Income Campaign 2014 | Today ends the term for domiciled income

The term to present the 2014 income statement with the result to enter through direct debit ends today June 25, while if this banking option is not chosen, the presentation limit is until the 30th.

On Tuesday, April 7, the 2014 income and wealth campaign began and the Treasury plans to return 10,550 million euros (0.95% less than a year ago) to 14.25 million taxpayers.

Until May 28, the Tax Agency (AEAT) has paid more than 5.7 million taxpayers an amount of more than 3,600 million euros, 15% more than in the same period a year ago.

The acceleration of returns in number and amount has exceeded that of presentations, which from April to May grew by 10% compared to the last campaign.

The term for presenting the income ends on June 30, both for the declarations to be deposited and to be returned, although in the event that the declarations to be deposited choose to make the payment by direct debit, the presentation term ends tomorrow , June 25th.

Up to the end of May, more than 1.6 million prior appointments have been made for the preparation of Income Tax returns and almost 2.8 million telephone calls have been answered through the different services offered by the Tax Agency.

Attention in offices until June 30

Attention in offices by appointment remains open until June 30, but the presentation through the Internet also remains available to citizens.

Likewise, the Treasury recalls that for this year it follows the 2014 regulation regarding taxpayers who are obliged to submit the personal income tax return, so that in general terms those whose income from work does not exceed 22,000 euros per year are excluded.

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However, the previous scale is reduced to 11,200 euros per year if said returns come from more than one payer, with certain exceptions.

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