Media kit: what is it [+ tutorial completo para crear el tuyo]

Many of the people who work on the Internet, such as , , and influencers, they need advertisers to generate income.

In other words, these professionals earn money by advertising brands or products on their profiles on social networks, web pages, YouTube channels or blogs.

If you want to work as or already do, but have not yet found sponsors, you need to convince them that you are the ideal person to promote their products or services, in addition to showing them some important information about how your work works.

For that, there is the media kit, and that is what we are going to talk about today!

What is a media kit?

A media kit, or also known as a press kit, is a commercial document or tool that a person, brand or organization uses to demonstrate its full potential to possible sponsors or advertisers who are interested.

The main objective of a media kit is to show in a summarized and attractive way all the information necessary to attract customers and convince them, through data (such as general brand information, number of followers, percentage of engagement, success stories, unique proposal of value and much more).

At first glance we might think that a media kit is like a normal dossier; however, it is not the same. A media kit is characterized by showing in detail the advertising alternatives that the brand or influencer offers, available collaboration methods and, of course, the rates.

For example, suppose you are an entrepreneur who has developed your personal brand as a personal shopper and, in addition, you offer ebooks with fashion tips through your websites and social networks.

One day a potential advertiser or investor approaches you and asks: “Can you send me the different forms of collaboration with you, please?”

This is the moment when you will have to present your media kit which, in addition to helping you project an image of professionalism, allows you to show in a very concise way everything that brands or advertisers need to know to make the decision to work with you or not.

Let’s explore a little the advantages of having a professional media kit:

Advantages of having a professional media kit

  • It allows you to show everything you can offer as a partner in a simple, visual and creative way.
  • It is a tool that allows you to standardize communications with potential sponsors or advertisers.
  • A professional media kit is the ideal tool to sell who you are and make your value proposition known.
  • Thanks to the diversity of formats in which you can create your media kit, you have the freedom to be creative and show your essence and personality through a simple document.

What information cannot be missing in a media kit?

Delivering a media kit to a possible sponsor or advertiser is a golden opportunity that you should know how to take advantage of.

It is important that the media kit includes the necessary information so that whoever reviews it can clearly understand who you are, what you do and what you propose, but you also need to take care of the length of the file so that it is not extremely long and boring.

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For this reason, we have gathered the information that cannot be missing in your media kit, let’s see what they are:

  • Who are you or what is your brand about?

It is important to start your media kit by explaining who you are or what your brand is about, remember to be concise and direct when writing this introduction.

Try to be brief, think carefully about the sentences you will place, since the first lines are decisive so that whoever reads it can continue to be interested.

Also take a look at our Tips on personal branding:

  • What are your mission and values

Your principles, mission and values ​​are very important, since companies generally seek to support projects or people who share their philosophy and objectives.

For example, let’s say one of your main goals is to help people adopt healthy lifestyle habits. Do you think it would be logical for you to get sponsorship or advertise cigarette or alcohol brands?

Making this very clear will help you find sponsorship or advertisers that are in accordance with the mission and values ​​that characterize your project.

  • what is your market niche

do? Who is your brand aimed at? This is another piece of information that cannot be missing from your media kit.

Companies, advertisers or sponsors need to know if your public coincides with theirs since otherwise they would be throwing money away.

Following the same logic of the previous item, place a brief description of your audience that includes data such as the origin of your visitors, average age, gender, country, interests, economic level, products or services that may interest them, etc.

If you have you can include it!

  • What makes you stand out from the rest?

Do you know what makes you special and unique before others? This is the time to show off and show off all your medals.

Offering a unique value proposition is key to winning advertisers and brand partnerships.

Remember that just like you there are a lot of entrepreneurs who are also looking forward to getting deals with brands and advertisers, so don’t miss this opportunity to show your true value.

  • How many followers do you have

The number of followers is a piece of information that cannot be missing when presenting a media kit. The reason for this is because this is an indicator that can help brands or advertisers to get an idea of ​​what impact your work as an influencer or partner can have.

