¿How to win money with a blog? The Complete Guide for Bloggers

Technology is opening more and more space for new professions, such as youtubers, instagramers and bloggers. And precisely about the latter, the bloggers, we are going to talk to you in this post. Keep reading!

Turning your hobbies into a source of income is a great challenge and one of the most difficult points may be discovering where to start or how to make your knowledge profitable. So we tell you what you have to do to take advantage of your blog.

VIDEO | 5 ways to make money with a blog and monetize your content

Shall we start?

Advantages of working with a blog

The first thing that we are going to explain to you are the advantages of having a blog, in case you have not yet decided to create your own.

  1. you have your own business
  2. You have flexible hours to work your way
  3. you do what you like the most
  4. You can increase your earnings over time
  5. You become a reference in a certain niche
  6. or anywhere
  7. and friendships

Who can make money with a blog?

In principle, anyone. But, you have to remember that it is a business and therefore you need a lot of dedication and determination to achieve good results.

The good news is that no one is born knowing how to manage a business. You can develop these skills by studying hard, knowing your niche and your target audience, learning how to segment your audience, define your buyer persona and create quality content.

All these elements are essential to make money with your blog and increase its profitability.

Ideas to make money with a blog

Currently there are several ways to make money with a blog and, probably, there will be others that we do not even dream of. Take a look at how you can earn income as a blogger:

1. Consulting

As you gain online presence, your market niche will have you as a reference on the subject and that is excellent for offering online advice.

For example, if you have a blog about personal finance, you can provide advice to readers who want to improve their relationship with money, learn how to save and know how to invest.

This type of service is ideal for demonstrating your knowledge and generating word of mouth marketing.

Whenever possible, ask your customers for testimonials about your service and display them on your website. This social proof will strengthen your credibility.

2.Google AdSense

If your blog has many hits, you can use it to advertise. For every click on the ad, will pay you We’re talking here about an estimated value of 30 cents per click, 85 cents per 1,000 visits to your website, and $2.90 per 1,000 unique visits.

When a blog has many daily visits, the probability of getting a large number of clicks increases.

In case you’re wondering: “Is it worth working with Google Adsense?”. The answer is Yes! This is still a source for extra income.

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The profitability through Adsense is related to the niche, the traffic and the design of your blog. Therefore, it is important that you invest in quality content to achieve a satisfactory number of visits. Only then will you have results with advertising.

3. Online courses

If you have a blog, you are probably a specialist in a niche market. That is, surely you can help other people with everything you know.

Therefore, a good option to make your blog profitable is and sell it to your audience, generating .

With so much technology, people are realizing how many opportunities are available to them. It is possible to learn new skills, enhance personal and professional development with online courses.

If your blog is about tourism, for example, you can create a course with the complete step by step to plan a trip saving money.

4. E-books

The ebook is a type of Similar to the online course. Digital books are an excellent option to transmit valuable knowledge to your audience.

If you have a blog about vegan cuisine, for example, you can create an ebook with easy recipes and promote it there.

VIDEO | How to publish and sell an ebook on

5. Affiliate program

If you think that teaching is not your thingthe It is a very profitable option. to earn money with your blog.

Affiliates are in the business of recommending other people’s products and receive a commission every time they make a sale.

If you have a blog about weddings, for example, you can recommend an ebook that teaches how to plan the party.

Whenever a reader of your blog makes a purchase through the link you shared, you will receive a percentage of the value of the product (which can be up to 80%!). Tempting, right?

6. Physical products or services

If you have an e-commerce or sell services, you can start a blog and write about the topics that dominate your market.

Do you have a virtual bikini store? Why don’t you write about the feminine world, fashion and its trends? Your audience will be interested in the topic and when they need a bikini, they will remember that your store sells beautiful models!

¿How to win money with a blog?

After knowing the best options to earn money with a blog, surely you are thinking: “Everything is very nice but, How do I start?”. Here are some important steps:

1. Define your strategy

What is the purpose of your blog? To make money with a blog, it is necessary, in general, to provide informative content that educates the public, answers their questions and creates a link of trust and credibility so that visits are repeated.

