Practical guide to Social Security: this is how the maternity and paternity benefit is requested

The Social Security magazine has collected in one of its latest articles the way in which the , which replaces and unifies maternity and paternity in a single modality. Specifically, there are three ways: electronically (with and without a digital certificate), by regular mail or in person.

How to apply for childbirth benefit

1. Online modality: this route has two mechanisms depending on whether you have a digital certificate or a username and password in Cl@ve

– If you have: the request is made through ( and from this link on the . The process is quick: fill in some information and attach the corresponding documentation.

– If you don’t have one: the procedure is similar, but more tedious because an authentication process has to be carried out. This is done through the platform.

2. Application by post: you can also download and fill out the application form and send it by regular mail to the Provincial Directorate of the INSS or the corresponding ISM, together with the rest of the documentation.

3. Application in person: you must submit the application and the rest of the documentation. Remember that you must make an appointment.

Documentation necessary for the benefit for the birth of a child

1. Application for the benefit.

2. Proof of identity of the parents (DNI, passport or NIE).

3. For employees: Company certificate stating the start date of the work break due to the birth and care of the minor. If this has already been sent by the company, it will not be necessary.

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4. Specific documents on the birth of a child:

– Maternity report issued by the Public Health Service.

– Family Book or certificate of registration in the Civil Registry of your child.

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