How to promote a web page: complete checklist!

After building the website of your dreams, it is necessary to focus much of your attention, effort and work to promote your website and ensure that it receives more and more visits.

But, how to promote a web page? There are different ways to publicize a site; If you put together some of those ideas, which are the most suitable for the type of audience you want to visit your website, you can form a strategy that brings you excellent results.

But before thinking about publicizing your website, you should take into account its status, because creating a solid marketing strategy will be useless if your website does not meet the basic conditions to capture the attention of Internet users.

For this reason we have prepared a small check list, with some of the conditions that you must take into account before publishing your website:

How to promote a website: step by step

Before starting to promote your website through the different media, you must be sure that the information, images and links on your site are correct, because you do not want to attract visitors who are disappointed with your website at first sight; this would be a serious mistake.

1. Clear domain, easy to remember and without problems of copies or competitions.

The It is the address of your business on the internet, for this reason it is ideal that it be easy to remember, and easy to write so that everyone can easily access it. It is also important that it is original, as Internet users could confuse it with your competition’s website.

2. Secure and stable web hosting

Having a poor quality server is detrimental to those who have a website, regardless of whether it is an online store, a blog or an institutional site. The fall of a server can represent data loss and, consequently, loss of money invested, the trust of your clients or allies.

3. Quality content

In addition to corresponding to the design and idea of ​​your brand, web pages must have enough information for your visitors to understand who you are and what you can offer.

Remember that if a visitor enters your website and does not find the information they are looking for, it will not take them much time and effort to close the page and enter your competitor’s website.

The images and design of the visual identity of your website must be in accordance with the product or service that you offer. Remember to use good quality images, but at the same time do not harm the .

4. Pertinent information

Your website must have the necessary information; not only about the product or service you offer, but also basic information such as your contact, your history, location or any information that you think would be useful to your audience.

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5. Mobile friendly website

Nowadays there are more people who browse the internet through their cell phones, this means that before thinking about creating a website, you can start by designing it thinking about how it will look from the cell phone. We have a post that talks all about

6. Good charging speed

Has it ever happened to you that you enter a website that takes a long time to load? As we mentioned before, the first reaction that your visitors may have is to close the page and search for similar content. You can find here some .

7.Web Security

Lately the security of websites has been gaining prominence, regardless of whether you have a blog, an online store or an institutional website, it is important to protect it.

With the increasing statistics of cyber attacks, you should be aware of the importance of protecting your website from viruses that harm not only your information, but also the information of your visitors.

Would you go back to a website where credit card fraud was committed?

8. Constant optimization

After analyzing the state of your website, you should always worry about optimizing it, always keep it updated and be aware of new rules or tricks that you can use for the .

Strategies to publicize your website

The next step after you have a website with all the above features is disclosure. We know that having a perfect website is useless if you don’t get visitors. For this reason we prepare this blog post, to give you some tips on how to promote your website, blog or online store.

Surely you have already realized that to win visitors to your website, whether they are readers, buyers or customers of your business, it is not enough to simply exist.

Today there is a huge number of web pages in the digital universe, and the trend is to continue growing. For this reason, it is important make people see you and look for you; That is why you should know what the best strategies are to publicize your website.

Fortunately today the world is increasingly connected, so the disclosure of pages is an increasingly normal activity and without many mysteries.

If you have a website and want to attract more visitors, you should first focus on who are the people you want to visit your pagethe topics they are interested in, the means they use to get information and their concerns. You should think about how your product or service can help your visitors.

Many people think that the only way to publicize a web page is through digital media, such as social networks, for example. These media, despite not having many years, are gradually becoming the “traditional disclosure”; Well, the first thing that comes to mind when advertising websites is: social networks.

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Investing in a Facebook campaign is what everyone wants to do today, however, there are many other ways to publicize a website that can complement your strategy in an original way.


If you are starting a business, we know that it is difficult to invest a large part of your budget in disclosure when you have other things pending.

Starting the disclosure of your website in non-paid media can be an excellent strategy, which, when applied with work and discipline, can bring many positive results.

The best way to promote your website in digital media is through . Only through interesting information will you be able to conquer new visitors. Catching the attention of your audience can be very easy if you know them and what can really captivate them.

It is important that you keep in mind that you can also invest money in these media, such as Facebook Ads, LinkedIn Ads, etc.

Social networks

Creating a business account within Facebook, Instagram or Twitter is totally free. Then you can concentrate on creating a striking image and write all the necessary information so that your audience knows who you are.

Remember to reply and make public the things you want your audience to see. The most important thing should be the link to your website, and other contact information such as telephone or other social networks.

Remember that each social network serves a different audience and content. It is not a good idea to replicate everything you do on a network, because if your visitors follow you, they will find the same information in different applications, which will make this an exhausting exercise and end up unfollowing you.


With Facebook you can create an online presence for your business for free. Having relevant information, useful and easy-to-share content will be great allies so that more and more people see your brand.


Instagram is a social network that is lately giving excellent results for businesses and companies. With images and videos as the protagonists of this network, you can create a profile according to your brand, publish product images and interesting descriptions. It may interest you: .


This social network can be very effective, depending on the type of business your website is about. As we have said before, content is the most important thing and in this social network you can use it to gain followers, professional talents, alliances with other companies and get them to click on your website.


According to YouTube itself, the tutorial videos are the most viewed in this medium of communication. This data can be easily explained. People today do not have more time to read or watch long content.

If you create a YouTube channel, with useful content, you will get more people to enter your website. In our blog we prepared a post about .

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content alliances

Alliances with other brands, companies or even people (influencers or opinion leaders) to show your website or your products is an excellent idea. You must capture the attention so that they click and then always come back to look for the content that you offer them.


As you already know, content is an excellent strategy to promote the dissemination of a website, regardless of whether it is a virtual store or an informative website.

Creating a blog with useful information for your users can be an effective strategy to become a reference on the subject you work on. You can also create strategies like to participate in other people’s blogs and gain more followers.

Within the blog it is important that you take into account the strategy SEOcreating content is a very effective way to gain followers and promote your website.

However, random content, without order, periodicity or concordance will not help you. An important part that you should focus on will be the you need to think about how people will find your website when they search for it on Google or other search engines.

Investing in paid social networks such as Facebook Ads, for example, are good strategies when you already have a web page with a defined visual identity and followers, in these means of disclosure you can choose to promote your site on the Facebook page to gain followers or “like” some of your posts.

traditional media

With all the boom in the digital world, many people claim that offline media is obsolete; Sometimes this statement is based on real data, however, knowing how to use it can help you a lot to gain followers on your website.

Voice to voice

It may seem like a very old strategy, but in reality word of mouth is a strategy that has worked and will always work. There are those who prefer to invest in an excellent user experience, in order to make their clients recommend more clients, and in this way create a network of people or fans of their brand.

Advice and recommendations from people you trust are worth much more than paying millions in traditional ads. Would you trust the website your friends recommend? And if it were the opposite case: someone told you that they had a terrible experience with a website. Would you risk trying it?

Google Maps

Another strategy that you can use for free is create a presence in…

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