Inbound Marketing: how to get quality visits

As we told you in previous posts, he makes the user and potential client find you instead of going to look for him.

So now we are going to show you how to apply this strategy step by step in your company and thus become an expert in the field.

Lets start by the beginning.

This methodology proposes convert potential customers of a brand into its “promoters”, that is, in new consumers who “fall in love” with it, become loyal followers and recommend it to their acquaintances. She sounds cute, doesn’t she?

To achieve this, it is essential to follow the four steps that proposes the same methodology of Inbound Marketing, which are:

  • Drive quality traffic to your site.
  • Convert visits to subscribers (leads).
  • Transform subscribers into customers.
  • Loyalty promoters.

In this opportunity, we are going to analyze the first stage together with the tools that are needed to carry it out and, later, we will see the following ones. Are you ready? 🙂

Step 1: Drive quality traffic to your site

The first step of the strategy is to attract quality visits to your website.

This means that you have to target directly those people who have the greatest chance of becoming sales opportunities for your business.

To attract those potential customers, the most important thing is that generate interesting and useful content for them. That is, that they are answers to some of your concerns or pain points (pains) and that it really helps them to increase their knowledge.

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There are different tools that can help you publicize all the material you produce. We tell you the ones that have the most impact when it comes to attracting visitors.

1. Create a blog and optimize it for search engine optimization

Despite the fact that blogs are often not valued or taken advantage of in all their magnitude, if you learn to manage them well and nurture them with quality contentcan become a very powerful tool to position a brand as a benchmark in its sector.

In addition, to achieve a successful Inbound Marketing strategy, it is necessary to think and design your blog based on good SEO practices, that is, aiming for a good position in search results to generate more traffic to your site.

Some of these good practices are:

  • that your potential client uses. This requires understanding your profile and analyzing what and how you might be searching online. There are free tools like or that can help you discover what these words are and thus attract more users to your website. For example, if you have a women’s clothing ecommerce, you could analyze if your potential client searches for “buy women’s clothing”, “online women’s clothing” or “online women’s clothing store”. the secret is in put yourself in their shoes to understand how he thinks and in this way, get to him faster. 🙂 If you perform the search in Google Ads, you will see that it would be convenient for you to use “women’s clothing online” since it has more monthly searches than the other two options.
  • Your blog must be constantly updated, and that content must be of quality. We insist a lot on this! Why? Because useful content attracts your potential customers and leads them to your site.
  • Ideally, it should have links to internal or external pages to it, like other blogs or corporate pages of the sector. The Tiendanube makes use of this resource in many of its blog notes, as in this case:
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These are some of the most important points to keep in mind to get your blog rank better in search results and, thus, achieve more visits to your site.

To learn more about it, read our .

2. Strategically use social networks

Did you know ? That’s why, your brand also has to be present in this world.

And at this stage, the focus is going to be on disseminate as much as possible the content generated.

To achieve greater viralization and reach your target audience, we recommend:

  • Add visually appealing elements to the post text. Typically, this is accomplished through emoticonsthat is, icons that express emotions. Take a look at the example of the store’s Instagram account:
  • In that same text, tag people or brands that are related to your content (let them know first so they help you spread it!), as the Tiendanube does on its Facebook account:

Currently there are free and paid tools that facilitate the management of social networks. With them you can schedule your posts and forget about being behind the computer! The ones we like the most are , and .

3. Run Pay Per Click (PPC) Campaigns

PPC campaigns consist of advertisements published on different web pages, where the advertiser only pays for each click that his advertising obtains.

It is ideal to apply this type of campaign at the beginning of the Inbound Marketing strategy to generate faster traffic to your site and get results in the shortest possible time.

In addition, some of the PPC campaigns position you in the first results of Google and other search engines.

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For example, in the case of a , if the user searches for “buy women’s clothing online”, the result will be this:

As you can see, the PPC results are highlighted by the “Ad” label, which are the paid publications and are the first that your potential client will see.

Learn about other ways to attract visitors to your virtual business:



These are all the recommendations we give you for successfully implement the first phase of the Inbound Marketing strategy in your e-commerce.

And you, haven’t you opened your online store yet? Fail now! We give you 30 days free to test the Tiendanube platform. Start selling online like a pro.

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