Recommended books 2020: updated list [opciones GRATIS]

There are people who say that they know others by their looks, by their eyes, by their friends, by so many things. But this time we will address another way of knowing people, through what they read.

The books that successful people read usually have to do with the idea of ​​success that you have.

If it is to have a lot of money, then you can look for suggestions of some books that millionaires read, but if your idea of ​​success is to have a family, you can look for recommended books for fathers and mothers who want to be the best.

Tell me what you read and I’ll tell you who you are! We don’t go that far, but we are going to suggest in this post some books that you can read so that you walk to success as a person.

For that we have searched and asked several people which books have positively marked their lives. Here our selection of recommended books:

1- “How to Win Friends and Influence People” by Dale Carnegie

This is a book that whenever I ask people about a book that has marked them, regardless of the person’s specialty, profession or trade, it comes out as a spontaneous response.

I do not mean that because it is read by many people, you should also read it, but it is certainly a book with very positive references.

The book deals with a topic that can be controversial. Imagine talking about influences, when we normally use that word in the negative sense. Only that the book works the influence from the positive, with practical advice on how you can be a better person and quality.

But beware! In no way is it a recipe or a step by step and that makes it more interesting, because it is the reader who takes advantage of the book to improve his life from his own experience.

2- “Off the charts: why some people are successful and others are not” by Malcolm Gladwell

This book brings us a reflection on success that can be applied to many contexts, even in daily life.

Part of the question of why some people are successful or not, but clearly we can ask why some people are happy and others are not, why some have money and others do not.

At the end of the day, the idea is that you fundamentally think about two things, the opportunities and your legacy, which are also the two parts of the book.

Regarding opportunities, the book offers suggestions to learn to appreciate and take advantage of them and clearly launches us into the future. When speaking of legacy, it seems that the emphasis is on the past, but in this case it is a past read from the future. The proposal is to think about the actions and steps that lead people to success.

This journey that Gladwell proposes is made more interesting by the examples of specific people and the way it shows where they come from and their success.

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Think, where will your success come from?

3- “Obvious Adams” by Robert R. Updegraff

This recommended book is available in many languages ​​and because it was published more than 60 years ago, it is not without its importance.

If you are looking for a short book recommendation, this is for you. In a few pages, this book brings us a golden lesson: the solution to problems can be right in front of your nose, it can be so, but so obvious, that many times because it is so, we cannot see it.

In the same way, people usually do not pay attention to the everyday and corriquero and precisely in those things may be the key to success.

You can read the book for free.

In fact, I’ll tell you a true and cortical story. , the leading digital products company, was born out of a problem. Its founder created an ebook on how to get traffic on the Internet, but he had no where and how to sell it.

That is why the idea arose of creating a complete platform with tools that would allow producers to sell their products, such as ebooks, online courses and podcasts in an easy, practical and safe way.

4- “In the heart of life” by Jetsunma Tenzin Palmo

This book has nothing to do with a religious guide, but with a reflection of what makes us happy and better people.

The writer is Jetsunma Tenzin, a Buddhist nun who shares her experience on the path of finding meaning in life through this Eastern wisdom.

This book is recommended by Mateus Bicalho, COO of , and the interesting thing is that the way to understand success in this book is totally counterintuitive:

We have this idea that if things happen the way we want and are pleasant and enjoyable, then it’s a good thing for us and shows our success. If things go wrong for us and are painful or difficult, we imagine it as a sign of our failure. We think that there is happiness in samsara. However, the Buddha said that samsara is unsatisfactory.

5- “Intuitive intelligence: why do we know the truth in two seconds?” by Malcolm Gladwell

This is another of Malcolm Gladwell’s books – and it’s not that there is a shortage of books on success and that is why we have suggested two by the same author; is that this book brings a slightly more scientific view of success.

So, if you are one of those who enjoy recommendations for more scientific and factual books that address the subject of mind and behavior and also focus on success, this book is for you.

The book delights us with ways to understand and enrich our abilities and intuition to process information and relate to other people.

6- “The remains of the day” by Kazuo Ishiguro

This book is a recommendation from Jeff Bezos, founder of Amazon. It is a novel by the British writer of Japanese origin Kazuo Ishiguro, and offers us a passage through the life of Steven, who is the main character of the text.

