking and personal relationships.

Besides, the you can become a business partner in the future.

Therefore, play fair and do not speak ill of others. Focus your efforts on yourself and your own business.

10. Develop techniques to lose shyness

The it is something normal, mainly in places with many people that we do not know. But you can take some attitudes to networking even if you are shy. Some of them are:

  • Ask an intermediary to introduce you to the people you want to make contact with. This relieves pressure;
  • Make initial contacts online;
  • Get to the place early. It’s much less intimidating to approach someone when there aren’t that many people around;
  • Think ahead about the questions you will ask each person you want to meet;
  • Be objective. This way, you won’t have to waste time talking about irrelevant matters.

11. Interact outside the work environment

A relaxed place is also a good place to network. So, take advantage of these moments to stay outside of working hours. This way you can get to know them better.

But, in addition to inviting, you must be willing to say yes when you are invited. Being present makes them remember you and increases your chances of building genuine relationships.

It is also important to go to those sites where people related to your market go. That way, you don’t run the risk of being interpreted as someone who only shows up when you need something.

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12. Look for people with common interests

A golden piece of advice on how to network is to look for people from the same segment or who share the same interests and ideals on a professional level.

Establishing communication with these people will keep you up to date and you will learn more about your area of ​​expertise.

It also pays to connect with people from different areas who share common ground with you. Knowing other fields of work you will automatically broaden your vision of the market.

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13. Stay up to date

Do market research, try to keep abreast of news, find out who are the current leaders in your area and keep in constant learning. This will help you relate to other people in the middle more easily.

In addition, your conversations will be more assertive and current and you will know how to distinguish the information that is relevant to your interests.

14. Participate in events of your market niche

One of the most conducive environments to add your first contacts are events specifically aimed at your professional niche.

An event is a place full of people willing to exchange experiences where you can connect with thousands of entrepreneurs with a lot of knowledge to offer.

Attend these events in person or online. There are several free and paid events that offer online chat rooms. Take advantage of all the tools and resources available to interact and win new contacts for your network.

It’s time to create your network of contacts!

Networking is a practice full of benefits for the business world. It is an opportunity to expand knowledge, exchange experiences, improve the reputation of your brand and become an authority among the thousands of people who are part of your area of ​​action.

Throughout this post we have told you the secrets on how to network and all the necessary precautions to cultivate a good network.

First of all, it takes commitment and understanding that you also have to collaborate with your contacts. There must be a win-win relationship.

Study, deepen and investigate your market niche and do not stop building a consistent base of contacts that have goals, ideals and interests in common with yours.

We have also addressed the importance of being in conducive environments for networking…

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