Learn the best tips to have satisfied and loyal customers

Working with sales is constantly worrying about having satisfied customers. After all, a person who has had a good shopping experience with you is likely to become a loyal customer of your brand and recommend your business to others.

Nothing better than someone who has already experienced your product or service to promote it and convince people of the quality of what you offer, right?

For this reason, it is essential to always offer quality service, both to maintain your reputation and to increase your sales, retain customers and .

In today’s text, we are going to share 21 tips so you can improve communication with your customers and make sure they are satisfied with your service.

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Having satisfied customers is a strategic decision

Many companies make the mistake of thinking that conquering new customers is better than keeping and retaining those who already are. We are in a time when relationships are crucial for any business and the great pillar is communication.

In other words, the quality of the product or service is not enough to conquer the customer. They want a complete experience, ranging from the delivery of pre-purchase information to the post-sale relationship.

If you forget about the customer, they will also forget about your business. So, we enter the vicious cycle of the eternal fight for the acquisition of new clients. Although you can be sure that it costs much more to acquire a new one than to maintain those that already are.

If the person buys your product or service, shows satisfaction with the purchase and also sees that the company gives them more information later, the chances of getting an upsell will be greater.

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Why is it important to have satisfied customers?

1. Cost reduction

It never hurts to reinforce it: building loyalty and having satisfied customers is cheaper than acquiring new ones. Of course, one thing does not remove the other and both strategies must go hand in hand.

But think of the entire cost of customer acquisition. It is necessary to think of various strategies so that the user goes through the entire considering that not all the leads of your they will become effective customers.

Also, the cost to keep your customers satisfied is relatively low. specific to your audience, that deliver quality content (rich materials and blog posts), are very effective and cheap.

2. Upsell and cross-sell opportunities

One of the best advantages of investing in a satisfied customer is the opportunity to that are going to come up.

For example, if you have a digital course on healthy eating for children, you can offer a complete weekly menu as an upsell, with more than 100 recipes.

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By investing in customer satisfaction, in addition to increasing sales, you will have true fans of the business that will make it known through the famous .

3. Financial stability

A company that does not invest in satisfied customers will face all kinds of problems. Complaints, returns and bad reputation in the market are some of them. That is, if the business does not think about customer satisfaction, its days are numbered.

Among so many reasons, what best sums up the importance of the satisfied customer is that he is the one who ensures the financial stability of the business, since we do not need to convince a satisfied customer to buy from us again, since he already trusts our proposal.

4. Creating brand advocates

Beyond being a simple customer, whoever is truly satisfied with the service provided or product purchased becomes a brand advocate.

Having loyal advocates and customers is a very important asset for any business. The power of influence that a social test or a personal recommendation has is enormous, since it generates a lot of value for the brand.

And, in times of crisis or when launching a new product or service, these customers, who may even be fans of the brand, will be one of the most important supports for the success of the business.

5. Attraction of new customers

Also for the above reason, the more satisfied customers are, the more likely they are to offer positive comments about the brand publicly and the more opportunities to recommend the product or service to others.

Thus, satisfied customers will communicate their liking for the brand to other people, generating spontaneous marketing. That is, it is possible for your business to get more customers without any additional effort, except through customer service.

Word of mouth marketing may seem like an old-fashioned strategy at first glance, but it is still one of the most efficient forms of marketing.

Therefore, in addition to being an ethical conduct, satisfying the customer is also the business strategy that generates the most benefits.

21 Tips to have satisfied customers

Pay close attention to the details that we are going to share with you here, because we believe that they will help you to have a more efficient service.

However, never forget to adapt the techniques to your business and, mainly, to your taking into account the ideal language and tone for communication.

As an entrepreneur, you need to know exactly what your customers’ needs are in order to personalize communication in the best way and thus make them feel welcomed and valued by your brand.

Now that you have understood, we are going to give you some tips for satisfied customers.

1. Understand the needs of your buyer persona

All your attention should be based on the profile of your ideal client, mapped out well at the beginning of your .

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Always go back to the defined characteristics of your buyer person to understand their pains and, thus, be able to offer the best solutions for them.

Understand the reasons that made that buyer person look for your business and show him that you have all the capacity to serve him and meet his demands.

As long as the solution you propose exactly meets the needs of consumers, they will see value in it and will be satisfied with your attention.

If you want to know more about how to create your buyer persona, don’t miss this Tips where Rosario explains everything you need to know about it.

VIDEO | Ideal client or buyer person: what is it and why is it so important?

2. Optimize your attention

Always work with the idea that the customer who comes into contact with your business has an urgent need to be served.

You’ve already gone through the whole process of identifying a need and researching solutions for it, and when it comes time to make a decision, your customer wants their problem resolved as quickly as possible.

Therefore, do your best to offer prompt, objective and efficient service.

Reducing your response time makes people see that you understand and value them, which can be decisive for the success of your business.

Therefore, by speaking directly with the client, avoid delaying service.

Be direct, spend only the time necessary to serve him well and deliver exactly what he is looking for.

3. Give the customer a voice

At this moment you already know the pains and needs of your client well, since you have already defined the profile of your buyer person from the moment you created your sales strategy.

However, when dealing directly with him, you cannot work without personalizing your relationship with him.

Each client is unique and will present specific doubts, objections and wishes.

If your goal is to have a satisfied customer, it will be of the utmost importance to listen to them, to know what they need at all times and to serve them in the best way.

4. Understand the buying public

The communication with the public that has already bought from you before must be different from the one used to attract new customers.

The client is more open to receiving content related to your brand, while those who are still a visitor will enter your website only looking for information.

So, you can tackle the first one with resources such as the customized, own rich materials or an exclusive service channel for him.

5. Create an exclusive service channel for sales

So that customers have an exclusive space to leave their doubts, create a service channel oriented only for sales.

This way you will be able to attend to people correctly, responding quickly and satisfactorily and without running the risk of getting lost in the midst of a bunch of scattered messages received from various communication channels.

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6. Create a channel for feedback

You can end your day with the feeling that you have completed all your calls in the best possible way. However, without listening to the opinion of your clients, you cannot be totally sure of that, you will not even find out about the points that you can —and need— to improve.

Therefore, create a channel for people to offer feedback on the care received and inform them about the importance of leaving their opinions, suggestions and criticisms so that you can always offer them the best.

7. Have empathy

To have satisfied customers, this advice must be applied in all businesses, regardless of the industry.

However, entrepreneurs who deal directly with people must work on empathy even more, to ensure that the customer has a good impression.

Whenever you treat someone, put yourself in that person’s shoes and offer them the treatment that you would like to receive yourself.

A customer who does not feel well treated during a purchase or whose questions are not answered is not a satisfied customer and will not be loyal.

It works to always offer a humanized attention, which .

8. Train your sales team

Standardizing service is simple in small businesses, with a smaller workforce, or in ventures in which the founders are responsible for practically all activities.

However, if your company has a sales team and a larger number of employees, worry about aligning everyone’s speech so that the work is always done in a similar way.

Customers must have a positive experience in all calls and contacts received, even if they talk to a different person in each communication. This makes your company pass an image of credibility and professionalism.

9. Create a routine

Working in customer service can be extremely laborious, since the people and problems that appear are varied and there are always questions that must be answered.

By establishing a routine, you can better structure attention and allocate time more appropriately for each activity.

If you don’t organize yourself well, you will see, for example, that you create flows of late responses to customers, or even forgetfulness when responding to their messages.

On the other hand, if you create a routine you will be able to measure the time taken to respond to customers, which will also help you discover what can be done to reduce response times and optimize service.

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