Personal marketing in social networks: how to have a good reputation?

If you are your own brand, you need to stop everything you are doing right now and start investing in personal social media marketing.

For some time now, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and other channels like these have become important communication tools for different businesses.

However, all these networks were created with the purpose of uniting people and that is why even today brands are commonly seen as “intruders”.

This means that when you need to sell a brand that has your own name, you are already a few steps ahead of the competition, as you can approach followers and potential customers much more naturally.

Do you want to know how to maintain a good image on social networks?

So come with us and find out what to do and what not to do on these channels!

What to do on social networks?

It is useless for you to publish anything and believe that the work is ready. More than that, it takes planning and attention to detail. Take a look below!

✅ Plan the contents

They are essential for establishing a good online presence and working with a can help you in that regard.

Select topics that are within your brand territory and identify how you can address them.

Remember that this must be done taking into account the interests of your audience, as well as the formats offered by the chosen social channel.

✅ Keep your personal brand relevant

Another strategy to stay relevant is to monitor trends that are on the rise and adapt them to the universe of your business. and Trending Topics from Twitter are tools that can be useful for this.

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How can you start a conversation about the Oscar? Or about Carnival?

In addition to showing that you’re up to date with what’s going on in the world, working on more interesting guidelines is a way to push your content across.

✅ Give attention to the design of the publications

It is useless to talk about the most relevant topics of the moment if this content does not have a good presentation. Users’ attention is increasingly dispersed in the online environment and many times it is the images that are responsible for conquering a client.

The use of bright colors, short, direct and interesting texts are the main requirements for success in this area. It is also necessary to understand how the images are used by users themselves on each network.

Do you want to work with funny memes and montages? Your place is in ! Do you have beautiful and well-produced images? Don’t stop posting them on !

✅ Perform good care

It never hurts to remember: cordiality and friendliness make all the difference. Use resources such as emojis and gifs so that the communication is closer to what the user is used to in that channel, but dose them so that it does not seem forced and you do not lose authority.

✅ Invest in alliances with related businesses

What brands, businesses or products would elevate the customer experience with your proposal if they are consumed together? Think like this:

Alliances are a great strategy not only to increase your relevance in the market, but also to provide more visibility and reach, since you can reach new consumers more easily.

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What not to do on social networks?

You have planned, invested and taken good care of the attention and design of the publications. And now? What is it that you cannot do?

🚫Stop responding to users

One of the main things to avoid on social media is customer frustration. There is no use creating an @ on Twitter if you are not there to answer people’s questions.

If your follower took the time to leave you a comment on a post on your Instagram, take the time to reply.

You can at least like the comment and reply with a simple emoji.

However, remember that answers that are more well-crafted and that stimulate the continuation of the conversation are more likely to be successful, since they increase the engagement of the post.

🚫 Post aggressive content

As we have explained before, you have to know in depth your main contexts of action. In this way, it is easier to filter what can or cannot be addressed in your networks.

Always avoid posts that may sound aggressive or offensive to any part of your audience – here, we reinforce the importance of getting to know them well.

In times of extreme political polarization, it is also worth carefully evaluating whether it is the case to position yourself in this sense or not.

🚫 Mix personal life with business environment

Having a brand that literally has your face gives your business several advantages, such as greater ease in defining the, for example.

However, to be successful doing personal social media marketing, you need to know how to draw the line between where your personal life begins and your business ends.

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Your profile must indicate very clearly that it is an account addressed to businesses.

You need to respect the recommendations of each network regarding this – create a page and not a profile on Facebook, for example – to guarantee professionalization, but also better monitoring of results.

🚫 Do not dose quantity and quality

Do you remember that we talked about creating a content plan and identifying the most relevant topics to your universe of work?

This organization will allow you to see the relationship you have established between quantity and quality.

Instagram recommends daily posts, just as YouTube guides content producers to have a fixed posting schedule.

However, there’s no use killing time: if your post isn’t relevant, engagement will be hurt just as much or worse than it would be if you hadn’t posted at the time.

Everything ready to start?

We could stay on this list for a long time, because personal marketing on social networks is a very interesting topic and there are various cares necessary to guarantee a good image with followers.

However, by following these main tips, you are already capable of developing a good job.

We hope this post has been useful to you. If you want to know more about this topic, also consult our complete content on.

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