Persuade and sell more: 13 tips to convince your audience.

One of the best ways to persuade your audience is to know them well. But beware! This is not the only way. Keep reading and check out our tips to persuade your audience and increase your sales!

It is very common that when you hear the word persuade, you immediately think of manipulation or deception.

If you enter the business world, this thought is strengthened, especially if we talk about the purchase relationship.

In that context, persuading takes on the notion of forcing someone to buy something even though they don’t need it.

However, have you ever thought that practically every purchase decision you’ve made to date was born from some kind of information that persuaded you to buy a product?

In this post, you will understand what persuasion is, and you will see 13 tips to use your power of persuasion to sell more.

Persuade vs deceive vs manipulate

To begin with, we must refute an objection immediately, because only then will you be able to read this text to the end and use the suggestions we give you to convince your audience.

Persuading is not the same as deceiving or manipulating. We will explain the differences so that everything is clear.

The art of persuasion is a public speaking technique used to get someone to believe what you are saying.

Put like that, it sounds a lot like manipulation, but the big difference is that when you use persuasion, you convince the person that they need something.

For example:

The teacher’s role is to persuade students to study if they want to achieve the goal of passing the final exam.

it is to induce someone to make a mistake or to lie to him.

If you sell a product that promises the buyer that they will learn to play a musical instrument in just 2 weeks, you are misleading them.

It is possible that someone with a gift for music could learn in such a short time, but we know that it is practically impossible for the average person to become an excellent musician so quickly.

Finally, manipulating is pressuring someone until the person acts or thinks in a way that is beneficial to you. It is as if you want to control what the other thinks or does to benefit you.

Notice the difference?

When you think about sales, be it for the , , email and even to talk with your potential clients, create persuasive arguments that positively influence people.

13 tips to persuade your audience

Understanding the difference between manipulation and persuasion is the first step in convincing the public to buy a product that you are promoting.

Now that you know the difference, you need to understand what you have to do to positively influence your audience.

Like any sales technique, persuasion can (and should) be developed. So, to help you create and use pitches that sell more, we’ve broken down these 13 tips:

1. Know your client well

Before thinking about the types of arguments you should use to persuade a person, it is important to understand the audience you want to reach.

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When you know your client well, you can define from the tone of language that you will use in your sales to the communication channels that you will use to reach your audience.

For it, . Understand who your ideal customer is and study everything that could be an objection or conversion point.

In this way, you will avoid arguments that could drive him away and you will be able to focus your efforts on speeches that will convince him that your product is the solution to all his problems.

2. Get the audience to sign a pledge with you

Have you ever noticed that people are more likely to buy a service or product after they’ve tried it for free for a while?

Believe it or not, that implies power of persuasion.

When you offer something to someone, and this person tries it and likes it, it is much easier to convince them later that they need it.

Let’s use an example to make it easier to understand.

Maybe you already know Spotify, the music application. Spotify offers several plans, including the Premium plan, a package you pay to listen to music without interruption from ads.

Of course, there is the possibility of never paying to use Spotify, but to show how ad-free the service is, they offer a free 30 days of the Premium plan for the public to try the paid services.

After using the Premium service, some people subconsciously feel compelled to purchase the service, not only because it’s really good, but as a thank you for the 1-month free trial.

That is, you can offer free content to your audience and, in return, suggest that they make a commitment to buy your product.

It is a very subtle way of persuading, but if done well it can give good results, especially in the .

3. Be empathic

The human being tends to agree with the people with whom he identifies or for whom he has some affinity.

When using arguments to persuade your potential clients, it is very important that you show that you feel empathy for the person with whom you are speaking.

Empathy is the ability to perceive and respect the feelings, thoughts and emotions of others, even if we do not feel or understand them.

Do you remember that the first suggestion was to know your customers well? This is great for empathy.

If you know the needs of your audience, you can think of better solutions to offer them.

