Lazy Load in WordPress, improve the speed of your website!

What is LazyLoad?

According to Wikipedia or lazy loading is a design pattern used in computing that consists of delaying the loading or initialization of an element until the very moment of its use.

Starting from this definition What is Lazy Load in WordPress? And how does it affect the loading of content? Let’s see.

This functionality of “lazy loading” of the images is natively available since WordPress 5.4which came to fill an existing gap in the “core” of this that in an important way needed to make the graphic contents of the images load faster, allowing the delay of the loading of images and their subsequent “progressive loading” as that is scrolled vertically on a website page.

According to WordPress comments in the WordPress 5.4 release, the lazy load attributes they will be implemented in a way that it is easy to remove them. This is important in case future browsers start loading all images by default, without the need for a loading attribute.

Is it then necessary to use plugins in WordPress to delay the loading of images in Pages and Posts?

The short answer would be “there’s no need”but like everything in life, this also has nuances and some of them are that the user who designs a website does not always want these “default” contents to have a delay when they are shown to the user (for example design sites, galleries of images or online museums, etc.), and there is also the possibility that the user wants to apply this technology selectively, that is, for some content yes and others no.

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Then, it is possible that the use of certain plugins allows the user to activate “lazy load” only on those contents, by Category, ID or other parameter, so that they only act on the desired ones and not on all of them.

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