Jelly, the social network that solves your doubts

Imagine that one afternoon you are walking down a street in any city in the world and you come across an object that, incredibly, you have never seen before. You don’t have the faintest idea what it is. You could try to find a plaque or sign indicating it, you could search for “giant-statue-with-torch-in-one-hand-and-strange-book-in-the-other, with-a-kind-of-crown- with-many-spikes-on-the-head»in Google or even, at the height of your bewilderment, you might dare to ask one of the hundreds of people walking around you. But not. Simply, you take your smartphone and open Jelly.

jelly, “let’s help each other”

jelly is a new social network created by Biz Stoneone of the founders of Twitter, designed to solve the questions of the most doubtful users. designed in the form of apps for mobile, Jelly is a free tool which is based on the premise that there will always be curious people and, also, people who want to help solve the doubts of others. The jelly run it is enough easy: A user asks a question, either through a Photoa video or (even!) an archaic text. your contacts they immediately receive the question and, if they know the answer, you can answer it directly, alleviating the doubts of his distraught friend. For dessert, users can sort and rate the answersand even share them with other contacts beyond the network of the initial ‘asker’.

a familiar concept

It’s not the first time that someone considers how to solve the doubts of Internet users. Beyond well-known search engines like Google, there are tools (of greater or lesser credibility) such as Yahoo Answers or that are based on this same idea. In his search for differential elementsBiz Stone himself states that “Jelly is a new way to search”, based on the idea that “Knowledge is very different from information”, and that no search algorithm can match the capacity and imagination of the human mind. Time will give or take away the reason.

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