Local WordPress Course – .com

Local WordPress course in which we learn how to work and manage sites on our computer and then upload them to the Internet without going crazy.

It will also help us to download a website to our computer to do maintenance tasks, or renew it. And it is that working locally to develop websites has many advantages: an Internet connection is not necessary, we can work wherever we want, development is much (much) faster, and on top of that, the security of first testing any change locally is much less risky than doing it directly in production.

Throughout 10 classes we are going to see how to create sites, we will try to understand how Local builds these sites on your computer. We will create blueprints to get WordPress up and running in no time. We will learn to manage our sites, clone them. But we’ll also look at extensions for both implementers and developers that allow us to develop faster.

We will also see how to create a WordPress multisite on Local in less than a minute, and finally we will learn the different ways to export and import sites from local to production and vice versa.

In summary, a great course for WordPress implementers and developers and for all those who want the convenience and security of working locally.

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