
Laravel is a newer framework than many of its competitors. It has come from behind with a very strong progression, consolidating itself in recent years as the most used PHP framework.

This progression is due to several factors. Obviously, the amount of ready-made functionality that it offers us is fundamental, however, this reason is not the most important, since many other frameworks also offer very complete support. It is true that the number of modules has been increasing continuously and today it is possible that it will surpass other popular alternatives, but its adoption by the community has been very relevant even before that.

Easy to use: From the knowledge of several popular frameworks, more or less complex, we can say that Laravel is one of the easiest to use. There are frameworks as powerful as Laravel, but the learning curve is much more severe. This has made it possible for developers who were already using simpler alternatives for application development and wanted to switch to other more complete frameworks, have been able to successfully approach Laravel, without too much frustration from having to learn new things.

artisan: Laravel has a powerful console command system to summarize many tedious and repetitive tasks. Artisan, the Laravel command line tool, has made the Laravel development experience very attractive for people who have decided on this framework.

Documentation and tutorials: Laravel’s documentation has always been very complete, it also has a quite didactic approach, so it is very easy to use as a base for learning and not just a reference. In addition, Laravel has come with a series of parallel projects of additional tutorials to the documentation that have helped a lot in its dissemination and the creation of an active community.

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Solidity: Since the initial versions it has shown great solidity, which has allowed its growth not to radically break the projects that needed to be updated. This goes a long way to keep your followers trusting and supporting the tools. At the same time, Laravel has managed to adapt from the start with a whole series of tools in today’s development world, such as cloud providers for file storage, electronic payment providers, messaging and email systems, etc.

Lean on other products without inventing the wheel: Laravel hasn’t needed to reinvent the development world. On the other hand, it has been able to take advantage of much of the functionality of already consolidated products. The most important example is the Symfony framework, from which a lot of functionality that was already very mature has been extracted, adopting it to enable fast, stable and secure growth.

The truth is that any product that comes from behind has a much better chance of reaching a winning formula. Laravel has managed to take advantage of this situation and scale enough to become the most popular PHP framework.

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