How to use Pinterest to sell digital products

In addition to being an inspiring social network, Pinterest has positioned itself as a platform for generation of both for your blog or sales page and for YouTube and Instagram. That way, you can use Pinterest to sell digital products. But what would be the best strategy to start with?

Is your client on Pinterest?

Before you start selling on Pinterest, you have to understand if you are in this social network. For that, let’s see some data about the public currently present on Pinterest, disseminated by the :

  • 70% of Pinterest users are women, and new users are 40% men and 60% women.
  • 34% of users are between 18 and 29 years old, in the United States
  • The average age of users is 40 years old, although those who upload the most content in pins are under 40.
  • Generation Y, also known as Millennials, is on Pinterest as much as they are on Instagram. It is worth remembering that this generation was born between the 80s and 90s.
  • 50% of users are outside the United States.

In addition, it is necessary to think about what are present on the platform. When creating the boards, there is a suggestion of categories in which they can be inserted, this can give us an idea of ​​more than 30 that can be published on the social network.

Suggested categories include: Animals & Pets, Outdoors, Crafts & DIY, Hairstyle, Makeup & Beauty, Auto & Motorcycle, Wedding Ideas, Education, Entertainment, Gardening, Women’s Fashion, Parent & Child, Products, Health & Food healthy, Technology and Travel

Do you need help deciding?

If you still have doubts, I have separated some tips here for you to discover if this is the right social network to invest in:

  1. Beam keyword searches of the digital product you want to sell and find out if there is any content within Pinterest about it.
  2. If you already produce or you already have an audience, ask them if they use Pinterest and for what purpose. Thus, you will discover if it is worth investing in content for this network.
  3. If you notice that no content posted on Pinterest For your niche, you need to ask yourself if the content is worth starting with and trying or is it better to put it aside. Evaluate what would be the best strategy for your business.

Time to understand the platform

Now that you’ve figured out if your audience is on Pinterest, it’s time to learn how people use it, and especially how it’s searched. This will help you understand how often you need to produce content and what your sales strategy will be.

The first step to getting insights into how your content is performing on the social network is to change your profile to: pinterest for business. Thus, you will have access to Analytics, in it you will be able to understand how your pins are working, which ones are clicked the most and which ones are viewed the most, for example.

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What is published on Pinterest

When analyzing the content published on this social network, it is possible to understand two points. The first is that Pinterest is a social network that cares a lot about photo quality. This is because their focus is really on image sharing. Parallel to this, there has been a tendency to publish native videos on the web.

And the second point is format of your content, especially if the goal is to generate organic traffic, since the published pins must have an attention-grabbing phrase or title so that your customer is directed to the site. Therefore, the photos can be pretty, but infographics and images with titles convert more.

Given this, we must understand, first of all, that the production of content for Pinterest is mainly vertical. The idea is to assess the displacement of the feed and keep the person in contact with your content for longer. Therefore, put more value on vertical publications.

How to organize your content on Pinterest

When we think about selling on Pinterest, we have to think about how to make our content more discoverable on the social network and thus attract more organic traffic. To do this, we need to keep three important points in mind: keywords, descriptions, and pin organization.


The they can be easily found via Pinterest autocomplete suggestion. This means you can type a keyword head tail either long tail and get a better understanding of what is being searched on the platform about it from the plugin that appears in the search. And, thus, being able to create the content that is sought on the platform.

This process follows the same rule and thought of the for blogs for example, so if you also want to search for keywords in Google Adwords or also applies.


The second point is description. When creating a pin within the platform, we have 500 characters to use as the image description.

It is worth remembering that only the first 50 characters of the description appear in the feedsso you need to insert the keyword later and think about what to use

The same thing happens with the title, since it can have up to 100 characters and only 30 of them appear in the feed of the user.

