PharmaMar shoots up in the stock market after the success of its anticovid against Ómicron

PharmaMar leads the rises in the Spanish stock market after publishing a scientific article that supports the efficacy against Covid of aplidine, its therapy in development against the pandemic. The pharmaceutical company has released the final results of the APLICOV-PC study (Phase I-II), advanced last May, and confirms what was already suspected then: there is antiviral activity.

After communicating the news, the price of the pharmaceutical company shot up from the beginning of the session. As of 10:00 in the morning, the share was valued at 58.9 euros, which implies a rise of more than 8.5%. The impulse, moreover, has a long way to go, since the drug still has results to contribute in new clinical trials.

. “According to the final data published in this article, the drug has been shown to have potent antiviral activity in all variants at very low concentrations (nanomolar) with a positive in vitro therapeutic index,” they say from the company. These studies have been directed by Adolfo García-Sastre, professor in the Department of Microbiology at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, in New York.

The scientific article reviews the data from the APLICOV-PC clinical trial, in which the safety of plitidepsin was demonstrated in patients with Covid who require hospital admission. The trial met the primary safety endpoint and showed clinical efficacy. In addition, the study brings together consistent evidence for a plitidepsin-mediated impact on viral load, inflammatory pathways, and normalization of lymphopenia.

Now, the company must focus its efforts on starting the last phase of clinical trials in order to bring the product to market. PharmaMar has been immersed in the recruitment of patients for some time in order to advance in development, but the Covid activity during last autumn was not very intense. Now the stage is ripe for finding volunteers.

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