Online courses: 5 free options + how to create them [GUÍA COMPLETA]

In addition to helping to train thousands of people, online courses are an excellent opportunity for those who know a lot about a subject and have the opportunity to share that knowledge.

Currently, this type of business has become a source of income for various entrepreneurs who have found, in the online world, a way to unite the useful and the pleasant: to transmit information in an accessible way and with that.

And no matter the subject: from culinary to financial organization, there is always someone to teach and someone to learn. So, there is nothing new in that the search for online courses has grown more and more, is not it?

And you… are you thinking of entering that market too? Or are you looking for online courses to do? In either case, you are in the right place! We have prepared this complete post for you, who want to learn or teach online. Let’s see it?

In the end… is it true that online courses are requested?

You can search for any topic on the Internet, putting “online course” in front of it and you will surely find a result.

To give you an idea, according to the first, presented by the Mexican Internet Association AC (AMIPCI), the 100% online study modality is demanded by just over 50% of the sample, made up of 1,700 interviews with people whose ages vary from 18 to more than 50 years. In addition, 9 out of 10 respondents use the Internet to search for educational offers; Of these, 62% search on university sites; 19% on specialized sites and 15% on social networks. He also highlighted that the factors for which they take a 100% online career are: time/work, flexibility, ease and availability. The greatest demand for online education is to pursue a bachelor’s degree, with 56% and the specialties with the highest incidence are Business Administration, Engineering (Industrial and Systems) and IT/Electronics.

All this to show you that online courses are in great demand — increasing, since this type of teaching has advantageous characteristics for the demands of students today.

How do the online courses work?

It is common for people to have a wrong idea about this type of teaching. Because it is distance learning, we can think that the figure of the teacher is unimportant or that learning is inferior compared to face-to-face courses.

Those impressions are normal. But they are great myths. So, we have good news for you, who want to study online or become a course producer: Distance Education (DL) is serious and it works!

Is there a major?

Yes of course. But that is not a disadvantage. Quite the contrary: the student has more autonomy to organize and manage her learning, but always with the support of the teacher and interactive activities.

Normally, online courses have the following structure:

  • : with video classes, texts and activities for students;
  • complementary materials: databases with contents that help the consolidation of the content;
  • interaction environments: chats and forums so that the student has contact with the teacher and with colleagues;
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In other words, the objective of online courses is not to be an “easier” alternative for student education and training. The levels of demand are high: the student has to organize himself to absorb the contents and dedicate himself to really learning.

It is not by chance that this type of teaching already extends to higher education, with courses accredited and evaluated by the Ministry of Education. By the way, are we going to see what kind of offer exists in EaD?

Undergraduate and postgraduate courses

The number of undergraduate and postgraduate courses is very significant in the . For example, according to recent data from the Ministry of National Education of Colombia, the number of enrollments in higher education, virtual modality, has shown a growth rate from 2011 (13.6%) to 2014 (90%). Although in 2015 the enrollment growth rate moderated, in 2016 it picked up again, reaching 98.9%.

free courses

Now, those are among the most interesting. They correspond to the complementary training that highlights the professional curriculum.

Especially nowadays, with so much competition, free courses are highly requested by those who are looking for a “plus” — specialized knowledge that makes a big difference in professional practice.

And not only that! Among the topics of are, after the topics related to the race, nothing more and nothing less than health and sports!

Later, courses on reading methods, learning techniques, goal setting and self-esteem also come into play.

What does that mean?

It means that, in addition to being highly requested to increase professional training, free courses are also associated with a search for personal development.

In the end, not everything in life comes down to jobs, right?

But let’s be honest: in the 21st century, time is a valuable currency. It is very difficult to find someone with free hours to pursue that type of training while balancing a double or triple shift.

And this is where the benefits of online courses come in:

  • more flexibility to do the classes at any place and time;
  • reduced costs compared to face-to-face courses;
  • more control over one’s study routine.

It is not surprising that enrollment in free EaD courses has grown significantly in recent years.

What are the online courses that are available for free?