Pin Organization

Finally, the pin organization counts a lot. Pinterest is getting better at organizing folders by having a lot of important information to supplement, like:

  • folder name: It is interesting to use keywords in the name, especially those that have more to do with the solution offered by the product. It is also worth thinking about the main problems and questions of your person.
  • Description: Remember to make a clear description that addresses the content that will be displayed in the folder. This will be important even for Pinterest itself to be able to understand what content will be placed there and deliver it to people searching for it. It is worth inserting some also.
  • Category: Choose one of the categories listed above (we mentioned them at the beginning of this post). Pinterest must associate them with the choices that each user makes when entering the social network and also with content interactions, in order to send similar content to users. Take advantage of each of these segmentations!
  • Front page: It is interesting to standardize the covers of your Pinterest folders to keep everything more organized. This may have some connection to a future folder view change, worth keeping an eye on for updates.
  • Vision: is used to decide if it will be a secret or public folder. When it comes to increasing traffic, it is essential that your folder is public. Now, if you want to create an inspiration folder for yourself, something personal and unconnected to what you want to sell, it’s worth keeping it a secret.
  • Personalization: This process is interesting to understand which pins you want to appear on your Pinterest page. Those pins behind your photo, you know? Choose only the folders that are most strategic for your business.
  • Collaborators: It is possible to create folders to pin pins in collaboration with other users. Here, it pays to meet up with content creators who have the same tastes as you and create something together. It is designed to organize team projects, since you can insert reactions, comments and view recent activities. It’s even worth building a community through pins and letting everyone post inspirations here!
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What strategy to use to sell on Pinterest?

Now that you know how to organize your content on Pinterest, you need to think about the content strategy that you will post there. For that, we need to understand about the .

From this, it will be possible to identify, in each funnel stage (attraction, conversion, sale and enchantment) what are the problems of your person.

Therefore, you can create folders to solve each of these problems or make folders for each of the stages, it really depends on what you understand as the best strategy.

This is because you need to think of Pinterest as a social network to drive organic traffic, nurture customers, and thereby drive sales. In this way, the funnel becomes a fundamental part of your entire strategy.

But where should I direct the user at each stage?

Since we’re thinking of Pinterest as an organic traffic strategy, inserting links on each of your pins is essential. They can target blog content, social media posts (like Instagram and YouTube), and also your sales page.

It is very important to place a tracking code in your disclosure hotlink, as this is how you can identify if your efforts on Pinterest are paying off. For this, it is worth inserting the following code at the end of your hotlink:


By entering the sales by origin report, you will be able to identify that the sale came from Pinterest.

Now, if your goal is to attract users to your blog, do the same. In this way, you can identify who found your blog content through Pinterest and begin to understand what content works best there.

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How to create content for Pinterest

There are two formats that are essential to your Pinterest sales strategy: vertical content (title with image) and infographics.

These contents will attract the attention of your future customer and make them click on the image to get more information. When they click on the image, they will be fed by your content and therefore go down the funnel until they finally buy it. Or they can go directly to your sales page and make a purchase.

Therefore, the ideal is that you use Pinterest as a aggregation strategy for something you already do on other networks, Mainly on the blog. Like, for example, reusing blog content and creating new ones, so you can take advantage of valuable content and, from it, create vertical formats (photo + title) and even infographics for Pinterest.

With frequent use, you will notice the growth of your other networks due to Pinterest, since you can send users to your profile on Instagram, to YouTube and, mainly, to a rich material in which you will obtain the email of that user, in order to take care of it more closely.

Remember that you must claim your site in your profile settings and also connect to social networks, such as Instagram and YouTube. That way, when any of your content is pinned from these networks, Pinterest will understand that it’s yours and give you credit.

How to create eye-catching content

However, for your pin to attract the attention of users, you must think about that attract attention. Thinking about that, it is essential to use mental triggers to influence the click, such as those that generate curiosity and novelty, for example.

Also, as we discussed at the beginning of the content, the images must have an interesting design, since the social network has this…

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