Kukuxumusu.com: analysis, evaluation and comments

good prices

low shipping costs

Diversity of offer

Short delivery times


Beyond its formal sobriety, the Kukuxumusu.com online store offers an original catalog of products with a limited variety of shipping and delivery options.


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When the creators of this company dedicated to sale of all kinds of articles with original humorous designs decided to baptize it with the almost unpronounceable name of Kukuxumusu, began to express their clear desire to create their own universe. Over time, this universe full of cows, sheep, monkeys and all kinds of cute critters has managed to carve out a niche not only in the t-shirt market, but also in the Spanish design market. Strangely, something of that universe has been lost in its passage to the eCommercesphere.

Kukuxumusu.com: a sober design full of crazy designs

Interestingly, it is an online store with a serious design and standard structure, which could be used for any other eCommerce in the world. This lack of originality, so shocking in a brand that is capable of masterfully representing scenes like the moment in which , is in a certain way compensated because of the color that the photographs of the designseither in t-shirts, umbrellas, pens or cell phone covers. Perhaps if the online store were not separated from its much more colorful corporate website, the result would be different.

As for browsing the store’s catalogue, the truth is that the possibilities are somewhat scarce. Beyond the distinction by categories, there is no way to filter the products (by price ranges, colors…) nor to order them (based on its price or popularity, for example) nor is there a search engine with which to locate them. In any case, and despite the fact that the product sheets show large images and have the possibility of being shared through a greater and, perhaps, nice description of each article is missing.

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Slow and expensive shipping

In an age where many eCommerces offer multiple shipping options, Kukuxumusu falls a bit short by offering a single shipping method: Home delivery, for €6, with delivery in 5/6 days. There is no possibility of picking up the purchase in a cheaper droppoint, or, free of charge, in one of its physical stores. There is not even the possibility of hiring a faster (and more expensive) urgent delivery for impatient fans.

This disconnection between the physical and the virtual Kukuxumusu is also manifested in the returns and exchangeswhich cannot be carried out in physical stores, and which oblige the client to assume the Devolution costs (unless the cause is a company error)

For the rest, you should know that you can pay for your orders in this eCommerce through PayPal or cardand that, if during the purchase process you have any type of doubt, you should try to resolve it through your presence in the different social networks or by email, missing a direct contact phone number.

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