Interview course #9. Realization – .com

In the ninth class of the interview course we are going to do a real practice with Stella Goñi, a professional journalist.

Now that we have everything ready, it is time to put it into practice to illustrate everything we have studied so far and for this we have decided to conduct a video conference interview.

I recommend that you download the timeline and the questionnaire so that you can see how we apply everything we have seen during the course. Let’s see it!

What fun! It is a great pleasure to be able to count on professionals like Stella to do this type of real practice. As we have just seen, it is very important to follow our road map so as not to get lost along the way.

Let us highlight the main characteristics of this interview in particular:

  • Format: Video
  • Type: Hybrid
  • Medium: Youtube
  • Audience: students
  • Guest: Stella Goñi (Journalist)
  • Tools: Zoom, Vacaroo, iPhone, Garageband,
  • Timeline: Link
  • Quiz: link

The technical difficulty and plasticity of the interview itself, in which we can know how it will start but not how it will end, forces us to follow a script and try to “choreograph” the conversation.

Now is your turn! Try with someone from your environment to put into practice what we have seen. Try to simplify the technical configuration until you get comfortable and have the script, rundown, timeline, interviewee file and everything you think you may need during the interview at hand.

Above all don’t forget to have fun. This is the great secret of communication. The more comfortable you are, the better the intervention will turn out and your audience will thank you.

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Remember that you do not have to talk about everything you have thought about. Sometimes there is a single issue that provides 99% of the value and we must be attentive to know how to find it and squeeze it.

Cheer up! I will be delighted to receive your practices and inquiries. You already know that you can contact the form on the subscriber’s intranet. See you in the last class of the course! 🙂

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