Native advertising: what it is and how to use it

Everyone who has a whether online or physical, they know how important it is to make a good promotion so that their brand is recognized.

One of the most common ways to promote products or services are advertisements, and they are done in the most diverse ways possible.

However, have you noticed how more and more people have rejected ads, especially those that have nothing to do with their personal tastes?

Try to remember how many times you need to wait for the end of an ad on YouTube, for example, to watch a video that you were very interested in.

Or in the number of banners that you see daily on the street, but that do not make you want to consume a certain product/service because they do not relate to your needs at that moment.

These are just a few examples of how advertising at the wrong time and in the wrong place can be detrimental to your brand.

So how do you create engaging ads that speak to the consumer when they need it most, without being intrusive?

That’s what we’re going to talk about today!

In this post you will know the native advertising and you will understand how they can help promote your brand without interfering with the good consumer experience with your business.

What is the native advertising or native advertising?

Have you noticed that several times, when you scroll the news feed on Instagram or Facebook, for example, some ads related to the topics that you are interested in appear?

These are the native advertisinga type of advertising that does not look exactly like the ads we are used to seeing.

native advertising, in Spanish “native ads” or “native advertising” is a new way of advertising on the Internet without interfering with the user’s experience on their social networks.

This happens because the native advertising they are created as elements of the pages they are on. That is, they are not completely different from what the user is already used to seeing on the page he is browsing.

They are published as stories, articles, posts, or in other formats that are consistent with the content of the page they appear on and are marked as sponsored content.

Like paid media, native advertising They are also paid content, so they always appear with the advertising markup. Thus, the user knows that they are advertisements, but they appear naturally on the page in which they are inserted.

The great advantage of this type of ad is that you can deliver relevant and quality content for your avatars or buyer personasat the same time that you recommend your product/service.

To help you better understand what the native advertisingWe have brought some examples:

Examples of native advertising

As we said before, the advertisements that appear in the news feeds of social networks, in the middle or on the side of some article/news on a site and that are related to the topics addressed on said pages or to the user’s tastes are native advertising.

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In the Facebook news feed, along with your friends’ posts, there are some ads related to your likes. They have the same look and feel as your friends’ Facebook feed, with the difference being the word “Advertising” below the ad’s profile photo.


As you scroll through your Instagram images and videos to see posts from those you follow on Instagram, there are also sponsored ads in the same format and marked “Advertising.”


When you do a search for In Google, usually the first results are native advertising and are marked as “Ad”.


At the end of an article, there are other texts for suggested reading. The difference between native advertising and the other articles of the website itself is that the ads appear with links that direct the user to the pages where they are read, as can be seen in the image below (the first 3 suggested texts are sponsored links) .

Regardless of the page where the native ads are, the most important thing with these examples is to perceive how this type of ad is not intrusive for the user.

Main advantages of native advertising

Now that you have understood what the native advertising and you have seen some examples, we will show you what the main advantages are to start advertising in this way.

Help improve the user experience

It is very annoying to enter a site, a video or even walk down the street and be bombarded by various advertisements that often do not make any sense for what we are looking for at the time.

A fundamental difference between native advertising and other ads is that the former are not as intrusive as the other types of advertising. They render smoothly on the page they’re placed on, and that’s why they don’t clutter the user experience.

The truth is that putting too many banners on your page can even stop visitors from coming to your site, as it can be difficult to focus on the content on your page with so many ads popping up while the user is trying to view the content.

The native advertising they enhance the user experience because they appear as an integral part of your content, without standing out or being too different from the rest of the page. And that is what we will talk about in the next topic.

They appear to be a site’s own content

On the grounds that the native advertising they are made specifically for each place they are embedded, they fit perfectly and converse with the rest of the content on the page. It is as if they were the site’s own content.

As you may have already noticed, other ad types stand out for being completely different from what is displayed on a page. Having an ad that flows naturally with what is on the site or social networks can make the user more interested in the ad by not feeling that it is so out of step with what they usually see there.

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The native advertising are placed in the editorial flow. Then, as the visitor refreshes the page or scrolls the news feed, that type of ad stops appearing, as well as the rest of the posts on the page they are browsing.

They are easily recognized

It’s not because they native advertising they have the same appearance as the rest of the content which means that they try to trick users into clicking on a certain subject.

Every time you come across this type of advertising, the indication of “Advertising”, “Sponsored”, “Link sponsored by Taboola or Outbrain”, “Ad”, “Related articles”, etc., will appear, so that you are sure that it is an ad.

Promotion for those who do not know your brand

Like the native advertising are inserted in portals, sites and social networks in which the user is already hooked, it is easier to reach someone who really wants your service or product, even if they do not know your brand.

Something very interesting about this type of advertising is that native advertising They use an algorithm that manages to segment your campaigns for people who are interested in what you offer. This algorithm considers various contexts and factors in which your user is, such as the information offered by people on their social networks and the search intentions made on Google, for example.

In this way you have the possibility of expanding your performance and promoting your content more on pages, portals and for people you did not imagine and did not have access to.

High acceptance rate

As we said before, the native advertising they are part of the content on a page, and that is why they have a high acceptance rate.

When people do not feel that they are being forced to consume some type of advertising, they accept what you offer better.

Because it is not intrusive advertising, you manage to better involve your potential consumers, since native advertising direct the appropriate content to the channels most frequented by each person. It is as if you are in the right place and with the right information for the people who are on a certain page.

How to do native advertising

If you’ve made it this far, you’ve noticed that there are many advantages to advertising with native advertising. But… do you know how to do it?

There are many ways to create native advertising, and each of these ways depends on the communication channel you choose. However, there are some steps that are common to all native advertising and, from now on, we will show you how you can apply this strategy in your business.

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1. Define the audience you want to reach

Before defining the communication channel in which you will promote your ads, it is necessary to .

Once you figure out who is the audience you want to reach, it is easier to create offers that are of real interest to people. You can develop an ad with much more assertive and targeted content.

In addition, you will understand which are the most used channels by the audience you want to reach and, therefore, you will be able to create native advertising on the pages your ideal customers use. And that’s step number 2.

2. Understand the consumption standards of your audience

From the moment you know exactly who you want to reach, you begin to have an idea of ​​what your audience’s consumption patterns are, and this also refers to the communication channels they use the most.

As we showed at the beginning of this topic, the ways to do the native advertising They depend on the channel you advertise on. That is why it is very important that you know if your audience is more engaged on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, blogs or any other site.

Knowing which channels are most visited by your avatar allows you to direct your ads to the pages that can really reach your ideal audience.

Also, the way your native advertising will be carried out is determined by the platform and the policies of use of each communication channel. Therefore, it is necessary to identify where you will advertise to know if you will create a video, an image, a post or another content format.

3. Tackle topics that interest your avatar

It is essential that you always think about the good user experience with your brand, service or product, so you have to address only issues that interest your avatar and advertise on channels that are related to those topics.

Let’s give you an example to make it clearer:

Suppose you have a product on food education. Wouldn’t it be weird to add an ad for your product to a blog that talks about gardening? The most interesting thing, in that case, would be to choose a blog or page on social networks that address the issue of food education.

In truth, it is not necessary to direct your native advertising only to health blogs or websites. It may also be interesting to direct your advertising to a page that talks about physical exercises, lifestyle changes, sustainable consumption, etc.

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