Jemad Villarroya and several senior military officers receive the vaccine: Robles asks for explanations

Defense Minister Margarita Robles has requested a report from the Chief of Defense Staff (Jemad), General Miguel Ángel Villarroya, after learning that he has received the first dose of the covid-19 vaccine along with other senior military positions of the Defense Staff.

Robles has assured that he did not know the information until he saw it published in the media and has requested a report from Jemad to find out in detail the protocol that has been followed to establish vaccination priorities within the Defense Staff.

Sources from the General Staff have explained to Europa Press that the Armed Forces have their own quota of vaccines within the distribution of the Ministry of Health and, within them, the General Staff drafted a protocol that prioritizes health personnel, members of international missions and the chain of command following an age criterion.

It is within this third group that both Jemad and other senior military officials would fit. The controversy arises after it has been known that the vaccine has been administered prematurely and for which there has only been one resignation at the moment, that of the Minister of Health of Murcia, Manuel Villegas.

After learning the information, the deputy spokesman for Unidas Podemos, Enrique Santiago, has demanded that the Prime Minister, Pedro Sánchez, dismiss Villarroya: “If it is true that Jemad has been vaccinated, he must resign or be dismissed by the president.” , has underlined the also leader of IU on Twitter.

Jemad Villarroya was one of the faces of the first wave of the pandemic by being part of the delegation that offered a daily press conference with updated data on the impact of the pandemic in Spain. In his case, he updated the information on the interventions of the military.

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