Ouigo will launch 250 job offers in Spain: how to join its job bank

For a few months now, the Spanish train tracks have had more than one company running them. Ouigo, the French high-speed train service that, with several routes and plans to expand them, also has on its roadmap to grow its staff.

Specifically, the low-cost company is expected to generate up to 1,300 jobs, of which some 250 will be through direct contracting and the rest through its suppliers and the activity they generate.

Among the profiles that are most sought after are train drivers, crew, logistics and cleaning personnel, as well as various administration and corporate profiles.

It is also expected that technical jobs linked to computing, engineering and security will be launched, as explained a few days ago by Francisco Martín, head of Human Resources at Ouigo on the Madrid Trabaja radio program.

How to join the Ouigo job board

Ouigo has centralized the entire job search through a section of its website that offers are not yet displayed, but they have a call to action open to join the company. It is expected that in the coming months job offers will appear on this website.

One of the key points of the French high-speed offer on national roads is the price. To get travelers, the company sells tickets from nine euros and with steps at 15 or 19 for most routes. Of course, it does not have a maximum price. Faced with the arrival of low-cost railways at the hands of SNCF, Renfe decided to get their act together and launch their own low-cost model, which they called AVLO.

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The difference between the traditional high-speed model and the one brought by the French company is based, in addition to the low price, on the additional services, in true Ryanair style.

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