Thus, you will be able to make your audience identify with your offer, notice that you not only know their needs, but also that you care about giving them effective solutions to their problems.

When choosing your arguments, always use the pronoun “we”. In this way, you will convey the feeling that you are involved and show that you understand their need.

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4. Avoid imposing your opinion

It sounds strange to say that you try not to voice your opinion when trying to persuade someone to increase your sales.

Actually, you can express what you think is best for each person, but you must do it without imposing yourself.

Be subtle in your arguments and show that the other’s opinion also matters.

In this way, you can even put into practice our previous suggestion, that of empathizing. After all, no one likes to feel like they’re being forced to think a certain way.

5. Personalize communication

This suggestion is very important, especially for those who send email marketing.

All communication with your audience should be personalized.

This does not mean that you should know each person by name, because that is impossible (especially if you have thousands of clients).

Currently, there are those that allow you to use the name of each person, to send them a personalized email.

This is very important because it makes your potential client feel that you want to approach him.

But, do not stay only in the names. You can go further by sending, for example, interesting material to each person, depending on where they are.

In this way, you will show that you are not only interested in selling, but also helping people, making what you know available to them.

6. Make the CTA obvious

Despite what we said about being subtle when it comes to persuading, when you are going to make a (CTA, according to its acronym in English), keep in mind that it should be as clear as possible, as well as easy to execute.

No one likes having to fill in a lot of fields to make a purchase or turn pages to finish reading an article.

You have to think of CTAs that do not require efforts from your customers, calls to actions that are executed practically automatically, without having to think much about what they are doing.

To do this, you must tell them exactly what they have to do. For example, “Look”, “Read”, “Buy”. In this way, they will not have doubts about what the next step is to take.

7. Use anticipation

Among the many persuasion techniques that exist, anticipation is one of the most used.

For example, when Apple is about to launch a new product and before it even exists, it starts talking about it and even doing pre-sales.

That is anticipation.

In the case of digital products, you can include a form that your potential customers can fill out to receive advance information about a product launch.

In this way, you will pique their interest and start to persuade them before the product goes on the market.

In addition, you can take advantage of this list to send interesting content and engage with your audience.

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8. Return favors

In addition to empathy, which we already talked about in tip number 3, reciprocity is very important.

Every time someone signs up for one of your lists or shows interest in your content, return the favor.

This will awaken in your audience a certain need to return the favor you did them and they can do it even by buying the product you offer.

Without a doubt, you will do this expecting some result, but remember not to think only of your business, and reward the actions of your public by giving them something truly useful.

9. Show your authority

The best way to build arguments to persuade is to talk about what you know.

When , you can make your point more clearly and have a better chance of convincing someone.

To sell more, it is important that you know your product very well. Only then will you be able to show your potential clients that what you have to offer them is truly the best solution on the market.

For example:

If you want about cooking, it is much easier to find sales arguments if you understand the benefits it can bring to those who buy it.

You don’t have to be a chef to promote this type of product, of course. But knowing a lot about cooking will help you plan stronger arguments.

Also, when you show your audience that you know what you are talking about, whenever someone needs something related to your area of ​​work, they will turn to you, because you will be a reference in your market.

10. Be confident

If you already know everything about the product you want to promote and about your field of action, you don’t have to be shy, right?

One of the principles of persuasion is to establish a communication with your potential clients to convince them of something.

If your goal is to sell a product that brings benefits to people, you must convey confidence. Only then will the public believe your arguments.

Imagine that you are in a store and want to buy a television. If the seller doesn’t give you confidence, you probably won’t want to buy.

The same goes for online sales. If you make a video to sell something, but don’t speak confidently, people watching you won’t feel confident enough to buy from you.

11. Eliminate the “no” from your arguments

Regardless of the resource you use to persuade your audience, be it ads or videos, you must eliminate the “no” from your vocabulary.

The human brain processes negative sentences more slowly. So, if you want a person to make a decision to…

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