Original floats to pose this summer | Blog

We are already in August… The month of vacations par excellence! Swimming pools and beaches are common these days. You need little to have a good time at the beach, but why not buy this summer that cool float that you already had your eye on last year? Look, you’re going to be the coolest person in the place and your Instagram account may increase in followers like crazy.

You don’t have to spend a fortune on a really cool float. There are thousands on the internet and at very good prices. You can find them on Aliexpress, eBay or on Regalopedia.es

You have all types, even those that you never imagined could be a float. It seems that manufacturers are willing to make anything we can see in the real world inflatable. Thus, while before floats were almost limited to the classic rings and tiresome armbands that we had to put on before knowing how to swim well, now the only limit imposed on the world of floats is the imagination of its creator.

Do you want to know what you can find in the wide world of inflatables for water? Here you can see a list with some of the ones we have found. They are super cool! Take a look at them and get inspiration to take originality beyond the seven seas.

The power of the unicorn

If you want to get on one, now you can with this float. In addition, two people can easily ride on it. What are you waiting for? Let’s conquer the sea!

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But if flamingos are more your thing, you will love this other float. Plus, you can share it with someone else, whether it’s nephews, a partner, friends… Surprise them with this super float!

The usual rounds

The traditional round floats could not be missing, but this time more modern and original: bitten donuts, watermelons, or colored donuts.

We also have the miniature version of these floats. What are they for? Very easy. Surely many times you are at the pool and barbecue at a friend’s house and you have to leave the drink outside to be able to take a bath. Well, with these mini flamingo, island and donut floats, you can bathe and enjoy your drink because it keeps it afloat.

Whether you want to ride it or have your drink with you while you take a dip, with these floats you will experience an original summer, at the very least. Also, why not give free rein to our imagination, and look for a cool design that allows us to travel the seas of the world without leaving the pool?

If you can also enjoy several of these floats with several friends, fun is guaranteed. Don’t they say that we all have a child inside? 😉

Images via Aliexpress, Ebay and giftpedia.es

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