It is not news to anyone that the Internet greatly increased access to information. And it is here, in the virtual world, that many people come to learn new things, to specialize in a certain subject and even to seek new training.

And the best thing of all is that you can find different ones! Nowadays, you can already obtain free online certifications that, in addition to helping you acquire more knowledge, are also requirements for hiring in some companies.

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And you, do you want to be a specialist in some subject? Then check the list that we prepared for you with 5 places where you will find online courses to start now!

1. Academy

If you are thinking of starting a digital business or you are already on that path, it is time for you to know ! In this free learning space, you will learn with our specialists how to create, promote and sell your digital product.

Academy is divided into two seasons. In the first, you will go through all the necessary stages to become a . In the second, you will learn how to make your business prosper, perfecting your techniques and your results.

To start, just .

2. 30 Day Challenge

Have you already decided that you are going to start an online business from scratch or do you just need a little push? Then he is ideal for you! You will have free access to 17 video classes, materials to download and space to answer questions with other entrepreneurs.

Learn to plan, execute and make your first sales with the help of specialists for free. ¡

3. Google Academy for Ads

Anyone who works with marketing or sales on the Internet knows the importance – and the dispute! – of an ad with good performance for business results. But if you need to improve your knowledge on the subject, don’t worry: Google itself has prepared a learning space just for that.

In you will have access to free online courses where you will learn the best practices to make digital ads by Google. You just have to log in and start!

4.Analytics Academy

In you will have the opportunity to learn about the main resources of Google Analytics, the tool for monitoring and analyzing the performance of online businesses.

In addition to learning how to analyze reports and follow paid media campaigns, you’ll also know the initial steps to enter that universe: how to create an account and implement the monitoring code on your website, for example.

5. Hubspot Academy

Do you want to deepen your knowledge about digital marketing? So how about knowing the ?

There you will have access to free courses on:

  • MarketingHub;
  • Use Smart Content
  • Web Content Review;
  • Control audience access to pages and blogs.

Do you want to create an online course?

Did you see the opportunity and decided to take it? From here on, we are going to talk about everything you need to know to take your first steps on this journey.

First, you must evaluate if it is really worth creating your own classes and then we will go into more specific topics for the production of your online course. All ready?

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Is it really worth it for the producer?

You saw that the online courses:

  • they are strong in Brazil;
  • they are being increasingly requested;
  • They are very advantageous for the student.

Now, who are you going to produce an online course for? Really worth it? That is what we are going to discuss next. Look!

extra income

Remember that much-desired extra launch in the “Income” column of your budget spreadsheet?

That is one of the advantages of. She is very attractive, isn’t she?

The business is worth it in that sense, because you need to prepare your digital product only once, but you will earn for it whenever you succeed.

Sure, it takes a lot of work to produce a good quality course, but it also pays off very well and just requires you to do regular reviews of the content.

Career development

Another great thing about teaching online is that your own career benefits too. In the end, you will go through a continuous learning process, you will have to study new topics so that your content does not stick, you will develop other important skills for your profession, etc.

For example, by giving online courses, you will learn a little more about:

  • ;
  • design;
  • video production;
  • personal marketing and a number of other things!

pleasant work

This is perhaps the best benefit of . If you are passionate about the subject of your course, you will surely feel enormous satisfaction when you see that the knowledge acquired throughout your professional career is being transmitted!

Yes, earning extra money, developing your own career and, incidentally, contributing to education is synonymous with a pleasant and uplifting job!

Can you really make money with online courses?

Of course! Surely you know some who built small empires on the Internet.

Entertainment is not only profitable in the virtual world. For those who bet on education, the results can be quite interesting.

For that, you need some care in your production, such as:

  • strategies: dominate your area very well and make a good one to take accurate steps;
  • quality: to stand out, invest in tools that are truly professional — from the content to the completion of the material;
  • marketing plan: a course is profitable with registrations and subscriptions, right? So, it is essential to have a good plan to attract the public.

In addition, it is worth choosing a format that is well received by…

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