Is noise cancellation worth it?

More and more manufacturers incorporate active noise cancellation into their headphones, which causes a price increase in these, which leads consumers to wonder if this function is really worth it or if it is just an extra of the that we can do without.

There is nothing more annoying than listening to your favorite song and not being able to enjoy it because the noise from the street or from your house is louder than the melody, which is why headphone manufacturers decided to provide a solution, creating noise cancellation.

This tool is designed to block external noises through the microphone that the headphones are equipped with, to pick up external noises and generate an inverse signal that cancels them out.

they really work

The popularity and growth of this technology is not in vain, and it is that they really work and are effective in isolating the user from the noise that is generated outside. Analysis carried out by the Organization for Consumers and Users indicates that noise cancellation is most effective with low-frequency and low-frequency sounds, which means that it blocks noise from cars or trains much better than higher-pitched tones such as when a child cries

Noise cancellation can help you isolate yourself in places with a lot of background noise, and they are a very good option if you have to concentrate to do something or you just want to escape from the rest of the world for a while.

Has a little drawback

Although it is true that not all noise cancellation is positive, firstly because by using a system that generates an inverse signal to external noise, the sound quality decreases (not significantly) just as this technology wastes money. extra power so the headset battery lasts less.

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And when it comes to your day to day, wearing noise canceling headphones prevents you from hearing your surroundings, this can be dangerous if you are crossing a street without looking, or it can cause someone to talk to you and you ignore them because you don’t you heard him

Although it is true that many manufacturers are providing a solution with ambient sound mode, an inverse function to noise cancellation since it captures ambient sound, so that while listening to music you can be aware of your surroundings.


After all, this technology is becoming more and more popular and more and more headphones are coming with noise cancellation and that is that when it comes to the music listening experience, in general it is quite positive since it helps you focus on what you are listening to

It is true that it has some drawbacks, but when you buy headphones what you are looking for is the best possible musical experience, so as long as you use noise cancellation in a responsible way, it is a very good extra to have in your headphones .

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