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Steven, who plays a butler, has to make a trip to hire a person and between vicissitudes and changes, the story brings us important lessons and a reflection that remains homework: will it have something to do with the history of Amazon?

7- “Play to win” by G. Lafley and R. Martin

This book is the favorite of Meg Whitman, CEO of HP, and unlike other examples, it brings us reflections that arose from a specific experience for which the authors were called: to recover a company.

In the book, they offer a vision of winning as a game, as an activity, and not as an end to be reached. In fact, this recommended book offers five concrete strategies:

  1. Define and specify the objectives: Where do you want to go?
  2. Define the playing field: Where are you going to play?
  3. Define the strategy: How are you going to win?
  4. Define Capabilities: What Must Have?
  5. Establish the resources: What is necessary?

In my opinion, the first one is the most important because it brings everyone face to face with their aspirations and what each one considers to win.

8- “The myth of charisma” by Olivia Fox Cabane

The first thing that catches your attention in this book that we recommend is the cover where a rooster with a peacock tail appears. But it is not because of the cover that we suggest it to you, it is because of the richness of the author in the way of explaining how charisma really works and how it can be cultivated.

Who recommends this book is Marissa Mayer, CEO of Yahoo. This book treats charisma as personal magnetism through funny stories

9- “The Wife Project” by Graeme Simsion

This book is also another novel on this list of recommended books, suggested by Bill Gates. In this case, the learning about success comes from an unusual 40-year-old character who decides to look for a wife.

Don is a scientist who has two projects, one that is the aforementioned to find a wife and the other is his father project, to discover the father of who helps him with his research.

His entrepreneurship is something out of the ordinary that shows us how these projects mix and, without going too far, shows us how our lives, personal, professional, academic, are more organic and connected than we think.

10- “The end of power: Companies That Sink, Military Defeats, Popes Who Resign and Impotent Governments” by Moisés Naím

It is one of the books recommended by Mark Zuckerberg, founder of Facebook. In this case, the book shows us a reflection of the current panorama.

The author shows us an x-ray of the current changes, a necessary reflection when thinking about what success we want and where we want to go.

11- “The Checklist effect: how to do things right” by Atul Gawande

This is a book recommended by the founder of , Jack Dorsey. In the work, which is more like an apology for efficiency, the author teaches the art of consistency in personal and professional life.

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If what you feel that does not let you walk to success are the difficulties in meeting your goals and what you consider, for any reason, this book may be special for you.

The book is inspired by the story of a boy who was rescued by a scientist through, basically, a check list.

And let’s be honest, from doctors to athletes use checklists to ensure that their activities are as successful as possible.

12- “The power of being vulnerable” by Brené Brown

Some place the book in the self-help section, but let’s be honest, what book does not help you to be a better person and, in the case of recommended books to achieve success, our own responsibility on that path is crucial.

The author, Brené Brown, is a researcher and professor at the University of Houston. She writes about topics having to do with fear, empathy, vulnerability, and courage.

In this sense, the book is a bet on a way to reflect on the feelings that may be hindering success and also those that can help you achieve it.

13- “Mindset: the attitude of success” by Carol Dweck

This book is essential when you have to deal with your own limits and ways of taking on a problem, as well as when you have to do it together with other people, because with it you can think about the ways to move from a linear mentality to one.

The book is part of an experience in an American university, where students who did not pass the course were graded “not yet”.

With this, the book brings a proposal to think about a type of mentality that feels stimulated by problems and complexity, as opposed to another that prefers to do only what it knows. In any of the cases, the change of mentality, according to the book, is possible and can be learned.

14- “The Map of Desire” by Danielle Laporte

When it comes to setting goals, but taking into account the affective dimension and defining what you really want, what is not part of you.

This is one of the recommended books on our list, because it proposes an inverse way to define goals, normally we define them first and then we establish the actions that we need to carry out to achieve them, but according to Laporte, the idea is to think first about what we want and how we want to feel, so that later we can face the goals with more satisfaction and resistance.

15- “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People” by Stephen R. Covey

This is another classic when we think…

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