The more involved your audience is with your blog, the more your content will spread. Therefore, pay attention to the recommendations and remember that they are all important to increase the profitability of your business.

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2. Invite your audience to action

Plan the design of your site thinking about the conversion of your user. You can strategically distribute buttons of inviting the visitor to download an ebook, to subscribe to a newsletter, to your YouTube channel or other actions that are relevant to your business.

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3. Build a contact base

Without a doubt, the main and most important asset of a blog is the traffic it generates. All your strategies must be based on attracting quality traffic that, later, becomes a conversion.

Also, one of the most valuable information you can get from a visitor, always remember, is their email.

The conversion cycle is based on:

  1. Attraction of visits and increase in the volume of traffic.
  2. Formation of a list of contacts.
  3. or leads
  4. Offer and sell your product or service.

And this is one of the most important points of your entire strategy. When you receive an email from a user, contact them directly, but at the most appropriate time and in an automated way.

Here are some tips that can help you:

Offer free content to your audience and request their email in return.

Insert forms in your blog, they are very valuable. You can produce a newsletter or notify your subscribers about new content, exclusively.

When you have a good number of visits to your blog, you can promote online to discuss a topic, publicize a product and ask for the users’ email to access it.

4. Associate with other blogs

Strengthen your brand by joining other blogs that are not your direct competitors, but from the same market. you can make room for inviting another person to talk about a topic on your blog, as well as offering to write on friends’ blogs.

Do interviews, produce content together and offer co-marketing material, dividing the leads that buy through the action.

5. Participate in social networks

A self-respecting blogger is present in the producing unique content and strengthening contact with your audience. But beware! Analyze which networks your buyer persona actually uses.

There are many options, innovations are always emerging and if you try to be on all the networks at the same time, you will lose focus and you will not have enough strength in your channels.

6. Learn SEO techniques

Despite the complicated name, the techniques of (Search Engine Optimization) aim to improve the positioning of your website in engines such as Google and Bing, increasing organic traffic, that is, free. The results of this strategy begin to emerge in the medium and long term, through continuous work.

7. Invest in paid ads

Many entrepreneurs, especially beginners, get chills just hearing about paid ads. Surely you think that advertising means spending money, right? Well no! Good campaigns are investments and contribute to the spread of your blog.

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Do you already have a blog and want to earn more money?

Many bloggers start writing without any pretense and naturally achieve a good volume of traffic and a loyal following. If this is your case, you are already on the right path to earn money with a blog.

If your page does not have ads and you start using Google Adsense, you can surprise your visitors negatively. So, go slowly, give up some ad slots and gradually increase them, always worrying about the experience of the user browsing your blog.

To create a digital product, see how your audience interacts with you. You probably have the answer in your hands. If your blog talks about the universe of pets, for example, a training product can be perfect.

Your own readers may have already asked you for some advice. Read the comments and see what the needs of your audience are. In addition, you have the possibility of transforming all the content of your blog into an ebook or a video class.

Famous bloggers: a little bit of inspiration

In this post we have explained how to make money with a blog, as well as offering you many ideas to start your business. But we could not fail to give you a touch of inspiration so that you go with well-charged batteries.

Here are three people who already make money from their blogs:

Directly from Spain, we introduce you to Antonio Martínez Ron, from Fogonazos. He founded his blog in 2003, which has already been the most widely read science blog in the Spanish language, in addition to having won important awards such as Bitácoras, for the best science blog, in 2010, and Prismas for the best science popularization page, in 2012.

Now we are going to Mexico, from where we bring you Sofía Lascurain with her blog “My Philosophie”, which was born in 2010. Her niche is fashion, beauty and lifestyle and she has obtained international recognition collaborating with well-known brands such as Givenchy and participating in top events such as Fashion Week in Paris, New York and Milan.

And to close with a flourish, the twin sisters Amelia and Elisa, founders of the blog SisterlyStyle, arrive from Colombia. They are also from the universe of fashion and healthy living and have a legion of more than 450 thousand followers on Instagram.

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