Be very honest when posting your follower count and avoid falling for scams like buying fake followers just to impress.

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You may not have a million but we are sure that if your content is really valuable and of quality for a certain audience, brands or advertisers will be interested in working with you.

A good strategy for those who do not have as many followers is to show other relevant data, such as the community that follows your content or brand, the growth experienced since you started your project, the percentage of engagement in your publications, etc.

  • Some statistics and records

It is not about filling your media kit with numbers and percentages to impress. As we mentioned before, it does not matter that you have few figures, the important thing is that they are effective.

So take your most flattering numbers and put them visually in your document, such as: number of subscribers, average number of visits, Instagram followers, Facebook Fans, successful post data, the time your users spend on the website etc.

  • Collaborations you have done

have you done ? Highlight them!

In this part of your media kit you should talk about other brands that have trusted you, you can mention them, post screenshots of the work done or add real testimonials.

In this way, advertisers or partners will be able to have a much clearer idea of ​​your way of working, the impact you have on the network, etc.

Success stories will give your brand more power and trust. If you have done any work that has been considered a success story, do not forget to highlight it in your media kit.

  • Types of collaboration you carry out and spaces you offer to advertise

This is the time to cut to the chase and clearly explain what you offer. Do you offer banner ads? Sponsored posts? Instagram posts? This is the time to offer advertisers your working methods.

A fact that you can never forget! Making the price of your work clear from the beginning is important to prevent both parties from wasting time.

If the advertiser does not adapt to your budget or is simply not willing to pay the stipulated amount, it is time to turn the page and look at other possibilities.

  • General rules for partners

The payment conditions, the time established to prepare the publications, the rights and duties of the advertiser… This section is your last chance to make everything very clear and clear up doubts.

Finally, close the document with a and finish convincing the reader without forgetting your contact information.

How to create a media kit?

Get the data

The first thing you should do to start creating a media kit is to collect all the information that you will place.

We suggest that you start from the statistical data to discover your strengths and important data that can be included in the media kit, and then start writing what the presentation, mission, values, collaboration possibilities, etc. would be.

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Lean on tools like , or their own and Instagram to discover interesting data about your brand, such as the number of followers, successful posts, monthly interaction, percentage of engagement, segmentation, number of visits, etc.

Choose the format in which you want to present your media kit

There are many ways to present a media kit, some brands or influencers have it hosted directly in a section of their website, others in slideshare, powerpoint, video or PDF; Everything will depend on your taste and ability.

It is necessary to point out that these types of documents must be sent in closed formats, that is, they cannot be modified, thus preventing your data from being altered and the content from moving from one place to another when it is sent.

If you feel that you are not able to create a professional and attractive media kit, do not despair! In this case, you can evaluate the option of going to a freelance design professional who can help you create the perfect media kit.

Start designing!

Design is just as important as content when it comes to presenting a media kit to a sponsor or advertiser. Therefore, try to select a layout that is intuitive and easy to read; include images, infographics or illustrations that make the document a bit more dynamic.

On the Internet, you can find free platforms to create your own media kit that make available a lot of resources and templates with beautiful designs (such as Canva).

This is one of the best platforms to create designs online, and the best part is that you don’t need to be an expert in graphic design to create original and 100% professional presentations.

Don’t you believe us? Then we bring you this (super easy) tutorial where we show you how to create the perfect media kit in Canva.

Tutorial to create a media kit in Canva

  1. Create an account at to start designing your own media kit.
  2. Choose a background from the collection of templates. This is one of the funniest steps! You can select from Canva’s free pre-designed templates, or you can create a custom template by adding your brand colors and logo.
  3. Select the font and start adding all the text. You can mix different fonts to make it much more attractive!
  4. Add images, graphics, custom illustrations, or you can also choose the ones you want from the image library offered by the platform.
  5. Save and…
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