Mobile marketing: what is it and how to use this strategy?

It is evident that the use of smartphones has grown a lot in recent years.

And companies of all types have focused their attention on a sales strategy that takes advantage of that movement: mobile marketing (or mobile marketing).

It is not just about segmenting marketing actions for the Web. More than that, the idea is to target them specifically towards mobile device users.

It is not difficult to find numbers that prove the importance of thinking in a mobile format and that justify why to invest in mobile ads.

According to , “2018 truly was another year of impressive growth in all things digital. However, perhaps the most compelling story in the year’s figures is that Internet user growth really accelerated in the past year, with more than 366 million new users coming online.

And statistics show that it is a global phenomenon with no way back, so we need to give it the most attention when we think about sales strategy for our businesses.

In this post, we are going to tell you everything you need to know about mobile marketing and give you several suggestions to get your brand to reach your audience’s mobile.

What is mobile marketing?

As you must have already perceived, mobile marketing is the digital marketing strategy dedicated to users of smartphones, tablets and other mobile devices. It is the dissemination of your brand in social networks, emails, SMS messages, applications and much more.

Each of these media has particularities that we need to observe when we want to show our brands. And they are details that require care for a better interaction with the target audience.

Therefore, mobile marketing is the set of strategies that adapt to the most varied types of navigability that the user enjoys on the Internet, taking advantage of each feature of the media and its functionalities.

The importance of thinking in mobile format

We have already said that there are more and more users using mobile devices to access the Internet, and we have given proof that this is a reality. But what the entrepreneur has to keep in mind is what do these users do when they browse on mobile?

It is not difficult to find an answer to this question: they are looking for comfort! Comfort in the information, in the integration with their friends, in the search for knowledge and practicality to do basic day-to-day things.

Therefore, your company should not only appear on these networks. It must have accessibility so that the user can know and understand how your business can be useful.

It is important to know that people increasingly buy and hire more services while browsing the Internet. And that’s why you should not only know everything about mobile marketing but also develop a solid strategy for your company.

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Life with the mobile is more practical and faster

Gone are the days when people take time to talk to each other. As the time of the famous lightning shopping trips has also passed. Today we do everything with the mobile.

With the practicality of access to everything in the palm of your hand, it is more than essential that your business be well seen on the Internet.

Mobile marketing thinks about how your company can inspire trust and credibility in the user. From to rating your content on Google.

Everything must be taken into account so that the person clicks on your ad, browses your website without major problems, purchases what you offer and remembers your brand when they need something.

What to do to have a good mobile marketing strategy?

You will have already perceived the importance of considering the context in mobile format when promoting your business, right?

To help you out, we’ve put together a list of suggestions that can make a big difference when building your strategy. Let’s go to them:

1. Have a responsive website

You already read this term in this post, right? Now we are going to explain what it means to have a responsive website, and we will also show you its importance.

Today, the user has a significant number of options to navigate the Internet. You can access the Web through the screen of the computer, laptop, tablet, cell phone and even on television.

A responsive website must fit each of these forms!

It is still very common for the design of Web pages to contemplate only the desktop, that is, the traditional computer.

Thus, when accessed by a mobile device, which has totally different size standards, elements appear distorted, content is difficult to find, texts appear out of proportion… A real mess!

To avoid this problem, your website must meet the demand of users of the mobile format.

And it is not about making several versions with different directions. Nowadays, the Web page already manages to recognize the device that the user accesses and adapts to it. That is what we call responsive. It is important to think about every detail of the design of your website, with its different adaptations. Everything must be minimally planned so that the user experience is the best possible and that guarantees that they can share your content and also purchase your product or service.

2. Send SMS

You must have missed the acronym SMS and you may have thought that it is already a bit out of fashion in the face of technological innovations and instant messaging applications.

But the old text message is still very useful and can be, yes, a good tool for your company.

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SMS is still a relatively cheap resource if we think about its advantages.

With it you can publicize promotions and new products, offer a channel to interact, receive opinions from your customers, bring your company closer to your target audience and strengthen their commitment to your brand.

All in a very simple and objective way. In addition to being cheap, it is an easy tool to use.

For all that accessibility, you need to be careful and know how to do SMS marketing. These precautions must be, for example, not to be inconvenient or inopportune: nobody wants to wake up at 3:20 in the morning with a promotional SMS.

Another precaution is SPAM. Nobody likes spam and we’re sure you’re not exempt from that rule either.

Avoid unnecessary content, without permission or for an excessive amount of people.

For that, you must – logically, that information must be offered by them themselves – and an objective strategy before sending the messages in bulk.

3. Create QR codes

For those who still do not know, the QR code (or QR code), is nothing more and nothing less than a 2D graphic that provides data ranging from phone numbers, SMS, texts and even links to Web page addresses. All this in those drawings that are black and white squares one inside the other.

Well why should you use one? Because it is an excellent media convergence tool. The most current mobiles already have cameras that manage to scan them and make users access certain content with their smartphones.

Therefore, you can use the QR code for countless functions, from making it easy for the user to access your website on their mobile through a print ad, to providing tickets, messages and much more.

4. Think about developing applications

So far we are mentioning innumerable advantages of mobile marketing for your company. And, perhaps, the most important suggestion of that strategy is to create an app, only yours.

Having your own application not only marks your presence in the digital world but also offers more comfort to your user.

Another benefit of an app is to retain customers who will have your company in the palm of their hand and will surely remember it when they need something.

The application facilitates the dissemination of your content, promotions and new products.

5. Make targeted campaigns

This type of strategy is one of the most efficient when we think about conversion rates.

To carry out a campaign that brings good results, you need to have a well-established database of your clients.

From it, you can define the best strategy in a personalized way. You must define campaign pieces according to the age, gender, location and search preferences of each user.

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And all the metrics to segment a campaign are easily obtained on social networks or on the platform of your website.

Knowing how to analyze this data you have the possibility of optimizing your actions and you can focus certain strategies on a certain audience. Or even expand your activities in search of a new target audience. Therefore, do not stop betting on a good segmented campaign.

6. Share files via bluetooth

Even if you have a local business, with a physical store and with a certain customer turnover, you can benefit a lot from mobile marketing.

Simply create digital files and share them with your consumers via bluetooth. You can share shopping lists, product suggestions and promotional announcements with your client who will carry a piece of marketing with your brand on their smartphone.

This sharing technology is already considered old, but it is still present in the most current smartphones. Therefore, it can still be a good tool for your business and to build customer loyalty. Obviously, this resource is only possible in physical stores.

7. Exploit gamification

If you do not know what gamification is, we will summarize it for you right away: games (or games) are increasingly present in people’s daily lives. For this reason, they have become a tool, especially to attract the attention of young people for learning.

Many companies bet on gamifying their content to exploit a market that has been on the rise for some time and has a very loyal audience.

Professionals who want to dedicate themselves to the digital world find in games an excellent way to attract the public and capture the attention of students. If you are one of those online teachers, do not stop thinking about.

By creating a game with the learning that you want to transmit to your user, you will not only capture their attention, but you will also be able to arouse greater interest, engagement, curiosity and break the taboo that studying is boring.

Do not leave the mobile format aside!

With these suggestions you will have noticed the importance of investing in mobile marketing for your business.

And do not think that the advantages are only those listed. You can still exploit your virtual strategy much more, even more so if you bet on the production of educational content.

To learn more about the subject, be sure to see our post on and learn how to use this strategy to stand out even more in the market.

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